Tong Kaiyun avoided Chen Yu, but Chen Yu tried to get close to him many times.

Su Fuqing also noticed that Chen Yu was very concerned about her belly, touching her belly from time to time and talking to himself, shouting "baby".

After a while, Wang Shaoxuan finally came down the mountain.

His whole body was wet, his face was white from the stream water, and the top of his head was still bleeding. He looked very embarrassed, like a drowned dog.

"Wang Shaoxuan, what's wrong with you?" Tong Kaiyun asked.

"Nothing." Wang Shaoxuan didn't want to say more, but couldn't help but stare at the culprit.

If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have found any useful props.

The "culprit" Su Fuqing looked at Wang Shaoxuan without any guilt.

After all, Wang Shaoxuan still felt guilty and withdrew his gaze first.

[Laughing so hard, I just like to see Wang Shaoxuan angry and guilty. ]
[Why does he still have the nerve to glare at Su Fuqing? ]
[He has a big face. ]
[I soaked in the creek for a long time and my brain is flooded. ]
[Hahahahaha. ]
Lou Shuang noticed something was wrong between Su Fuqing and Wang Shaoxuan, but Tong Kaiyun was the only one who didn't know anything about it.

On the way back, Su Fuqing deliberately sat next to Tong Kaiyun and kindly reminded him that Wang Shaoxuan had a problem.

Tong Kaiyun held his stomach and said nothing, not sure whether he believed it or not.

Thinking that he had made everything clear, Su Fuqing said this.

It would be none of her business if Tong Kaiyun was tricked by Wang Shaoxuan later.

When the program team returned to the filming base, it was just in time for dinner, and dinner was already ready.

There is one more person using chopsticks tonight, that is Qiu Zhitao.

She and Zhang Zhao have perfectly blended into the ghosts.

Moreover, Qiu Zhitao ate more than the other ghosts, but Deng Rui, who had always eaten a lot before, put down his chopsticks early this time.

Seeing this scene, Su Fuqing was thoughtful.

Qiu Zhitao seemed to be suffering from the pain of Deng Rui starving to death.

After dinner, it’s mini-game time that the players are extremely looking forward to.

The decapitated ghost announced: "The little game we are going to play tonight is - hide and seek."

The target of the strategy is responsible for hiding, and the player is responsible for finding it. The local limit is the entire shooting base.

Su Fuqing only cares about whether there will be any punishment if the hiding person is not found.

The Decapitated Ghost quickly answered her question. There will be no punishment for finding the hiding person, but if you can find your target, you can make a moderate request to the program team.

According to him, this new game is beneficial to the players, but Lou Shuang, who cannot participate, will suffer.

Wang Shaoxuan showed a somewhat surprised expression.

[Make a request to the program team... This reward looks good. ]
[The problem is that ghosts are hard to find. ]
[Yes, who knows which nook and corner they will hide in. ]
[It’s easy for ghosts to hide, so it’s not fair for players to find them. ]
[It is also easy for ghosts to find players. Players are naturally at a disadvantage in this game. ]
[Although the rewards are good, they are difficult to obtain. ]
[Fortunately, there is no punishment if I can’t find it. ]
[It’s already good without punishment. ]
[Anyway, players will not lose money. If they can get rewards, they will make money. ]
Su Fuqing was not as optimistic as others.

There are more than one pitfalls hidden in the words of the decapitated ghost.

First of all, the ghosts will definitely not be easy for them to find, and in the process of searching, players are likely to encounter danger.

For example, Xiang Tao would most likely take the opportunity to attack Su Fuqing.

Taking a step back, they really found the ghost and got a request. The qualifier "not excessive" in front of the "request" is also very intriguing.

What’s not too much to ask for?It’s not the show crew who has the final say.

Black-hearted program group.

The safest way is to simply give up looking for a target.

Having said that, Su Fuqing did not intend to give up.

Hide-and-seek officially begins. Players stay where they are for the time being, and ghosts have 3 minutes to hide.

After 3 minutes, players can start looking.

Su Fuqing went straight to the rooftop without thinking.If she guessed correctly, Xiang Tao would be hiding here.

It turns out that she was right.

Su Fuqing opened the door to the rooftop. As soon as he walked in, the door behind him closed automatically, and the cameraman who was a step behind was locked inside.

Then, Xiang Tao appeared directly in front of Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing guessed wrong. He was not hiding here, but was waiting for her on purpose.

This is Xiang Tao's last chance before the dance.

When he went to the dance at nine o'clock in the evening, he probably wouldn't be able to kill Su Fuqing himself.

In that case, who will bear his constant pain and suffering?
Moreover, he couldn't bear to let those monsters see such an alluring soul.

He wanted to kill this person with his own hands and keep him by his side.

Therefore, Xiang Tao didn't hold anything back this time, and showing up was his ultimate move.

At the same time, Su Fuqing received a notification of +2 favorability on her watch.

But she had no time to care about this now, and took out the big scissors to deal with Xiang Tao's fatal blow.

Xiang Tao's fingers formed into claws and clawed at Su Fuqing's heart. Su Fuqing opened the scissors and stuck them on his wrist.

Then there was a "click" and one of Xiang Tao's palms fell to the ground.

After all, these broken scissors are of some use.

Su Fuqing gave Xiang Tao another kick and kicked him away.

Xiang Tao fell to the ground, picked up his severed hand, and restored it in twos and twos.

Then he waved his other hand, and Su Fuqing felt a force pulling her towards the edge of the rooftop uncontrollably.

Xiang Tao must be up to something.

He really has a soft spot for the method of death by jumping off a building.

Su Fuqing cursed secretly, took out the pistol from his pants pocket with his free hand, and without hesitation pulled the trigger on Xiang Tao's head.

Xiang Tao only fell to the ground for a moment, but this moment was enough for Su Fuqing to break free from the force.

She quickly ran to Xiang Tao and slapped him on the head with a pair of scissors.

However, Xiang Tao was not a vegetarian and quickly fought back.

One person and one ghost are fighting hard to separate each other, and they can't subdue each other for a while.

Xiang Tao tried to repeat his old plan and controlled Su Fuqing again to make her jump off the building, but Su Fuqing was already on guard and it was difficult for him to succeed.

However, Su Fuqing cannot kill Xiang Tao yet.

And her physical strength is definitely not as good as that of a ghost. If she continues to use up her strength, she will only lose.

With an idea, Su Fuqing dodged Xiang Tao's attack, took a few steps back and came to the door, turned his back and opened the door.

The photographer behind the door looked at her confused.

Sure enough, it is still there.

They are recording a show after all.Usually the photographer who is following the photo will not stray too far away from the guests he is responsible for.

However, there was a lot of noise in the fight between her and Xiang Tao on the rooftop just now. The photographer who was only separated by a door must have heard it, but he did not stop it.

"I found him." Su Fuqing pointed at Xiang Tao and said.

Then she would let him see it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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