"Sister Su, what's wrong with you?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sister Su, don't leave."


The remaining female ghosts became anxious.

"Don't die." Su Fuqing looked at the female ghost in white and tried to use a healing tool on her.

But the female ghost in white is a ghost, and the player's healing items are useless to her.

"I've been dead a long time ago." The female ghost in white smiled reluctantly, "By the way, I haven't told you my name yet. My name is Su Linling."

Su Fuqing also smiled and said: "My name is Su Fuqing, and we both have the same surname."

"No wonder I wanted to get close to you when I first saw you..." Su Lingling became weaker and weaker, and might disappear in the next second.

She and the mountain god once shared their lives and agreed to live and die together. The source of her power after death was also his demon pill, so the demon pill was not only his fatal weakness, but also hers.

"Sister Su, we won't let anything happen to you." The remaining female ghosts gathered around, seemingly determined.

The female ghosts held hands and gathered together the power they had secretly absorbed bit by bit from the Mountain God Demon Pill.

"Don't..." Su Lingling felt a familiar force pouring in, and her soon-to-be-broken soul was glued back together.

The souls of the female ghosts are more transparent, but their faces are filled with bright smiles.

"Oh, how could it be like this?" Murong Qingzhu sighed.

She hated this drama of mutual sacrifice.

[Why is this so? ]
[If it weren't for Su Lingling, these female ghosts would have died long ago. ]
[It was Su Lingling who saved these girls, now it is the girls who are saving her. ]
[No, obviously only the mountain god and some villagers are the bad guys. They deserve to die the most. Everyone else should be well. ]
[The mountain god is about to be hacked to death. ]
[Charcoal grilled black snake. ]
Su Fuqing was looking at the mountain god.

He was almost turned into charcoal by the lightning. The villagers were crying in their arms, and those who didn't know thought that their parents were dead.

She asked Su Lingling a question: "The mountain god has been using girls' souls to practice these years, right?"

Although Su Linling didn't understand why she asked these questions, she still said truthfully:
"Fifty years ago, I died together with him. As a result, I died and he was beaten back to his original form. In order to recover quickly, he was so crazy that he used the pure soul of a young girl to practice. It was also because of this that his thunder tribulation happened. So scary..."

Before he finished speaking, the mountain god was struck by lightning and fell to the ground. The villagers rushed to save him.

"You are ghosts, can you absorb his power?" Su Fuqing asked again.

"Of course you can. The strength and flesh of monsters are great benefits for ghosts..."

Su Lingling understood what Su Fuqing meant and said to the group of female ghosts whose souls were becoming increasingly unstable: "It's time for you to take revenge..."

The thunderstorm finally dissipated, and the mountain god was already dying, but at least he still had one breath left.

As long as he was alive, he had a way to recover.

The mountain god spoke with difficulty, asking the village chief to find more girls for him, but he found a group of girls rushing towards him.

Seeing them, the villagers were shocked.

"Osmanthus, why is it you?"

"Fangfang, why are you still alive?"

"Zhao Di, are you Zhao Di?"

"Damn it..."

These are the souls of girls who have been mutilated by the villagers present.

But the female ghosts have no time to pay attention to these executioners for the time being.

Their target is the mountain god.

Next, the villagers saw the most terrifying scene of their lives.The girls swarmed up and tore the mountain god's snake body...

They tried to stop her, but they couldn't even touch the girl's body.

In the end, only a long skeleton was left of the mountain god.

[I wonder if charcoal grilled snake meat is delicious? ]
[As a reminder, wild snake meat cannot be eaten. ]
[They are cultivated in some places. ]
[So is it delicious? ]
[tasty. ]
[Enough. ]
[The big boss actually died like this. ]
[It’s all retribution. ]
[The way of heaven is reincarnation. ]
[When will the retribution of these villagers come? ]
Retribution is coming.

After the death of the mountain god, the villagers still had the strength to cry bitterly at first, but suddenly they felt something being pulled out of their bodies, as if their energy had been drained, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Onlookers also saw that each of them aged at least ten years in an instant.

The most obvious one is the village chief. His face is covered with wrinkles, and he looks like he has changed from 60 years old to a hundred years old.

Su Linling said: "These villagers provided him with faith, and he also gave them blessing. Now that he is gone, they will naturally suffer the backlash. It can also be said that it is their retribution."

"All people who believe in the Mountain God and are blessed by the Mountain God will be like this?" Su Fuqing asked.

Su Linling nodded.

"Then will you retaliate against them?" Su Fuqing asked again.

"Look at what they mean, my enemy is already a pile of bones. If I crush him to ashes later, that's enough." The enemy Su Lingling pointed to was naturally the mountain god.

Su Fuqing felt that she also wanted to have a share, so she said, "I'll help you."

Although the mountain god turned back into a snake, the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. Each of the female ghosts received part of his power, and their souls and bodies stabilized, even more solid than when they first appeared.

Next, it's time for their revenge.

[Large revenge scene. ]
[Great pleasure. ]
[The villagers all deserve this. ]
[The victims of this copy are all girls. ]
[These girls are very strong, especially Su Lingling and Cheng Yuexiang. ]
Su Fuqing noticed that a female ghost with a delicate face gave the village chief a kick.

I always thought she looked familiar.

Su Fuqing asked Su Lingling who she was.

"Her name is Su Ziye, and she is the granddaughter of that old man." Su Lingling said.

"Old guy" naturally refers to the village chief.

His granddaughter is Su Zilong's sister.

Su Fuqing suddenly remembered that Su Zilong had said that he really wanted a sister or a younger sister. He wondered if he still remembered that he had indeed had a sister.

Seeing the female ghosts beating the villagers, she also felt a little itchy.

It just so happens that Su Shan is still here.

"I have something to do. I'll come back as soon as I go." Su Fuqing, Su Lingling and Murong Qingzhu said, and then went to find Su Shan.

Su Shan was beaten by her and is still unconscious.

He was only about ten years older.

Su Shan had not yet had time to sacrifice his daughter, but Su Fuqing guessed that his father had sacrificed his older sister or younger sister, and he had benefited from it.

Su Fuqing threw Su Shan into the spring water and woke him up.

"What do you want to do?"

Before he could figure out the current situation after waking up, Su Shan saw Su Fuqing taking out a few familiar things.

Small hammer and four nails.

Su Fuqing said: "I hold grudges very much."

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