
Fu Yunlai was stunned, but she had never thought about this situation, so she asked: "What is the maximum shelf life?"

The 'One Day Joy' on the opposite side thought about the word shelf life for a moment, and then said: "The longest is three months, the shortest is seven days!"

"Is it so short?" Fu Yunlai exclaimed.

Most of her impressions of medicines still remain in her previous life. At that time, whether Western medicines or Chinese patent medicines, the shelf life was definitely more than one year, and most of them were even about three years.

'One Day's Joy' was a little surprised by Fu Yunlai's reaction, but he still tried his best to explain: "If the medicine bottle is replaced and the seal is tighter, the storage time can be extended."

Fu Yunlai pondered for a moment and then said: "Then if we don't change our daily medication...Does Huanhuan have any suggestions?"

'One Day's Joy' was not surprised by the question of good fortune, and said: "If the environment you live in does not necessarily require daily medicine, you can replace it with health pills."

"The health-preserving pills here are divided into two prescriptions. One is universal and can be taken by anyone regardless of gender, as long as they are over 15 years old or under 50 years old."

"If your physical condition is normal, you can take three courses of treatment and you can be adjusted to a healthy level."

"What does normal physical condition mean?" Fu Yunlai was a little confused about this: "If there are still three courses of treatment, which three courses are they specifically?"

"Normal physical condition means that basic growth conditions such as height and weight have reached normal standards. And there has been no serious illness, weakness, or childbirth."

"The three courses of treatment refer to the three courses of conditioning, nourishing and strengthening." When 'One Day Happy' said this, he paused for a moment and explained more carefully:
"If all physical conditions are within the normal range, the first course of treatment is one pill a day and one course of treatment every seven days."

"The second course of treatment is one pill every three days, and the last course of treatment is one pill every seven days."

Fu Yunlai calculated secretly and asked, "Wouldn't it take nearly three months to complete the entire course of treatment?"

'One Day' was stunned for a moment, and he paused as he was about to bottle the freshly baked pills.

She asked a little cautiously: "This time... come on, how did you calculate it?"

"Condition for seven days, one pill a day, nourish for three days and one day, seven times a course of treatment, that's not 21 days? Consolidate one pill for seven days, seven times a course, then it will take more than a month!" Fu Yunlai replied while answering. While calculating.

There seems to be no problem!
"Okay... I didn't make it clear! The normal condition of the body is a course of treatment for seven days, each course of treatment is seven days, and the first course of treatment is one pill a day. The second course of treatment is also seven days, one pill every three days. The last course of treatment is also the same. Seven days...you only need one pill in total!" 'One Day of Joy' explained it carefully like a serial gun.

She even wanted to go back and review the conversation between the two. How did such a misunderstanding arise?

Fu Yun Lai suddenly realized it, and was quite embarrassed.

But before she could respond, the next sentence from 'One Day's Love' came: "But come on, your answer doesn't count as a question."

"If a woman has given birth, she really needs to follow the seven courses of treatment you mentioned."

"So, have you made up your mind? Should you continue to switch to daily medication, or should you switch to health pills?"

There is basically no need to hesitate about this question. Fu Yunlai asked directly: "If I change the health pill... what is the longest shelf life?"

"Three months!" Yi Yihuan replied: "The medicines for the three courses of treatment will be packed separately according to the course of treatment."

"Then, if these medicinal materials of mine...are replaced with nourishing pills, how much can they be exchanged for?"

"If your physical condition is normal, I can give you enough for two people." Yihuan calculated carefully and responded: "After all, this is our first exchange! Although the type and quantity of your medicinal materials are slightly insufficient, it's okay. This health pill happens to be what I’m good at.”

"But if there is frailty, old injuries, or childbirth, normally, adjustments can be made based on the actual situation."

"But in our situation...but if you are weak, have old injuries, or have given birth, it is not an illness. In fact, strengthening the medicine is enough."

"If there are special circumstances... then you may have to explain it to me!" "Also, although the prescription is universal, the effects after taking it are not consistent."

"Depending on the physical condition of the user, the final physical changes may vary greatly."

“But in general, it’s completely consistent in nourishing the body!”

"We...may have more transactions in the future! If you really need something for the weak, old injuries, or childbearing this time...I can reluctantly give it to you for two people!"

"But you have to make up for it in the future!"

Fu Yunlai was very touched. It was the first time she contacted her, but the other party answered her questions in such detail and even gave her a discount.

After thinking for a while, she asked: "Then if the childbirth takes a long time...for example, there are five children in total, the oldest is nearly 30 years old, and the youngest is two or three years shy of 20 years old. The same situation applies to seven children. Another course of treatment?”

"That's no problem. The childbirth and nursing care are actually not much different! Unless you are sick, or accompanied by weakness or a serious illness." 'One Day Happy' replied affirmatively.

"Okay, please Huanhuan, please give me a delivery, and the amount of a person with normal physical condition is ready!" After Fuyun came to confirm, he asked again: "Huanhuan, I want to ask... if this happens again in the future Can I exchange the medicinal materials with you for health-preserving pills?"

"Of course!" 'Yi Huan' looked at the system backpack. She had stocked up on a lot of various pills, among which health pills were the most stocked.

Of course, it’s not that there is no market for this thing.

On the contrary, it was because this item sold the most, so she had to stock it for a long time.

After searching for a long time, I found the right one. 'One Day's Joy' was counting the blessings while handing them out.

She had only taken part of the time to do this recently as she just gave birth. When I saw it just now, there was not much. She probably had to stock up on some more pills today.

After getting the medicine, Fu Yunlai took a deep breath and gave the big bamboo shoot to 'One Day Happy'.

Seeing the message from Fu Yun Lai, 'One Day's Joy' was slightly stunned.

Even though she doesn't have cooking skills, she can still find other people to process the materials if she has them.

But to be honest, since she got this system, she has done countless transactions, and this is the first time that someone has prepared a gift specifically for her.

With a rare sense of joy, 'One Day Happy' specially taught Fuyunlai how to set special attention.

In this way, as long as they speak in the trading area, the other party will be reminded.

After the happy transaction, Fu Yunlai was not in a hurry to leave.

She looked at her backpack and found that the medicine was actually packed in wooden boxes. There were two wooden boxes, one large and one small. As soon as she entered the backpack, they automatically occupied two spaces.

Fu Yunlai subconsciously looked around to make sure no one was there, then took out the two wooden boxes from his backpack.

Fortunately, the wooden box is very simple. Not only does it have no patterns, it doesn't even have a layer of varnish.

Fu Yunlai didn't recognize the difference in wood and didn't pay much attention.

She opened the smaller wooden box directly and saw three wooden bottles of different sizes in the wooden box.

Fu Yunlai opened the largest wooden bottle and took a look, and found that it contained seven round pills.

(End of this chapter)

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