Su Fuqing went to find Ai Xiaonian first.

Seeing Su Xiaochen holding Su Fuqing's thigh, Ai Xiaonian asked with confusion, "Why did you bring him here?"

He heard Su Fuqing say that she had a cheap brother in the dungeon.

Su Fuqing is never stingy with teammates who sincerely cooperate.Coaxing Su Xiaochen to go play in the mud by herself, she told Ai Xiaonian what happened last night in detail from beginning to end.

"They are so vicious. Fortunately, you were prepared, otherwise you might be like Xiaokui and those girls..." Ai Xiaonian was still a little scared.

Those girls who were born and raised in the village, as well as Xiaokui who died on the first night, may have been killed by their so-called "family" in their sleep.

"Their acting skills were so bad, they almost showed their ulterior motives and bad intentions on their faces." Su Fuqing made no secret of her contempt for Li Mei and Su Shan.

"But it was a blessing in disguise. I pried a lot of things out of Su Shan's mouth." She added.

Ai Xiaonian said: "I will try this afternoon to see if I can see what the 'Mountain God' is."

Su Fuqing nodded, but felt that there was not much hope in her heart.

"How was your place last night?" she asked.

Ai Xiaonian said: "I asked my 'parents' what you said about the Cheng family and the Liu family. It's similar to what you heard. What they said was that Cheng Yuexiang ran away on his own. However, I feel that the eldest son of the Liu family Death seems weird."

Su Fuqing: "What's weird?"

Ai Xiaonian added: "When my 'father' mentioned him, there was fear and fear in his eyes."

What is he afraid of?

Su Fuqing kicked the stones on the ground and said thoughtfully: "We all know that Cheng Yuexiang ran away and died. Could it be that the death of the Liu family's eldest son is related to Cheng Yuexiang?"

Ai Xiaonian's pupils narrowed: "You mean... Cheng Yuexiang came back after death to seek revenge on the eldest son of the Liu family?"

Su Fuqing added: "I also suspect that Cheng Yuexiang's death is related to the eldest son of the Liu family."

Even the rest of the Liu family and the Cheng family cannot escape suspicion.He is not the mastermind, but he may be an accomplice or an insider.

[If Su Fuqing’s guess is correct, Cheng Yuexiang did a great job. ]
[But why did the eldest son of the Liu family want to kill Cheng Yuexiang? If he killed him, he would lose his wife. ]
[Possibly manslaughter. ]
[Maybe he just wanted to teach Cheng Yuexiang a "lesson." ]
[It is difficult to notice the affairs of the Cheng family and the Liu family, but it seems not difficult to check. ]
[And it’s much safer than the mountain god’s place. ]
[If they can find out this secret, they might be able to leave the dungeon early. ]
[It would be great. ]
Ai Xiaonian and the audience thought of one thing: "The affairs of the Cheng family and the Liu family seem to be simpler, and not so dangerous."

Su Fuqing reminded: "Cheng Yuexiang still needs to be careful, she may be more hostile to men."

Ai Xiaonian suddenly thought that the eldest son of the Liu family drowned in the paddy field and Guo Guang's body turned into a giant temple. Then...

"Could Guo Guang's death be caused by Cheng Yuexiang?" he blurted out.

Before Su Fuqing had time to say this, Ai Xiaonian guessed it himself.

She affirmed: "So you have to be careful."

"Xiaonian! Ai Xiaonian!"

The shouts reached the backyard of Su Fuqing's house.

"My 'family' is calling me." Ai Xiaonian looked helpless.

Two men died one after another in the village yesterday. His "family members" warned him not to go out and wanted to lock him in their house.

Su Fuqing said: "You go back and take a look first, and I will come back to you when I have something to do."

Ai Xiaonian took out a small paper cup and gave it to Su Fuqing.

"What is this? A prop?" Su Fuqing turned the paper cup over and looked at it. There was a small piece of rope attached to the bottom, a bit like a microphone used by children to play house.Ai Xiaonian explained: "This is a one-time communication tool. If you can't get away before implementing the plan, just use it to notify me."

He wanted to give it to Su Fuqing yesterday, but he didn't have it with him at the time.

"Thank you then." Su Fuqing accepted the paper cup calmly without being shy.

She might indeed need it.

Ai Xiaonian added: "Just talk to the mouth of the cup when using it."

The voices calling "Ai Xiaonian" outside became more and more urgent, so he hurried out.

"Let's go back first." Su Fuqing carried Su Xiaochen back "home". Li Mei was no longer there, and Su Xiaohua didn't know where she had gone.

Su Fuqing didn't pay much attention, she was going to——

Sit back and wait for the rabbit.

Yesterday she "accidentally" told Zeng Qi her home address. If Zeng Qi still had evil intentions, she would definitely come to her door today.

However, it was not Zeng Qi who was waiting for Su Fuqing first, but Ji Qing.

[Who is this person? He looks familiar. ]
[That teacher on the first day. ]
[What is he here for? ]
[It seems that I said I would visit my home. ]
Su Fuqing was a little confused, and it took her a while to remember that this was her "homeroom teacher."

"Classmate Su Xiaocao, won't you invite me to come in and sit down?" Ji Qing looked at Su Fuqing blocking the door and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

So, this was a random home visit to her "home".

Su Fuqing felt guilty.

The books she brought back were lost somewhere, and the transcript she wanted to sign wasn't even brought back.

"Teacher, my parents are not at home." Su Fuqing tried to struggle.

Ji Qing still had a smile on his face: "It doesn't matter, the teacher can wait. Or, the teacher can talk to you."

Su Fuqing was considering whether to shut Ji Qing out directly.

However, since the copy has arranged a home visit by the head teacher, there might be some clues.

Su Fuqing finally invited Ji Qing in.

When Ji Qing walked in and sat down, the first thing he asked Su Fuqing was: "Have you shown your parents the report card?"

Su Fuqing was stunned for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he saw Su Xiaochen playing with Su Xiaohua, and the plan came from his heart.

She lowered her head and hesitated for a while before saying, "Teacher, my brother accidentally tore the report card."

[Laughing to death, Su Xiaochen is sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky. ]
[And he still takes the blame in person. ]
[Bullying Xiaochen’s younger brother can’t speak, right? ]
[Su Xiaochen: I didn’t offend anyone. ]
[I couldn’t finish my summer homework before, so that’s what I told my teacher. ]
Ji Qing raised his eyebrows, not sure whether he believed Su Fuqing's words, but he didn't mention the report card anymore.

"The teacher is very relieved about your results..." He talked about a lot of study matters.

Su Fuqing all responded with a yes.

"Teacher, I've talked too much and I'm thirsty. Let me get you a glass of water." Seeing that Ji Qing became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, she quickly found a reason to interrupt him for a while.

Ji Qing said in shock: "Why, does Mr. Su dislike the teacher for talking too much?"

of course.

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