Neither Su Fuqing nor Su Lingling paid much attention to the group of unlucky hostages.

Su Fuqing sent a message to Zhao Jing to say that the people were under control, and was going to wait quietly where Zhao Jing would send someone to take over.

The two players were controlled by Su Lingling, and they had vaguely guessed her identity. The cold soles of their feet also meant that it would be difficult for them to escape.

The male player gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect you to really be able to control a non-human being."

He was dubious about the news on the Internet, so when he saw Su Fuqing alone, he was not wary at all, and was easily controlled by Su Lingling.

The female player also tried to get Su Fuqing to let them go, using the same theory that everyone is a player.

"Oh." Su Fuqing was unmoved.

The surrounding fires had been controlled by firefighters, and the police arrived quickly, ready to hand over the two players from Su Fuqing.

However, seeing that these police officers were ordinary people, Su Fuqing was a little worried, so he said, "I'd better go with you."

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss Su."

Su Fuqing offered to help, and the police officers naturally had no reason to refuse.

Several police officers over there were comforting the kidnapped rich second generation. Ouyang Yichen listened absently, but he kept staring at Su Fuqing from the corner of his eye.

Seeing that Su Fuqing seemed to be leaving, he stepped forward to say something to her, but was glared at by Su Lingling, who was aware of it. His heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously stopped.

When he reacted, Su Fuqing had already left with the police.

Su Fuqing and Su Linling followed the police back to the police station and watched with their own eyes as the investigation team took away the two players before they retired.

He thought everything was safe, but he didn't expect that the next day, when he officially entered the next dungeon, Su Fuqing learned that the two players had run away early in the morning.

"Run away, how?" She was confused.

The person was delivered to the investigation team and was still able to escape.

Zhao Jing was also speechless.

One thing that all of them had overlooked before was the skills of the female player among them.

Her skill is disguise.

After knocking out two police officers in the early hours of the morning, she transformed herself and the male player into police officers and ran out openly, and even robbed a nearby bank.

Moreover, their previous appearances were also fake, so the investigation team and the police station could not find their identity information.

"No wonder they were so arrogant last night." Su Fuqing suddenly realized.

After a while, she asked again: "Weren't you able to find it through fingerprints or DNA?"

"Fingerprints have been collected, but no one has been matched yet," Zhao Jing said.

After all, not everyone has had their fingerprints entered into the public security system.

Zhao Jing added: "It's our negligence. We don't know the true identities of the two of them now. You have to be careful."

"Yeah, I know." Su Fuqing lay down on the sofa helplessly.

Maybe she has an enemy again.

Zhao Jing was also helpless and comforted her: "Also, I will apply for an additional 20.00% of the bonus for this operation."

Su Fuqing instantly became happy and temporarily forgot about her enemies and everything else.

The specific time to enter the fourth copy is ten o'clock this morning.

This time, Su Lingling will also go in with Su Fuqing, but she said: "A voice warned me that I can't help you too many times in the dungeon, otherwise you will be specially targeted by the dungeon, so if it is not a big trouble, you can still You have to solve it yourself first." Su Fuqing was not surprised by the poor nature of escape games, and she had watched the live broadcast of a foreign player named Niman. Although the ghoul helped her solve a lot of troubles, it also brought trouble to Niman. More trouble came.But if the ghoul wasn't too strong, Niman might have fallen into that dungeon.

It stands to reason that they should also know this. I don't know if they don't care or if the ghouls are too confident in their own strength.

Su Fuqing is more accustomed to relying on herself.

She said: "You help me when I ask you to help me."

The time came to ten o'clock in the morning. After a while, Su Fuqing was in an unfamiliar environment.

She entered a new copy.

However, Su Lingling disappeared.

Could it be that he didn't follow him in? It's unlikely.

Su Fuqing looked around. They were all strangers, but Su Linling was not seen at all.

She called Su Lingling's name in her heart, which was also one of the links in the contract between the two of them.

"I'm here. There are too many ghosts in this dungeon. I'm hiding for now. You should be careful." Su Linling's voice rang out from nowhere.

As long as he was still there, Su Fuqing was relieved.

However, she said, "This copy has a lot of ghosts."

Su Fuqing looked around again.

She was in a hall decorated in pink as far as the eye could see, and the few people standing next to her should also be players.But the group of "people" who were debugging the camera equipment not far away looked less human.

Each of them was pale, missing arms or legs, or had fatal wounds on their bodies. They were obviously not humans, but ghosts.

In addition, there is a very dazzling person among the players - Lou Shuang.

Su Fuqing didn't expect that he would meet her in the dungeon.

It's a coincidence.

The other players obviously recognized Lou Shuang, and they were discussing in low voices whether they should hug his thigh.

Su Fuqing didn't look much and quickly looked away.

While Su Fuqing was looking at others, there were others looking at her without any trace, and there was even more than one person.

Some simply recognized her, others had malicious intentions.

Before she noticed it, a mechanical voice began to announce the content of this copy:

[Welcome to the third level copy: Love Strategy. ]
[Copy task: Before the end of the program recording, increase the favorability of the target to over [-]. ]
[Task time: four days]
[Number of players: six]
Su Fuqing extracted several keywords: "love", "strategy", "program recording", "target", and "favorability".

I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs running away. Are they trying to record a love show?

There are five players around, and this time the number of players is correct.

Including her, there are six people, three boys and three girls.

But Su Fuqing knew with his toes that the so-called target of the attack was definitely not among them.

And whether the so-called target of the strategy is a human being is also a question.

This live broadcast room is particularly lively:

[Sister Shuang, here I come! ]
[Sister Xiao Su, here I come. ]
[Lou Shuang and Su Fuqing were actually assigned to the same dungeon. The gods were fighting. ]
[Don’t touch my sister Shuang. ]
[For those of you in front of me, just accept the taste of your food circle. ]
[Didn’t you say that Su Fuqing contracted a ghost?Why did not I see. ]
[Do you believe the fake news? ]
[Everyone has seen that ghost with their own eyes, okay? ]
[I haven’t seen it anyway, so I don’t believe it] (End of chapter)

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