The favorability degree actually decreases.

Qiu Zhitao started to panic.

Her favorability level is not much to begin with. If it continues to decrease like this, when will it reach eighty?

"It's not that I don't want to cook...but I don't have the ingredients..." Qiu Zhitao tried to defend.

"How come there's no ingredients?" Deng Rui looked at Qiu Zhitao from small to large, "It's obviously such a big piece."

"What do you mean?" Qiu Zhitao twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty, not wanting to think deeply about the meaning of Deng Rui's words.

Deng Rui pressed forward step by step: "Don't you know what I like to eat?"


After a scream, Qiu Zhitao was thrown to the ground by Deng Rui.

Other players were attracted by this sudden turn of events. Lou Shuang and Tong Kaiyun, who were the closest, immediately rushed forward and pulled Deng Rui away.

But it was already too late. A large piece of flesh had been torn off Qiu Zhitao's waist and was bleeding outward.

Qiu Zhitao kept wailing while holding her wound, her face turned pale from the pain.

Lou Shuang used a healing tool on Qiu Zhitao and managed to stop the bleeding.

The culprit Deng Rui held the piece of freshly torn flesh and blood in his hand, put it on a plate and placed it in front of Qiu Zhitao.

Then he smiled and said, "The ingredients are already there."

The players felt a chill.

All the ghosts in the program crew looked at this scene coldly and did not stop it.

Su Fuqing immediately understood that Deng Rui's behavior was tacitly approved by them.

Because Qiu Zhitao did not bring back the ingredients required by the program crew, Deng Rui had the right to obtain the ingredients on his own.

Looking at the flesh and blood that originally belonged to him, Qiu Zhitao screamed and almost fainted.

"Make me lunch quickly." Deng Rui urged.

Lou Shuang, who was supporting Qiu Zhitao, saw the prompt on her watch and reminded him: "Do as he said, otherwise your favorability will still drop."

Qiu Zhitao understood what Lou Shuang meant.

The favorability level in front of her had dropped to the high teens, and it was still on the decline. She had no choice but to pick up the plate of meat with trembling hands.

"I...do...for you..." she said with difficulty.

Deng Rui showed a satisfied smile, and at the same time his favorability was +5.

Qiu Zhitao endured the pain in her waist while cutting the piece of meat with a knife. She wanted to faint many times.

[Is Deng Rui a devil?He actually forced Qiu Zhitao to use his own meat to make lunch for him. ]
[Qiu Zhitao is so miserable. ]
[Is this her punishment for not finding the ingredients? ]
[Probably, the program team didn’t even come out to stop Deng Rui. ]
[This copy is simply constantly challenging the lower limits of human beings. ]
[Not looking. ]
[yue...vomited until I lost ten pounds. ]
[If I'm timid, I'm going to run away. ]
After appeasing Qiu Zhitao, the players returned to their seats and continued making lunch.

Zhang Zhao, who had not left his position from beginning to end, had already cut up a leg and was stewing it in a pot, and a strange smell wafted out.

Su Fuqing moved her table further away in disgust.

After the allotted hour, everyone's "love" lunch was ready.

All the dishes were placed on the table.

The two dishes cooked by Su Fuqing were the best-looking. The dishes cooked by Lou Shuang and Wang Shaoxuan were burnt, while Tong Kaiyun cooked a plate of dark stuff.

The other two, Zhang Zhao, cooked a large pot of broth, while Qiu Zhitao endured nausea and cut the piece of meat into slices and fried them casually.This is their lunch today.

It was also the first time that players had eaten hot food since entering the dungeon.

Among them, the two dishes cooked by Su Fuqing are the most popular among players.

The most popular thing among ghosts is Zhang Zhao's broth, and they only eat this.

Qiu Zhitao's plate of meat had already been eaten by Deng Rui.

After eating, the decapitated ghost announced a news: the ghosts need to rate the dishes cooked by the players, and the top two with the highest overall score can get priority in the afternoon event.

There is no suspense about the top two, falling on Zhang Zhao and Qiu Zhitao.

Qiu Zhitao was a blessing in disguise in a sense.

The afternoon activity is to watch movies. The films to choose from include "X Calls", "The Grudge", "The Bell at Midnight", "The Conjuring", "Train to Busan", and "X".

Upon hearing the names of these movies, the players fell silent.

These are all famous horror films from various countries in the real world.

Watching a horror movie in a replica world full of ghosts, you know with your knees that nothing good will happen.

[I don’t know which one is the scariest. ]
[Each of these movies is scarier than the last. ]
[Aunt Mei is simply a shadow of childhood. ]
[Miss Sadako and Miss Kayako are also scary. ]
[One of the most addictive contestants. When I first watched it, I didn’t dare to go to the toilet at night. ]
[I've watched every part of every series. ]
[Upstairs is the warrior. ]
[Ahhh, barrage protection. ]
[You dare to watch game live broadcasts, but are you afraid of watching fake movies? ]
[How do you know that in the copy, they won't become real? ]
[Fuck, don’t scare me. ]
[Stop talking, I'm starting to get scared. ]
Zhang Zhao and Qiu Zhitao can choose which movie to watch first.

Qiu Zhitao hesitated again and again, and finally chose "The Conjuring".

Su Fuqing could easily understand her thoughts.

No one died in "The Conjuring" from beginning to end, and in the end everyone successfully defeated the ghosts with the help of an exorcist.

Compared with several other horror movies where people die anytime and anywhere, this one is much safer.

And Zhang Zhao chose "Mountain Village Old X", which is the shadow of many people's childhood.

Su Fuqing was relieved to see Tong Kaiyun and Wang Shaoxuan.

The remaining people need to draw lots.

Su Fuqing drew "Midnight X Bell", Lou Shuang drew "Train to Busan", Wang Shaoxuan drew "X Call", and Tong Kaiyun drew "Grudge".

The Decapitated Ghost took them to the second floor of the base, where there were several small screening rooms.

Each group will watch the movie separately.

Su Fuqing and Xiang Tao walked into one of the dim screening rooms. As soon as they sat on the sofa, the door behind them closed automatically, and the screen began to play on the curtain in front of them.

The surroundings are eerie and cool, making it feel like watching a horror movie.

What was playing was the first video version of "Midnight X Bell" many years ago. It had obviously been restored by Blu-ray and looked very clear.

The story begins. Several high school students watched a video tape while staying overnight. Seven days later, they died mysteriously one after another. The aunt of one of the high school students was a reporter and decided to work with her ex-husband to investigate the truth about their deaths...

Su Fuqing looked fascinated.

The horrific scenes inside were nothing to her now.

Until Miss Sadako, who had long hair covering her face and was wearing a white dress, frightened the male protagonist to death and slowly turned her head to look at the screen.

Then, Su Fuqing heard the phone ringing in her ears, and Miss Sadako crawled out from behind the movie curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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