System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 24 The Wind and Clouds Are Rising

Chapter 24 The Wind and Clouds Are Rising (3)

The galloping horses kicked up dust on the galloping road.

The civilians on both sides of the road looked at the retreating sergeant's back with unconcealable worry in their eyes.

"This is the third wave on Chidao today..."

"I heard that the Qin people are going to capture Shangdang. Are they going to start a war with us?"

"How can the Zhao people be afraid of that tiger and wolf army? If they dare to invade, we will attack Xianyang!"

"We are all Zhou people, why should we fight against each other? The best policy is not to fight."

Black Dolphin put the common people's comments behind him and looked firmly toward the end of Chi Road, where Handan was.

In Handan City, there was a bustle of people, and the sounds of hawking came and went.

There are mulberry trees in front of the well-ordered houses. Under the shade of the trees are small vendors, surrounded by a group of women, selecting goods.

The roads were crowded and it was difficult to move on horseback.

Black Dolphin had to get off his horse, squeezed through the bustling crowd with his strong body, and led the horse towards the building.

"Who is he? Do you have a greeting card?" The janitor of the building looked up and down at the black pig. He was dusty, wearing coarse hemp straw sandals, and didn't even have a jade pendant around his waist. Could he be here to enjoy the autumn breeze?

Heidu's voice was like thunder: "I'm looking for Mao Ying. Go and tell him that an old man is visiting."

Mao Ying?

The boy's eyes changed, and his straight back suddenly bent: "Mr. Sir, please wait a moment, I will go and report it quickly."

After a while, Mao Ying, dressed in brocade clothes, staggered to the door, held Hei Dou's hands, with tears in her eyes: "Hei Dou, but did the lady have any orders?"

Black Dolphin lowered his voice: "Find a quiet place and elaborate further."

Mao Ying brought the black pig into her courtyard, waved it around, and stared at the black pig with burning eyes.

Black Dolphin looked around without leaving any trace, but did not speak.

Mao Ying understood and took the lead in telling what happened after Handan.

"With the protection of Mo Xia, our journey back to Handan was safe and sound. Envoy Lou kept his promise and introduced Lou Chang and Lord Pingyang Zhao Bao to me as soon as we entered Handan."

Heidou kept looking at Mao Ying's expression, and seeing that it didn't look like he was faking it, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Have you successfully established a connection?"

Mao Ying showed a sarcastic smile: "Lou Chang is greedy. I gave him the method of making pens, and he treated me like a brother."

Black Dolphin pursed his lips and said tentatively: "The method of making the pen is the result of your many years of hard work. You can get thousands of gold just by selling your son. Isn't it a pity that you give it to Lou Chang for free now?"

Mao Ying smiled, with understanding in her eyes: "It's understandable that Heidu doubts me. The rich clothes, the delicacies from the mountains and the sea, everyone praises them, it is really intoxicating. However, Ying has been wandering for half her life, and she has only the appearance of a female monarch. Do not hesitate to trust me and recruit me. A scholar will die for his confidant!"

Heidu bowed: "Ying Gao is a man of integrity! It's a matter of great importance, I hope you will understand."

Mao Ying approached the black dolphin and asked in a low voice: "What are your orders from the queen?"

Before Black Dolphin could open his mouth, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door.

"Uncle! But someone from the past is visiting?" Mao Xue ran over anxiously, causing the maid who was with him to exclaim worriedly.

Mao Ying stood up suddenly and yelled: "Stop running around! Slow down!"

Mao Xue opened the door and gasped: "Uncle! Meet your uncle!"

Mao Xue saw the sitting black dolphin at a glance. Her bright black eyes glanced at him inadvertently, showing a hint of disappointment.

"Please step aside and wait outside the courtyard." Mao Xue ordered her servants to retreat, and sat down with Mao Ying's help.

Heidu saw Mao Xue's bulging belly and didn't know where to start.

Mao Xue smiled with relief: "This child belongs to Lou Sheng. He has been married for many years and has many wives and concubines, but he has no heirs. Thanks to the child in his belly, I now love him in the backyard, and he is deeply trusted by Lou Sheng."

Heidou thought of Xun Shuang, who cried secretly when he chopped down the flowers and plants in Bald Nujun's courtyard that night, and didn't know how to answer the question.

On the contrary, it was Mao Xue who secretly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes under the pretense of arranging her broken hair: "Lou Sheng obeys my advice, and my uncle is very respected by Lou Chang. As for Pingyang Lord Zhao Bao, although we have friendship, we can't say that we have control." Mao Xue looked ashamed, feeling that she had failed the queen's trust.

Black Dolphin drank a bowl of warm water and his throat was no longer dry and painful: "The girl did a good job. If the lady knows about it, she will be happy."

Mao Xue was encouraged and her eyes brightened: "Why did uncle come to Handan this time?"

Black Dolphin said softly: "The female monarch has an order. If South Korea offers the party to Zhao, remember to stop it! Don't let the King of Zhao agree to accept it and become the enemy of Qin."


After explaining the matter, Heidou refused Mao Ying's stay, but came to Hu Feizi's house without stopping.

Hu Feizi is Qi Mo's invisible leader, but he has never been recognized and reused by the top leaders of various countries.

Qi Mo did not agree with Chu Mo's righteousness of killing atrocities, nor did he agree with Qin Mo's idea of ​​ending wars with war, but hoped to achieve universal love by relying on people's self-discipline.

Therefore, Qi Mo and Chu Mo dislike each other.

When Hu Feizi saw Hei Dou coming to the door, he didn't show any expression, but he still said unforgivingly: "What kind of wind is blowing today to bring you here?"

Black Dolphin helped himself to food and drink without anyone noticing. After washing himself, he talked about business with Hu Feizi: "I found Juzi."

Hu Feizi made a move, and Mo divided the three families for nearly a hundred years. This was the first time Juzi appeared: "Who is Juzi and where is he?"

Black Dolphin calmly said: "Many Yu is no more than ten years old. She is the daughter of Lin Xiangru and a follower of Lian Po. Now she is planting mulberry trees in Lian Po's fiefdom. There are farmers such as Xu Xing who have taken refuge under her command."

"Chu Mo?"

"I'm just following Juzi's orders."

Hu Feizi's mind was running at high speed. The Mohist family was a highly centralized organization, and Juzi was the top being.

However, it is really difficult for Qi Mo to recognize a girl as his master.

But the Mohist rules cannot be violated.If Qi Mo doesn't recognize Ju Zi, the Mo family will have to fight within themselves.

"Let's talk about Juzi in more detail." Hu Feizi took a deep breath and sat down opposite Heidou.

"The female queen teaches farming, loves the people, lives a simple life, rewards those who have merit, and punishes those who are guilty. The people in the fief love her very much."

Hu Feizi's eyes lit up and his heart beat like a drum.

Black Dolphin once again revealed some news: "Nvjun and Qin Zhengzi Zhao Zheng were childhood sweethearts."

"The lady wants to..."

Black Dolphin nodded heavily: "I believe that the female monarch has great ambitions."

Hu Feizi's face was flushed and his breathing was rapid.

Heidou continued: "What are you still hesitating about? You place your hopes on the monarch. Now, Juzi has what she can do. As long as we help her ascend to a high position, the future will be promising."

Hu Feizi slapped the table: "Shan! We recognize this rich man! If you have anything to say, just tell him."

"The female monarch believes that if Qin attacks the party, South Korea may cause trouble to the east."

Hu Feizi frowned: "King Huanhui of Han surrendered to the Qin State and the crisis could be solved. Why divert trouble to the east?"

"The female queen said that Jin Zhong, the governor of Shangdang County, has a stubborn temperament and will definitely refuse to obey King Han Huanhui's order to surrender, but will fight to the end."

Hu Feizi: "So King Huanhui of Han will change the prefect!"

Black Dolphin nodded in agreement: "Nvjun predicts that Feng Ting will most likely be replaced. Feng Ting is full of wit and the best at taking advantage of opportunities. If South Korea is like a sunken ship, how can he stay on the ship with peace of mind?"

"Why doesn't Feng Ting dedicate Shangdang to Qin?"

Black Dolphin sighed: "I also asked Nu Jun this question that day."

"What did the lady say?"

(End of this chapter)

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