Su Fuqing raised her head and saw an unexpected person——

Cheng Daya.

Why is she here?

Damn it, isn't this little girl here to take revenge on her?
She didn't do anything. She even helped Liu Juan deliver the baby.

Su Fuqing was a little flustered.

But she didn't expect Cheng Daya to squat down, put the glass bead in her hand, and said: "Thank you for the hard work, you two, leave the rest to me."

What do you mean?
Su Fuqing's eyes widened and she suddenly had an outrageous guess.

" are..." She was a little awkward when she spoke.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Murong Qingzhu, I am a player." Cheng Daya, no, Murong Qingzhu said.

[Did I hear that right? Cheng Daya is a player? ]
[What, is she a player? ]
[The last player turned out to be here. ]
[Cheng Daya is actually a player, my CPU is going to be burned out. ]
[Didn’t see it at all. ]
[Who could have guessed, this is the real movie queen. ]
[Su Fuqing can’t even compare. ]
[Don’t you think it’s a little strange?The other players have all become fifteen or sixteen years old, only Murong Qingzhu has become so young. ]
[And she can also have direct contact with Liu Juan, which feels so unfair. ]
[I always feel it’s not that simple. ]
The player who had never shown up turned out to be right under their noses.

Hidden really deep.

Du Xinghua is nothing, this is the one who really reaps the benefits.

Su Fuqing was about to laugh out loud.

This feeling of being almost taken advantage of is really unpleasant.

Murong Qingzhu, right? She remembered it.

Su Fuqing crushed the glass beads with such force that it seemed like she was about to crush someone.

Murong Qingzhu, who had just walked over, suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Although the healing items could not cure all of Su Fuqing's injuries at once, they could at least allow her to stand up.

Taking advantage of the last few dozen seconds of use of the Flowing Light Feather, she stumbled to the place where the bag was dropped, picked it up, and then quickly opened it to take a look.

Fortunately, everything is there and nothing is broken.

Su Fuqing used another healing tool on herself, and her body finally felt less painful.

At this time, she missed Qiao Ningze especially.

Nanny smells delicious.

Another copy of Qiao Ningze, who was treating his teammates, sneezed.

Which fan is missing him?
Su Fuqing's injury was getting better, but there was Ai Xiaonian beside him who had been silent for a long time.

It shouldn't be cold, right?
Su Fuqing walked over and found Ai Xiaonian with his eyes closed. He hurriedly stretched out his fingers and nervously probed his nose.

Fortunately, I can breathe and not feel cold.

He just fainted.

Su Fuqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, there is still a tough battle to fight.

That side has changed from the original 1V1 between the female ghost in white and the mountain god to a group fight.

The target of the group beating was of course the mountain god.

The mountain god turned into a dragon and fought neck and neck with the female ghost in white who was swinging the white silk.

A group of female ghosts were left watching eagerly, rushing up to bite the mountain god from time to time.

So the mountain god's huge body has become bloody.

Soon, the small figure of Murong Qingzhu also joined in.

Su Fuqing did not intervene for the time being.

She has worked hard for so long, and it's time for Miss Murong to work hard.However, Su Fuqing was not just watching the show. She found that the power of the female ghost in white and other female ghosts were getting stronger, but the power of the mountain god was getting weaker.

One is going down, the other is going up, and being beaten by a group of people all the time, the mountain god is gradually at a disadvantage.

After observing for a while, she also found that the female ghost in white had the closest connection with the power of the mountain god.

The mountain god's attitude towards the female ghost in white is also very intriguing, as he seems to not have the heart to hurt her.

Su Fuqing had roughly guessed the identity of the female ghost in white.

The other female ghosts are relatively weak and feel that their souls are incomplete. They should be girls who have been sacrificed over the years.

The female ghost in white has a powerful spirit and an unclear relationship with the mountain god. She should be the daughter of the village chief who married the mountain god 100 years ago.

[This ghost is so strong. ]
[I feel like the mountain god can’t be beaten. ]
[Wuhu, great. ]
[Is the female ghost in white the village chief’s daughter who married the mountain god? ]
[I feel it is very likely. ]
[Have you not noticed that when the mountain god becomes weaker, she becomes stronger? ]
[Knock the mountain god down quickly. ]
Finally, the female ghost in white threw out countless white silks and wrapped them around the body of the mountain god, making him unable to move.

She said: "Your demon elixir is in my hand, you can't beat me."

"I made a miscalculation." The mountain god said in a daze.

The demon pill is a treasure that carries the core power of monsters.

After his vitality was seriously injured, he put his demon elixir in a stone statue, accepted the faith of the villagers in Quanlong Village, devoured the sacrifices and absorbed the power, and recovered fairly quickly.

Unexpectedly, she would hide in a stone statue to recuperate, almost out of her mind, for more than 50 years, and even took the opportunity to obtain his demon elixir.

He was defeated by her once again.

"This time, I will definitely take your life." The female ghost in white tightened her grip on Bai Ling.

The mountain god twisted and struggled.

Suddenly he changed back to his human form and disappeared in the next second.
Su Fuqing's heart skipped a beat and she instinctively took a step back to avoid the mountain god's fatal blow.

The mountain god’s target is actually her!
She is dying, why is she the unlucky one again?

[The mountain god went too far, why did he catch Su Fuqing to bully him again? ]
[Big unlucky guy. ]
[What is the mountain god doing? Get back! ]
[My poor baby Xiao Su’s injury is not healed yet. ]
[The mountain god must be sick. ]
Fortunately, the mountain god became weaker and Su Fuqing was not controlled by him and could pick up weapons to fight back.

She slapped the mountain god on the face with a scissor.

The mountain god smiled instead of being angry: "You have such a bad temper. Don't be afraid, I won't let you suffer."

are you crazy.

Su Fuqing cursed.

Seeing that the troublemakers were coming, the mountain god took action again.

As long as he killed Su Fuqing, the last sacrifice, he would be able to replenish some of his strength and fight back.

Originally, he was a little reluctant to let go, but now, for the sake of his own life, he had no choice but to wrong her.

The best thing to do is to leave some soul for her in the end and raise it slowly, and you can always get it back.

The mountain god felt that he was pretty good.

If the previous sacrifices hadn't been secretly saved by the female ghost in white every time, they would all have been absorbed by him.

Su Fuqing still had never beaten the Mountain God.

But reinforcements arrived quickly.

A group of female ghosts protected Su Fuqing behind her, and the female ghosts in white and Murong Qingzhu teamed up to deal with the mountain god.

"I'm fine." Su Fuqing couldn't hold back the anger of being beaten by the mountain god again and again, so she picked up the big scissors and rushed forward again.

If she couldn't beat him alone, she would join a group fight. She must teach this snake a lesson today.

The female ghost in white threw out more white silks from her sleeves, and all of them wrapped around the mountain god, almost tying him into a mummy.

Su Fuqing and Murong Qingzhu were finishing up their attacks nearby.

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