After Yin Ling finished sweeping the snow and returned to the yard, her grandma had already prepared the meal.

Hot chicken soup and green vegetable noodles are a delicious and warm bowl to eat in the winter morning.

Soon, Yin Ling hadn't even eaten a bowl of rice and the messages on her phone were exploding.

First of all, there is the family group. My uncles are not too far away in the next province and it is snowing. They are all in the group saying good morning greetings and asking Yin Ling about their family situation.

Without saying a word, Yin Ling sent the photo of the snow-white ground taken before clearing the snow to the group, which was clearly visible at a glance.

Then there was the group of high school classmates who were newly added last night. Different snow scenes were thrown into the group. There were also students from other provinces in the south who expressed surprise when they saw snow.

The old class sent a photo of students playing and clearing snow on the road on the playground. Although it is work, it is also a paradise for the students.

Yin Ling opened Weibo and saw that the hot search had come up. This was incredible. Many cities in the north but not in the north were rushing to get out of the snow. Many netizens were posting beautiful pictures of snow scenes online.

No matter when it snows, it is always beautiful.

However, Yin Ling had a bad feeling.

Due to the impassable roads, the original plan to go to the town to do some shopping had to be put on hold. After breakfast, Yin Ling had to walk through the snow to the largest supermarket in the east of the village to buy something. She didn't let her go because the snow was too thick and it was inconvenient.

Along the way, you can tell who is home by whether the snow in front of each house has been cleared.

It's amazing. People in rural areas don't like to sleep in. It may have something to do with going to bed early, but most of them are diligent and have an eye for work. Therefore, if the snow is not cleared at the door, it must be because there is no one at home.

There were no people or cars on the road. Fortunately, she had a supermarket group at the east end of the village. Before going out, she asked the boss in the group and found out that it was already open for business.

There are three houses in the front for selling goods, a courtyard in the middle, and a small three-story building at the back for people to live in. It is very comfortable and convenient for the shop owner to commute to get off work at any time.

"Good morning, boss. Have you eaten?"

Yin Ling familiarly greeted the middle-aged uncle who was opening the business. She came here to hang out when she had nothing to do. The entrance to the supermarket was a place where everyone often gathered to gossip. Yin Ling also liked to buy a bag of potato chips and sit there to listen to family gossip. It was very interesting. It's like going back to my childhood.

"Have you eaten? The snow keeps falling and you don't know when it will stop?"

The boss watched Yin Ling take the shopping basket and start buying things while chatting with her.

"Yeah, this road won't be open for a while, and I don't have much to eat at home, so I'll buy some."

I bought ten packs of dried noodles, twenty packs of different mustards, ten packs of ham sausage, five packs each of salt and white sugar, ten packs of quick-frozen glutinous rice balls, and another box. I also bought some rice pudding, toothpicks, disposable masks, gloves, and garbage bags.

After paying the bill, Yin Ling braved the wind and snow to go back and found that the snow had gotten heavier again. There were still no people on the road. The grandparents who used to sit in the doorway in a daze after eating also closed the doors and stayed at home to keep warm.

After returning home, Yin Ling chopped off the snow on his body and was welcomed into the door by his grandma, dressed in air-conditioning.

"It's frozen. Drink some ginger soup quickly. I told you to buy it in two days. There is still so much food at home."

Grandma said while handing over a bowl of ginger soup.

"Isn't this just the time to go out and have a look? Look, grandma, if I don't go out today, I might not be able to go out tomorrow." Yin Ling said, pointing to the gloomy weather and the heavier snow.When grandma heard this, she looked up at the sky with a sad look on her face, always thinking about bad things.

Looking at the heavy snow, Yin Ling couldn't help but think of those natural disasters in another world. Maybe in the eyes of many people, this was just a rare cold air that happened in hundreds of years, and it might have passed in a week and a half.

But Yin Ling felt that this was just the beginning.

What is the cause of this mutated weather?
Thinking of her soul traveling to the Blue Star in another world, and thinking about the dead fellow she met in the other world, whether there are more people traveling between the two worlds, and whether there is any connection between the two worlds.

Thinking of this, Yin Ling drank the ginger soup in one gulp, turned on her phone and started searching for the novel she had read before. Although her phone was updated, the account records were still there.

Grandma didn't say anything when she saw that she was playing with her mobile phone again. She just started sorting out the things Yin Ling bought and started to put them away.

The novel was still there and she should have thought of reading it!
10 minutes later...

10 minutes later...

Yin Ling silently exited the reading app. It was just an ordinary apocalyptic time travel novel. It was completely different from the background of her manager. She misunderstood it at the beginning because of a familiar name. How could there be any novel world? The male and female protagonists are completely different!
Somewhat discouraged, Yin Ling turned off her cell phone and went back to the house to change into a set of plush pajamas. They were soft and warm, much more comfortable than a down jacket.

At noon, she stewed winter melon and pork ribs soup with some sweet potato starch. Yin Ling ate two bowls before stopping. In the afternoon, she cleaned the snow in the yard, built two big snowmen, and made eyes with grandma’s buttons and carrots. and nose, one on the left and one on the right, standing at the door of the hall, like two guards.

The next day, when I opened the door to the main room, the snow covered Yin Ling's calves again. When I opened the door, it was already up to my knees. There were long and short ice skates hanging under the eaves.

Sighing, Yin Ling took out her cell phone, took a photo and walked among the family. She checked the temperature and saw it was minus twelve degrees, which had dropped again. She then closed the door and started clearing the snow in the yard.

Grandma had also gotten up and was standing at the door of the main room, wrapped thickly, looking at the sky. Upon seeing this, Yin Ling quickly helped her to the kitchen.

There is no water.

The tap water generator that grandma had wrapped tightly in a worn-out cotton-padded jacket was frozen and could not be used. The two buckets of water she received last night were also frozen, but they were not frozen solidly. There was ice ballast that continued to freeze inside. son.

The firewood was a little damp, so I stopped making a fire. My grandma didn't like to use the gas stove, so she cooked rice porridge in the rice cooker, boiled a few leftover steamed buns, and got some pickled mustard for breakfast.

The number of snowmen in the yard changed from two to four, two at the door and two standing against the wall.

The rest of the snow was piled high by Yin Ling in the aisle between the yard and the kitchen.

After breakfast, Yin Ling went up to the second floor and started exercising in an empty room on the second floor. He used some sports equipment that he had bought by express delivery.

First fully stretch, then run for half an hour, and then pick up the wooden sword in the corner and start practicing.

Although this body has not been exercised much, after two baptisms of her spiritual liquid, it has got rid of the previous weakness of being unable to resist the shoulders and lift the hands.

After taking the latest drop of spiritual liquid last night, Yin Ling felt that she could run a full marathon. Now when she exercises, she is as light as a swallow and has infinite strength. Now if someone dares to mess with her when she goes out, she can give the opponent a solid lesson with her backhand.

Yin Ling's confidence is now visible to the naked eye.

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