Facts have proved that Li Mei and Su Shan are really tolerant.

Until the day of the festival, the family still maintained a superficial harmony.

Of course, it can also be said to be the calm before the storm.

In the past two days, Su Fuqing and Ai Xiaonian tried to find Du Xinghua, but failed to find him.However, as long as he has not left the dungeon, he will definitely appear during the Festival of Sacrifice.

And the player who has been hiding his head and tail should also see the true face of Lushan.

On the morning of the Sacrifice Festival, Su Fuqing originally wanted to meet up with Ai Xiaonian, and the two sneaked into Quanlong Mountain together.

Because there will be a lot of people going to the official sacrifice festival, the guards will definitely not be as tight as before, which just makes it easier for them to move.

When Su Fuqing was about to go out, he was stopped by Su Shan.

"Xiaocao, don't go out to play today. Go up the mountain with dad to meet the mountain god." Su Shan was obviously a little nervous.

Su Fuqing leaned against the door frame, crossed her arms, and looked at Su Shan funny: "Why should I go to see the mountain god?"

"The village chief said that as long as you go and apologize to the Mountain God in person today, the Mountain God will forgive you for your previous disrespect and will no longer care about our family going back on the sacrifice."

Who are you deceiving?Think she is a three-year-old child?
Deceive her to go to Quanlong Mountain to deliver goods to the mountain god, right?

Su Shan and Li Mei had endured it for so long, and it turned out they were waiting for her here.

But she originally wanted to go to Quanlong Mountain, and now she just saved time.

And if she didn't agree, she would have to deal with a large group of people ambushing around her.

I don't know what Su Shan said to them. They all looked like they were facing a powerful enemy, and they all had weapons in their hands.

She just wasn't vigilant enough and was discovered by her early in the morning.

"Okay, I'll go." Su Fuqing suppressed a sarcastic smile and agreed.

Before going, she had two things to do.

"Goodbye, Xiaohua." Su Fuqing touched Su Xiaohua's head like every time before.

Thinking that this might be the last time, she touched it a few more times.

It feels good. After taking care of it these past few days, the quality of the little girl's hair has improved a lot.

Su Xiaochen watched eagerly from the side, and Su Fuqing also touched his head.

It's round, quite like a watermelon.

Su Fuqing was sighing when Su Xiaochen suddenly spoke and called out with difficulty: "Sister...sister."

She was stunned for a moment and then said "Yeah".

"Sister, you have to come back soon."

When she was about to go out, Su Xiaohua hugged Su Fuqing's arm and said coquettishly.

She didn't understand many things, but she sensed something instinctively.

Su Fuqing did not agree.

There is a high probability that she will not come back, no matter if things go well or not today.

"Be at home and do your homework today. Don't go out and run around." She changed the subject.

Su Xiaohua nodded disappointedly and silently watched Su Fuqing go out.

Will my sister come back?
she does not know.

[Why am I suddenly feeling sad? ]
[Ugh, the Ai family can't bear to see these parting scenes. ]
[Although Xiaohua is an NPC, she and Su Fuqing are like real sisters. ]
[Although Su Xiaochen was naughty and mischievous at first, she is still cute and can now call her sister. ]
[And a little silly. ]
[If Su Xiaochen hadn't been stupid, he would have been taught bad things by Su Shan and Li Mei. ]
[It was already a little crooked, but it was straightened out by Su Fuqing. ]
The first thing to do is to say goodbye to Su Xiaohua and Su Xiaochen, and the second thing is to talk to Ai Xiaonian.Su Fuqing knocked on the door of Ai Xiaonian's house and said to Ai Xiaonian under the unkind eyes of Ai Xiaonian's mother: "I won't play with you today."

This was the code they had agreed upon, which meant that their plans had changed and they had to act separately.

After seeing Su Fuqing and Su Shan leaving together, Ai Xiaonian thought of repeating his old trick and went back to his room to open the window.

But when he returned to the room, he was surprised to find that the window had been sealed from the outside.

"Mom" said to him through the door: "Xiaonian, have a good rest today. Don't think about climbing through the window and running around. I asked your dad to seal the window."

Ai Xiaonian: "..."

So his behavior of climbing through the window has been discovered a long time ago, right?

After repeatedly promising that he would not climb through the window, "Mom" was sent away by him.

Then in the blink of an eye, Ai Xiaonian took out a hammer from under the bed and started to break open the window.

He found this at home on the first night, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

During Ai Xiaonian's delay, Su Fuqing and Su Shan had already entered Quanlong Mountain.

Su Shan was still trying to play a kind father, but Su Fuqing didn't want to accompany him in the performance and remained silent throughout the whole process.

After being slapped two or three times, Su Shan shut up.

We are almost there anyway, this damn girl can't escape.

Just wait to cry.

The last time they failed to offer sacrifices in time, their family was originally going to be punished by the mountain god.Fortunately, there were many mountain gods. Not only did they forgive them, but they also said that they would personally deal with this dead girl during the festival.

It's also a blessing for this damn girl.

Su Fuqing didn't know what Su Shan was thinking, but she could sense that he was looking at her more and more undisguisedly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Tsk, you can’t continue acting like this?
Su Fuqing suddenly stopped, turned to Su Shan and said, "Dad, I don't want to go again."

"No!" Su Shan's face twisted for a moment, and when he saw the destination in front of him, he lowered his voice to coax Su Fuqing, "Xiaocao, be obedient. Just take two more steps and we'll be there soon."

"Oh, I was just kidding you." Su Fuqing said with a smile.

Su Shan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He suspected that this dead girl was deliberately playing tricks on him, but unfortunately there was no evidence.

Doesn't she know something again?

Su Shan could only comfort himself: We have reached the territory of Lord Mountain God. No matter how powerful this dead girl is, she will not be able to climb over Lord Mountain God's Wuzhi Mountain.

[Su Shan breaks his skills too easily. ]
[I couldn’t stop laughing, Su Fuqing even teased him deliberately. ]
[The main reason is that his acting skills are so poor that anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has something up his sleeve. ]
[He doesn’t think he’s hiding it well, does he?He couldn't hide the look in his eyes that wanted to kill him. ]
[Su Fuqing probably wants to kill him too. ]
Su Fuqing saw the so-called mountain god again, that is, the huge object covered with red cloth.

It was still early and there weren't many people around, maybe a dozen men.

Only the village chief came over to take a look at Su Fuqing and asked Su Shan to take her over.

Su Fuqing approached step by step until she came to the huge object, raised her head and looked at it.

The answer to the mystery was finally revealed, and she couldn't wait.

"Xiaocao, quickly kowtow to Lord Mountain God and apologize." Su Shan reminded from the side.

"Knock it off!" Big scissors appeared in Su Fuqing's hand. He first gave Su Shan a big bag, and then rushed forward and cut a large piece of red cloth before anyone could react.

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