Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 47 Fumanhai pays back the money

Chapter 47 Fumanhai pays back the money

Fu Yunlai was also a little scared. Hearing Liu Xiumei's suggestion, he nodded quickly.

After the two of them talked about this, they turned back to the cloth. Liu Xiumei said: "Although the red cloth is a little small, it is not a defective cloth."

"I remember that it was given to outstanding employees in the factory two years ago. They were very careful when using it, for fear of cutting too many jobs!"

"This kind of cloth is definitely better for wedding wear."

"As for the military green cloth... although it is also a defective cloth, it is better because it is larger. When making it, you can think of ways to avoid the defects."

"But if you want to do both, it probably won't be that easy."

After explaining the details of the fabric, Liu Xiumei asked: "Come on, do you want to go to Lanlan's house first?"

Let’s explain the situation clearly first. It would be better if we could change it directly tonight!
After all, there is no room for delay in work.

Especially in times like now!
Fu Yunlai nodded without hesitation. She went out and said hello to her brother and sister-in-law before pushing her bicycle out of the yard.

Lin family, seeing good luck coming again, Mother Lin immediately knew there was news.

This time, she did not listen alone, but asked her daughter to call her brother-in-law.

Soon, Lin Lan's uncle Lin Xiangfa came over.

Lin Xiangfa is 20 years old this year. He is fair-looking and has a peaceful personality.

Not only did he come here by himself, he also brought Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin.

After Fuyun came and explained the situation, the three people immediately started discussing.

Fu Yunlai looked at Uncle Lin, who was mostly listening to the two old men, and was quite surprised.

No wonder she had heard her friends mention this brother-in-law before, at most they were talking about how favored he was at home.

She was still thinking about why Uncle Lin suddenly became so capable.

Not only can you find out the news about your regular position on your own, but you can also plan well.

From the beginning to the end, Uncle Lin was responsible for hearing the news, and other plans were controlled by the two elders.

But according to what these three people said, Uncle Lin had to pay for the exchange.

Also... such a big family!
If the two elders really took care of everything, the Lin family would probably not be as peaceful as it is now.

Soon, the three of them had already discussed it.

Grandma Lin came forward and said to Fu Yunlai: "Come on, I'll ask your family to help inquire about this matter."

"We will go to your house first in the evening. Please help us lead the way."

As for what to change specifically, Grandma Lin didn't say yet.

Obviously, they also need time to prepare.

The purpose of Fu Yun Lai was to notify Uncle Lin in advance so that he could prepare things that could be exchanged early.

As for other matters, of course, we can wait until the two parties meet before talking about it.

Grandma Lin and the other three were obviously going to be busy, so after giving an explanation, they left directly.

Fuyunlai was not in a hurry to go home. He chatted with his friends for a long time, then looked at the time and quickly got on his bicycle and rushed home.

The brothers Fu Manjiang and Fu Jia were being ordered by Liu Xiumei to kill Loach.

The Xu family had raised the loach at home for several days, and the mud had already been spit out, so the Fu family could just put it into the pot tonight.

However, both the muddy smell and the slippery body were very unfavorable to Fu Manhai.He gritted his teeth and chopped off the loach's head with a knife, while complaining: "I don't know how much oil it costs to burn this thing!"

Fumanjiang listened helplessly.

At the same time, he also forgot to take the loach that Fu Manhai had beheaded and remove its internal organs. He had complained about this countless times.

Liu Xiumei was holding a few freshly replaced dried chili peppers. When she came back, she happened to hear this sentence and immediately said directly: "Why don't you ask your father-in-law to give you something else next time?"

"How is that possible?" Fu Manhai rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky.

Since their marriage, this can be regarded as the first time that his father-in-law has sent anything to his house!
I don’t know if it’s because Chunhua has a job, or because Chunhua sent home a small half-can of cans?
Thinking of the taste of the can, Fu Manhai felt panicked.

"It's worth eating. Why do you think so?" Liu Xiumei asked angrily.

"Of course I think it's difficult and expensive to do!" Fu Manhai replied confidently, and then regardless of his mother's ugly face, he added:
"Mom, Chunhua went back last night to pay back her family's money this month!"

"We calculated the remaining money I have now and plan to pay back your money as well."

Liu Xiumei glanced at the second child in surprise and asked, "Are we going to return the ones from our two families first? What about other people's families?"

"That's not true...repay everything!" Fu Manhai became more and more frustrated as he spoke. He couldn't help but glance at his elder brother as he spoke.

When he first borrowed the money, the first thing he thought of for the last 100 yuan or so was definitely his brother.

As for the father-in-law... It's not that Fu Manhai looked down on them. Judging from the little salary left by the couple, they definitely didn't have much left.

Sure enough, I borrowed a full 50 yuan from my eldest brother.

I went to my uncle's house, my uncle's house, my uncle's house, my uncle's house, my aunt's house... and after a series of visits, I finally borrowed enough money.

But this time Fu Manhai learned a lesson, and the two of them had already discussed the amount and time of repayment on the road.

The first thing to be repaid is naturally the families of both parents who have paid the bulk of the debt.

Then based on how much the other families borrowed, they also agreed to give some money as interest.

Don't tell me, if you open your mouth like this, the loan will basically be empty!
"Then do you still have money on you?" Liu Xiumei did not refuse, but asked with a bit of curiosity.

The expression on Fu Manhai's face froze for an instant, and he reluctantly nodded with the corners of his mouth pulled.

How dare he say that after paying back all the money, the couple only had a few dollars left.

Most of this money is still in Chunhua's hands.

As for the reason... Chunhua also said that she would explain how to spend the remaining money, and he had to explain how to spend the money in his hand.

After making so much money over the years, the couple eats and lives at home.

Even dressing and taking care of the children are subsidized by the two elders.

As a result, there was no money left...

Although Fu Manhai believed that he did not spend recklessly, it was also true that the calculation was unclear.

So no one can refute him!
Moreover, this time, Xu Chunhua was unexpectedly strong!
Liu Xiumei fell down and saw something was wrong on Fu Manhai's face, but she had no intention of getting to the bottom of it.

If the second daughter-in-law could take care of the second child, Liu Xiumei would only think it was a good thing.

When Fortune came back, she smelled an overbearing aroma coming from her kitchen.

The children in the yard were playing absent-mindedly, and the He family members who entered the first room also gathered in the second room to chat.

Seeing Fu Yunlai pushing the cart in, he immediately said: "Xiao Lai, what delicious food is your mother making? It's so delicious, how much oil and seasonings should be used?"

(End of this chapter)

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