After the "sweet" lunch, the favorability obtained by players from most to least is now as follows:
Su Fuqing: 35
Tong Kaiyun: 35
Wang Shaoxuan: 22
Zhang Zhao: 20
Qiu Zhitao: 14
Floor frost: 5
The director seemed to be very dissatisfied with the results of the lunch shooting. He and several assistant directors gathered together to discuss for a long time, and seemed to want to temporarily change the afternoon schedule.

Su Fuqing's eyes were twitching, and she felt that the director team must be acting like a monster again.

Sure enough, the decapitated ghost happily announced that the guests were going to the amusement park to check in in the afternoon.The team with the most check-in entertainment items will have priority in choosing their accommodation for the night, and so on.

In addition, each raider needs to draw a secret mission, which needs to be completed without being discovered by the raiding target. The time limit is before the end of the afternoon amusement park trip.

Su Fuqing's focus was: "What will happen if the secret mission is not completed before returning from the amusement park?"

"For guests who fail to complete their secret tasks in time, we can only regretfully inform them to withdraw from the recording of the program." The decapitated ghost was very sorry.

[If you exit the program recording, you will definitely not be able to complete the dungeon mission. Doesn’t that mean that the player will die? ]
[It’s finally here. There’s no fatal danger in shooting posters or eating lunch in front. ]
[Amusement park and secret mission, a very complex plot, but I don’t know what will happen if I put it in an escape game? ]
[Look at “Sweet” Lunch and you’ll almost guess it. ]
[It’s hard to imagine what a ghost’s playground would look like. ]
After a little preparation, the staff brought up a lottery box for players to draw tasks.

Su Fuqing was the first to step forward, took out a card from the box, glanced at it and put it directly into his pocket.

Her expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, making it impossible to guess whether she was happy or sad.

Other players then stepped forward to draw lots.

After reading the contents on the cards, some people looked sad, while others looked happy.

"Now the raiders should all know what their secret mission is. During the afternoon trip to the amusement park, while having fun, don't forget to complete the secret mission and improve the favorability of the target." The ghost reminded.

When it comes to their own lives, no one of the players dares to forget.

The amusement park is some distance away from where the shooting is now, so they need to take a car there.

The program crew walked out of the filming base one after another. There were several minibuses parked at the door, and otherwise there was a thick black fog all around.

The guests were naturally placed on a minibus.

After setting off, the scenery outside the car window was also filled with thick black fog.

No one spoke along the way, and the players were all thinking about how to complete the secret mission.

Su Fuqing's secret mission is to ask Xiang Tao to bring her a doll.

This is difficult to do.

Xiang Tao will definitely be on guard and will not do something for her easily.

You must be careful not to reveal your intentions easily and then think of ways to trick him.

The car drove for about 10 minutes before it stopped, and the guests got off the car one by one.

The surroundings were still surrounded by boundless black fog. Only the gate of the amusement park was extremely conspicuous, and the scenes inside the amusement park could still be vaguely seen.

Players and spectators were silent when they saw the true face of the playground.

[I knew it wouldn't be a normal playground. ]
[Family members, I would like to pay my respects in advance. ]
[Me too. ]
[It’s disgusting to watch, and players still have to go in and play to check in. ]
["Enjoy" with "pleasure". ]
[Not happy. ]
No one can be happy.

The blood-stained words "Carnival Playground" were hung on the top of the gate of the playground.Among the entertainment items inside, you can vaguely see a roller coaster running inside a bloody intestine, a carousel with human corpses used as wooden horses, players can even see various shocking injuries on the corpses, a Ferris wheel simulating the shape of a heart, and a huge... The arm acts as a large pendulum for the robotic arm.

The Decapitated Ghost leads the guests through the door, allowing players to face these bloody and terrifying entertainment projects more clearly.

The smell of blood that seemed to be real was constantly floating in the air.

Almost all entertainment projects contain human organs of various sizes and proportions, real or fake, and without exception they are all bloody, which challenges human psychological endurance.

Qiu Zhitao and Zhang Zhao, who were relatively timid, both looked pale and looked like they would faint in the next second.

Guillotine gave each group of guests a check-in booklet. After checking in for a project, the staff of that project can stamp it. At the same time, a photographer will follow the whole process, and finally the ranking will be verified by verifying the number of stamps. .

"What kind of places are there?" Su Fuqing asked a question that the players were secretly concerned about.

If most of the places they live in are decent, there is no need for them to check in too many items, as long as they are happy.

However, the program team obviously did not want to let them lie flat.

"The two groups together have garden villas, farmhouses and open-air tents."

Leaving aside villas and cabins, I’m afraid no one wants to live in an outdoor tent.If there is any danger at night, there is no place to hide.

According to the nature of escape games, there is a high probability of danger at night.

Suddenly, the players instantly became competitors, looking at each other with vague wariness.

Of course, Su Fuqing didn't want to live in a tent, so as soon as the decapitated ghost told her to start, she was ready to choose an entertainment project and start checking in.

Xiang Tao said: "I think it's good to live in a tent."

"No, you feel bad." Su Fuqing said expressionlessly.

Does this ghost have to go against her?

Su Fuqing walked some distance by herself and found that Xiang Tao still hadn't followed. She could only turn around and ask, "What do you want?"

"If you beg me, I'll go check in with you." Xiang Tao smiled evilly.

be sick.

Do you think you are a domineering president?

Su Fuqing instantly dreamed back to Ouyang Yichen.

This one is even more neurotic than Ouyang Yichen.

[Good oil. ]
[I saw Su Fuqing clenching her fist. ]
[Hahahahaha. ]
[I also have a hard fist. ]
[Why is Xiang Tao so nervous? ]
[Who knows what the ghost is thinking. ]
[Xiang Tao is very uncontrollable and cannot be seen through at all. ]
[Don’t talk about him, the other ghosts are also difficult to deal with in their own way. ]
[Bai Chun pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. Wang Shaoxuan thought she was blind and easy to fool. ]
[Qiu Zhitao was too stupid to notice that Deng Rui didn't have much affection for her, and was fooled around. ]
[Hao Dafu just doesn't give any favorability points, and he is not threatening in front of Sister Shuang.Liu Yiyi couldn't see through it either. Chen Yu seemed to be the most harmless one at the moment. ]
[Zhang Zhao’s favorability level hasn’t moved yet, has it? ]
[No, he hasn't figured out the trick yet. ]
[Everyone else sets off. ]
I will join V on the 30th of this month.

I have been writing for more than two months and finally got to this day. I hope my family can support me.

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