After hearing Du Xinghua's words, the old man of the Liu family was obviously a little guilty, his eyes wandering wildly.

After a while, he said: "My eldest son is dead, what's the use of bringing her back? She still needs to open her mouth to eat."

"You old couple can't go out to work, and your family has basically no income. If you can find your daughter-in-law and let her go out to work, your family will have money." Du Xinghua looked like he was thinking about the Liu family.

Su Fuqing added fuel to the fire: "What a great idea. Sir, why don't we go to the police for you?"

The old man of the Liu family waved his hand: "How can it be possible to find her after so many years? Even if she is really found, she can run away at any time with two legs. In the end, all the efforts will be in vain."

"Technology is very advanced now..."

Du Xinghua and Su Fuqing were still trying to persuade them, but the old man of the Liu family wouldn't let go anyway.

[The old man feels guilty. ]
[He must know that Cheng Yuexiang is dead and can never be found. ]
[The old man is sweating on his forehead. ]
[I'm probably afraid that if they really go to the police, the police will find something. ]
"I said, you don't have to worry about those who can't be found." The old man of the Liu family became more and more impatient, and finally couldn't help but change his face, and drove the four of them out with a broom.

"The old man is quite strong."

Outside the gate of Liu's house, Wen Tingxuan was holding his buttocks and looking aggrieved.

He ran the slowest and was hit several times on the butt by the old man of the Liu family with a broom.

"Let's sneak back and eavesdrop." Du Xinghua rolled up his sleeves and began to climb over the Liu family's courtyard wall.

Zeng Qi turned around and asked Su Fuqing if she wanted to help.

Su Fuqing, who still plays the role of a weak and timid person: "Yes."

So Du Xinghua was the first to climb over the wall, and then Zeng Qiti slipped Su Fuqing over.

As soon as Wen Tingxuan finished rubbing his butt, he realized that he had been forgotten.

"Wait for me."

A few minutes later, Wen Tingxuan clung to the wall like an octopus, trying to rub up against the wall with all his strength.

Halfway up, he slipped unsteadily.

Separated by a wall, Du Xinghua, Zeng Qi and Su Fuqing jumped to the ground and quietly walked in close to the wall.

The three of them gradually approached the main room and could already hear the voices of the Liu family and the elders talking.

The old man said: "Those children have been asking about that dead girl from the Cheng family. Do they know anything?"

The old woman retorted: "How old are they? Most of them couldn't say anything when the accident happened. What they can know is that children are enthusiastic. Don't be suspicious. I'm going to make a fire to cook. I'm going to fry some meat." Give our little one a supplement, he has lost weight recently..."

"What if I heard it from someone else? Or someone is investigating?" The old man was still worried.

The old woman only felt that he was worrying unfoundedly: "Who of those who knew about it back then would say anything? Who would be idle to investigate this? If the dead girl dies, she will die. Is there anyone who wants to avenge her?"

There was indeed someone who wanted to avenge Cheng Yuexiang, but it wasn't them.

From what the old couple said, they knew that Cheng Yuexiang had died long ago.

Moreover, the old man seems to be very afraid that Cheng Yuexiang's death will be discovered a long time ago. Is he one of the murderers who killed Cheng Yuexiang?Su Fuqing was thinking, and the old woman's voice came again:

"What if someone discovers what happened back then? Our family is reasonable. Cheng Yuexiang, that shameless slut who can't lay eggs, wants to run away and elope with another man. She is going to be soaked in a pig cage. It's a pity that the adulterer was not caught..."

Dip pig cage?
The eldest son of the Liu family drowned in a paddy field. Guo Guang's death was also related to water. So was it because Cheng Yuexiang himself died in the water?
Who is the adulterer?Ji Qing?
However, if Cheng Yuexiang wanted to elope with Ji Qing, why not wait until two years after marrying the eldest son of the Liu family before getting married?
Su Fuqing always felt that there was something wrong with this.

Maybe you can ask Ji Qing again.

[Is the "adulterer" Ji Qing? ]
[It turns out that Ji Qing and Cheng Yuexiang are the real lovers, right? ]
[They agreed to go to high school together and leave here together. ]
[This damn old woman is so shameless. You have broken up a couple who truly loved each other. ]
[But she is already married, and she still wants to elope with her ex-boyfriend. Isn’t it shameless? ]
[Cheng Yuexiang was only a teenager at the time and was still a minor in our country, let alone the legal age for marriage. She was completely forced to get married.And judging by how old and immortal the two Liu family members are, they must be treating her badly. Wouldn't she wait in the Liu family's house to die? ]
[If Cheng Yuexiang had not run away, he would have been the second Liu Juan, or even worse than Liu Juan. ]
[It's a pity that she didn't run away. ]
[It would be better if I ran away earlier, before getting married. ]
The sounds in the main room stopped, followed by footsteps.

Su Fuqing, Zeng Qi and Du Xinghua quickly retreated to the wall and climbed out.

"You are finally back."

Wen Tingxuan, who couldn't follow the team and couldn't climb the wall, could only squat in the corner and draw circles and looked up at them.

Du Xinghua nodded and told him exactly what he had just overheard.

"They two are so bad, Cheng Yuexiang is so pitiful." Wen Tingxuan drooped his head listlessly.

Zeng Qi said: "The adulterer must be Ji Qing."

Wen Tingxuan added: "So it was Cheng Yuexiang who wanted to elope with Ji Qing but was caught by the Liu family, and then was imprisoned in a pig cage?"

"How about we try submitting a task?" Du Xinghua suggested.

Seeing Wen Tingxuan eager to submit the task under Du Xinghua's instigation, Su Fuqing quickly said: "Don't you think things are too simple?"

Seeing that the other three people were looking over, she pursed her lips and said, "There must be something else that I haven't found out yet? For example... how did the Liu family's eldest son die."

"It seems like hey, it feels so smooth when you say that." Wen Tingxuan rubbed the back of his head.

A cold light flashed across Du Xinghua's eyes, so fast that it was hard to catch.

"I didn't think it through thoroughly, and I really haven't figured out some parts yet." He said with a smile.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Zeng Qi came out to smooth things over, while giving Du Xinghua a subtle wink.

Su Fuqing, who had been secretly paying attention to the two of them, took in the whole scene and thought: They are probably going to take action next.

Du Xinghua received Zeng Qi's hint, pretended to think for a while, and then said: "It seems that the Liu family is almost there. We can't go all the way to the dark side. I also want to go to Quanlong Mountain yesterday."

Zeng Qi was the first to jump out and object: "But the guards there were too strict. We almost got caught yesterday."

Du Xinghua added: "Of course we can't go there recklessly like yesterday, we have to have a plan."

"what's the plan?"

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain."

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