Some of Wen Tingxuan's family members came over and asked who Su Fuqing and Ai Xiaonian were. They said they were Wen Tingxuan's classmates.

After offering a stick of incense to Wen Tingxuan, the two started chatting with the woman with red and swollen eyes who claimed to be Wen Tingxuan's mother.

They want to know how Wen Tingxuan died.

Wen Tingxuan's mother looked hesitant, bit her lower lip, and said hesitantly: "He ran out to play by himself this morning and fell into the river... When he was picked up, he was already dead..."

Su Fuqing immediately thought of Cheng Yuexiang.

Could it be her doing it?

Without seeing Wen Tingxuan's body, there is no way to confirm 100%.

Su Fuqing thought for a while. If she rushed up to lift the lid of Wen Tingxuan's coffin now, she would probably be hunted down by everyone here for three days and three nights.

Forget it.

When the two came out of Wen's house, Su Fuqing suggested to visit Cheng's house.

She wanted to try if she could meet Cheng Yuexiang again.

Tomorrow is the Festival of Sacrifice, so it's best to find a way out today.

When I arrived at Cheng's house, I didn't meet Cheng Yuexiang, but I met Ji Qing.

"Teacher Ji, why are you here?" Su Fuqing asked preemptively.

Ji Qingpi smiled but said: "I came to catch up with my old classmates."

Yesterday afternoon after he separated from Su Fuqing, he went to the Liu family. Unfortunately, there was no one in the Liu family. It took him a long time to find out that the Liu family and his wife had taken their young son to see a doctor and would not be coming back for the time being.

But the problem is not big. There is another person named Liu in Quanlong Village.

Liu Juan?
"Teacher, we want to go too. We also want to know who killed Sister Yuexiang..." Su Fuqing made up a secondary reason why she couldn't stand the murderer's impunity and wanted to do justice for God.

[At their current age, they really fit the character of a middle school boy. ]
[Laughing. ]
[Ji Qing won’t believe it, right? ]
[I have a feeling he will. ]
Thinking about the information Su Fuqing provided him yesterday, Ji Qing really believed it and took the two of them to knock on the door of Cheng's house.

The still timid and shy Cheng Daya opened the door.

Hearing Ji Qing say she was looking for her mother, she ran into the room and helped Liu Juan out.

The moment Liu Juan saw Ji Qing, her expression changed obviously, and she quickly reacted and tried to cover up the strangeness with a smile.

"Ji Qing, what brought you here?"

She walked to the table, sat down with some difficulty, and asked Ji Qing to sit down too.

"I heard that you are pregnant. I came to see you." Ji Qing sat down opposite Liu Juan with an expressionless face.

Su Fuqing only felt that Liu Juan's smile looked forced.

She sat down naturally and asked Ai Xiaonian to sit down too.

Liu Juanmei's heart skipped a beat and she hinted: "You two, I have important guests to entertain here, and I don't have time to entertain you for the time being. Why don't you go and play with Daya?"

Before Su Fuqing and Ai Xiaonian spoke, Ji Qing spoke first:

"They are my students, you don't have to worry about them."

Hearing this, Liu Juan didn't say anything anymore.All her energy now is spent on dealing with Ji Qing.

After so many years, why did he suddenly come here again?
Is he still suspicious of Cheng Yuexiang's death?

Liu Juan touched her haggard and slightly old face and said with a wry smile: "Ji Qing, you don't seem to have changed much, but I have gotten older. I miss the days when we went to school together..."

She wanted to play the emotional card, but when she thought that she was only in her early 30s this year, but her face had already wrinkled early, she couldn't help but feel countless bitterness and sadness in her heart.Ji Qing was unmoved: "At least you are still alive, but Yuexiang will never have a chance to see the world again."

Liu Juan didn't expect that he would pierce the window paper as soon as he came up. Her expression froze and she subconsciously defended:

"Ji Qing, what do you mean? Yuexiang has long gone off to live happily by herself. No, she's not alone..."

"You probably never knew. In fact... Yuexiang eloped with another man."

After saying these words, Liu Juan felt a little happy.

She thought that as long as he was a man, he would not be able to accept the fact that his beloved woman eloped with another man.

She waited for Ji Qing to run out in a rage and vowed never to care about Cheng Yuexiang's affairs again.

In this way, her secret can be hidden forever.

"You still want to lie to me?" Ji Qing stood up suddenly, put his hands on the table, and looked directly at Liu Juan, "Tell me, was Yuexiang killed by you and your family!"

Liu Juan was startled and trembled, but she still insisted: "I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't know where Yuexiang is?"

[This Liu Juan has a very strong psychological quality. ]
[It’s quite smart, first playing the emotional card, and then mentioning Cheng Yuexiang’s elopement with other wild men, trying to make Ji Qing angry, but unfortunately Ji Qing didn’t take the bait. ]
[Now that Ji Qing scares her so much, she can resist saying anything. ]
[I won’t cry until I see the coffin. ]
"If you don't tell me, I'll kill you!" Ji Qing suddenly grabbed Liu Juan's neck and demanded.

"Ahem, I don't know..." Liu Juan was still stubborn.

"Mom!" Cheng Daya ran out of nowhere and tried to break open Ji Qing's hand that was holding Liu Juan. Unfortunately, her strength was too weak and she couldn't break it open at all.

"Bad guy, let go of mom." She wanted to push Ji Qing away again.

Su Fuqing was afraid that Ji Qing would really strangle Liu Juan to death in anger, so he said a few words of help: "Teacher Ji, if you accidentally kill her, you will have to go to jail. How can you avenge Yuexiang?"

Hearing Cheng Yuexiang's name, Ji Qing calmed down and loosened his hand slightly.

"Ah..." Liu Juan screamed, " belly..."

Ji Qing frowned: "Don't pretend in front of me."

"Teacher, she shouldn't be faking it." Su Fuqing pointed at Liu Juan's body, where an unknown liquid was flowing down her calf, "She seems to be giving birth."

Ji Qing started to panic and let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted.

Although he suspected that Liu Juan was also involved in Cheng Yuexiang's death, he did not want to kill the innocent child in her belly.

"Da Ya, hurry up... help me into the room!" Liu Juan gasped for air and stretched out her hand towards Cheng Daya.

"Mom!" Cheng Daya tried to support Liu Juan, a pregnant woman, with her small body, but they almost fell down together.

At the critical moment, it was Su Fuqing who helped out in time.

She and Cheng Daya helped Liu Juan into the room and lay down on the bed.

"Are there any other adults at home?" Su Fuqing asked Cheng Daya.

Cheng Daya shook her head: "Dad and grandparents have gone out."

The Cheng family dared to leave only a pregnant woman and her child at home.

What Su Fuqing didn't know was that although Liu Juan repeatedly assured her that this child would be a son, the Cheng family did not believe that she had given birth to three daughters and did not care about her child at all.

Liu Juan was lying on the bed and kept screaming. She had lost an unknown amount of amniotic fluid, and she was about to give birth.

I had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and I was crying.

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