Chapter 73 Success
When she put on the cloth rope and tried the feeling of tying it, the system suddenly responded: "Task 1: Successfully completed a finished product (daily continuous task) - can be submitted. Completion: Experience* 1, money*1, reward seasoning*[-].”

A line of words flashed by and then disappeared, obviously it had been submitted automatically.

Fu Yunlai breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile when he looked at the ugly and awkward haircut on his hand.

Fortunately, she still tried her best to complete it, otherwise she would have really misunderstood the system!

At this time, the bell rang outside. Fu Yunlai thought about it and put the ugly hair into the system backpack first.

She would have to dismantle this thing sooner or later, otherwise it would be a black history if it were kept.

Early the next morning, Fu Yunlai was still smiling when she entered the workshop. Zuo Cuifang, who came a step ahead of her, gave her the things in her hands and said with a smile: "Is this a good thing? Are you so happy?"

Feeling the hard shell in his hand, Fu Yunlai reluctantly pushed it away: "Auntie, I've already had breakfast, I really don't need it!"

"If I give it to you, just take it. Look at your small body, you still don't have to replenish it!" Zuo Cuifang didn't give her a chance to refuse at all. After saying that, she started to work neatly. .

When she came back from her parents' home last night, she heard that the child had a vacation and even sent a big bamboo shoot to his family!
Fu Yunlai had no choice but to hide the eggs in the bag and start working.

Compared with the busyness of the master and apprentices in Fuyunlai, even if they are in the same team, there will always be some people who have no work on the first morning of work!
How to get materials and how to work is also a matter that requires wisdom.

If you receive too much and have too much left over, no one else can do it, and the team leader and deputy team leader will allocate it again.

I received too little. Not to mention today, even the day before the holiday, I could play for half an hour.

Although piece-based wages are not popular in factories now, it doesn’t seem to make a difference even if you do more and less!

But since several workshops that allow piecework have changed the criteria for selecting outstanding employees, this matter has become something that everyone must plan for.

But those who are smart may start planning from the moment they pick up the materials on Monday, while those who are not flexible enough may plan until the last day.

Either I arrived late, or I didn't expect it, and I would end up sitting around like this eight times out of ten.

What Fu Yunlai admires the most is her master. Ever since she followed her master, Zuo Cuifang has never made a mistake in calculation.

After hurriedly working for a long time, the new materials were brought back, and Fu Yunlai took the opportunity to get on the sewing machine.

Zuo Cuifang did not continue to watch. She took the shoe uppers she had just turned to the high-needle car.

There was no free time there this morning, so if you are lucky enough to come and go, you will definitely not be able to wait in line!

For the rest of the day, both the master and the disciple were busy, and even Du Daidi, who was standing aside, had no time to pay more attention to the two of them.

Now, the Chinese New Year is only a few months away. If she doesn't work hard, she won't be an outstanding employee this year.

Then how many years and months will it take for her to take on a disciple?
Fortunately, those who lead apprentices are separated from others who count outstanding employees, otherwise Du Daidi would not even have the idea to try his best.

After a busy day without stopping, Fu Yunlai was still a little overwhelmed when he returned to the dormitory after cleaning up.

She took a short rest, checked that no one was in the dormitory, and then got busy.

First of all, the patches from yesterday were made into head flowers one by one.

This time, Fuyun came up with a trick. The cloth strap was not remade. Every time a new head flower was made, the cloth strap was taken out and re-threaded on the new head flower.

Maybe the system just wanted to practice Fu Yunlai's skills and didn't care about her trickery.

After a dozen patches were used up, Fu Yunlai also got what she wanted most: twelve-color coils +3.

With this thing, Fuyunlai's next plan can continue.

The dormitory building was already bustling inside and outside. Even in their dormitory, there were already people coming and going.

It's just that Fu Yunlai has been messing with the rags for the past two nights, so no one pays attention to it.After thinking about it, Fu Yunlai was not in a hurry to take out these ugly hair flowers. She planned to use up the remaining old clothes and then mess with them.

But today is obviously not a good time!
Speaking of which, Fu Yunlai was quite unsure about making clothes.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but take out her notebook again, which carefully recorded the patterns and data of the clothes she disassembled last night.

Of course... this data is determined by the reference object.

This time too, she was not prepared enough and did not expect that she would need measuring tools.

But it was scissors. Fu Yun came to his second sister-in-law to borrow them.

She didn't dare to think about the big pair of scissors at home. If her mother hadn't been notified and she was caught stealing it again...

After putting things away, Fu Yunlai took the book and started reading.

Although she had just graduated from high school, she was quite serious when she went to school, and the knowledge was still solid in her mind. But Fu Yunlai had already made up her mind as early as when she traveled across time - in the first year of resuming the college entrance examination, She must catch up.

After all, she was a college student in her previous life!

You can't travel through time and still live worse than the previous one.

She was lucky enough to be born into a very ordinary family in her previous life. When she was in high school, her family also experienced great changes.

For this reason, she relied on student loans to pay for her college tuition.

It can be said that the obsession of going to college is not only her own, but also the pursuit of her parents in her previous life.

After she truly entered society, Fuyunlai understood that this might be the most basic protection her parents thought they could give her.

After all, this society is really cruel sometimes.

Even if you have enough experience or ability, if you lack the stepping stone of a diploma, you may lose many opportunities.

Of course, there are also people who can become executives and bosses without going to college!
However, without knowing what the future will hold, this is probably the greatest guarantee that parents can insist on giving.

After traveling to this era, Fuyunlai is older than her parents.

She naturally also knows that for this generation, college diplomas are still in the minority.

But she also made up her mind early on: no matter what the situation, no matter what the future holds, she must at least once again have the capital that her parents most want her to have.

Fu Yunlai is a person who can calm down. Even if it is a textbook that he has studied carefully, he will be addicted to it unknowingly when he reads it again, until the bell to remind him to take a break rings.

She raised her head and realized that most people in the dormitory had already packed up.

Fu Yunlai also quickly put away his books, climbed out of bed, and prepared to go to the toilet.

If there is anything bad about this era...the toilets must be at the top of the list.

Not only is the quantity small, whether it is at home or in a dormitory, they all have to go downstairs or outside the yard. the era before automatic flushing, hygiene was still worrisome no matter how good it was!

In addition, there are also things that address hygiene.

As a city dweller, I wouldn't necessarily use leaves and sticks... But that kind of yellow paper with particularly poor quality, Fu Yunlai remembers that it seemed to be called fire paper when she was a child in her previous life?
It is specially used for worshiping gods!

(End of this chapter)

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