After breakfast, the morning activity is a fun sports meeting. The winning group does not need to participate in tonight's mini-games.

Hearing these words, Wang Shaoxuan raised his head and his eyes lit up.

Yesterday's competition was because he was not good at cooking, so he didn't compete. This time it was not necessarily the case.

In order not to become blind, he must get first place.

The players followed the program team to the venue that had been arranged in advance, and sure enough they were in for another round of "surprises."

Each competition event has a unique aesthetic style of ghosts.

The first competition is "Hydrangea Throwing".

There are two people in each group, one throwing the ball and one catching it.

The rules are simple: the catcher stands in a circle (one meter in diameter) ten meters away from the thrower and uses a basket to catch the ball.

If the ball is thrown or caught by the person who catches or throws the ball under or beyond the boundary, it will not be counted in the score; the catcher can only use the basket to catch the ball, otherwise the ball caught will not be counted in the score;

The thrower throws twenty balls in total, and the receiver with the most balls in the basket wins.

It’s just that the “ball” here is a skull.

Six groups proceed in sequence.

Because they were afraid that the ghosts would deliberately cause harm, the players all chose themselves as the party to catch the ball.

But it turns out that even if the ghosts are asked to throw the ball, they can still make all kinds of monsters.

Among them, the most evil one is Xiang Tao.

He threw the skull very high at one time and very low at the next, or threw one to the left and then another to the right, and the speed was very fast. It was obvious that he was deliberately causing trouble.

The dance didn't start until nine in the evening, so the two of them had enough time to participate in small games, and he didn't want to miss it.

Anyway, he was determined not to let Su Fuqing have an easy time.

Su Fuqing jumped up and down and looked around while holding the basket to catch the skulls. She was so busy that she only received ten in the end, temporarily ranking second among the players.

After her came Lou Shuang and Hao Dafu.

Having been repaired by Lou Shuang before he went up, Hao Dafu didn't dare act like a monster and just threw skulls calmly.

Lou Shuang was very skilled, and this group finally received nineteen, surpassing the original No. [-] Wang Shaoxuan group and No. [-] Su Fuqing group, ranking first.

The remaining two groups failed to surpass them.

The first-ranked Lou Shuang group and the second-ranked Wang Shaoxuan group scored two points and one point respectively. The group with the highest points after the three games does not need to participate in tonight's mini-game.

The second game is shuttlecock kicking.

The feathers of the shuttlecock belong to some unknown bird, but they actually appear a strange and ominous dark red color.

Competition rules: It is also in a circle, the competition time is 1 minute, and the results are calculated based on the addition of the effective number of kicks in each group.

When kicking the shuttlecock, the lower limb on the side that touches the shuttlecock cannot touch the ground; you can touch the shuttlecock with any part of the lower limb; if the lower limb kicking the shuttlecock touches the ground or the shuttlecock lands, this time will not be counted.

No one is very good at shuttlecock, especially ghosts. Only Su Fuqing is very good at it, so even with Xiang Tao's troubles, she still got No. 1 in this competition.

The Loushuang group is No.2.

The third and final event is an obstacle course, with a total of twelve scary-looking yet complex obstacles.

The rules of the competition are simple, that is, each group is ranked based on the average time it takes to reach the finish line.

This time, six groups need to play at the same time.

Following the whistle of the decapitated ghost, everyone ran forward.

The first obstacle is the hurdle.

The program team only set up six roads, and someone was bound to fall behind, so there was a scramble.

Zhang Zhao pushed Tong Kaiyun away. As soon as he stood on the single-plank bridge, he was kicked by Lou Shuang. He lost his balance and fell down.When Su Fuqing was about to get on the single-plank bridge, he was hit hard by someone behind him. Not to mention being robbed, he almost fell down.

Most of the audience were angry for her:
[No, why is this person like this? ]
[I didn’t realize that Wang Shaoxuan was this kind of person. ]
[Although Wang Shaoxuan did this a bit shamelessly, the program team didn't say anything, so it should be allowed. ]
[No matter what, we must condemn him. ]
[shameless! ]
[I want to go in and beat him. ]
Su Fuqing squinted her eyes and glanced at Wang Shaoxuan, who was hurdling directly in front of him, and chased after him.

Then when she ran to the fifth obstacle and crossed the mud pond, she pushed Wang Shaoxuan mercilessly.

Use the way of the person to treat the person's body.

Wang Shaoxuan fell into the dark red mud that looked like it was mixed with blood, and got all over himself. His mouth and nose were filled with muddy water, and it seemed to smell of blood.

[Good job! ]
[Our Sister Su will never be used to people like Wang Shaoxuan. She will take revenge on the spot if she has a grudge. ]
[Hahahahaha, so cool! ]
[He deserves it, he can’t be beaten to death. ]
[Smash him to pieces and eat shit. ]
Because of such a fall, Wang Shaoxuan has fallen far behind.

He struggled to stand up, spit out the muddy water in his mouth, looked at Su Fuqing's back, and took something out of his trouser pocket.

You forced me.

The final obstacle was climbing a nearly ninety-degree steep slope without ropes or any aids.

Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang arrived at the bottom of the steep slope almost at the same time and began to climb.

Wang Shaoxuan was chasing not far behind the two of them.

When the two of them reached the highest point one after another, they suddenly fell from the top together.

Su Fuqing fell to the ground and was stunned for a moment, but she soon realized that someone was plotting against her again.

And it's the same person.

Su Fuqing turned around and saw Wang Shaoxuan who was about to catch up.

She stretched out a leg and tripped him.


Wang Shaoxuan, who didn't pay attention to his feet, grabbed the ground with his head.

Lou Shuang stood up and curled up his lips when he saw this scene, then stretched out a hand to Su Fuqing: "I'll pull you up."

Su Fuqing took Lou Shuang's hand and stood up with the help.

"Continue." Lou Shuang said.

"Okay." Su Fuqing smiled and stepped on Wang Shaoxuan's hand and walked over.

It was indeed an accident, but she had no regrets.

The two began to climb the steep slope for the second time, and Wang Shaoxuan quickly followed, but was still a step too slow.

Lou Shuang was first and Su Fuqing was second.

The final ranking of each group was added up. Su Fuqing was dragged down by Xiang Tao and fell to third place. Wang Shaoxuan's group ranked second, and Lou Shuang's group was still first.

Taken together, it is no surprise that the group Lou Shuang and Hao Dafu do not need to participate in tonight's mini-game.

The Decapitated Ghost also revealed that tonight’s mini-game has been changed and it’s not Truth or Dare.

As for what game it will be changed into, I can’t say yet.

It is also known as "surprise".

There are too many "surprises" in this copy, and they can't bear it.

Upon hearing this news, players had mixed feelings, relieved to be rid of the thrilling truth or dare, but also worried that the new mini-games would be even more torturous.

Especially Wang Shaoxuan, who seems happy and sad at the same time.

 One more chapter counts as a thousand. Collect and add more updates.

  (End of this chapter)

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