Chapter 172 Love Strategy (37)

"I never noticed before that Miss Su loves doing good deeds so much." This was Xiang Tao's voice.

"You don't have to worry about it, just stay out of the way." Su Fuqing was rude to him.

Xiang Tao, however, uncharacteristically surrendered: "I'm just here to watch the show."

In the darkness, Su Fuqing and his party were very close to Xiang Tao.

Xiang Tao added: "It's very lively up there, you'd better not die." Leave your life to me.

Su Fuqing seemed to hear the implication of his words and responded coldly: "Don't worry, I won't die if you die again."

Xiang Tao didn't speak anymore, nor did he behave like a monster, but Su Lingling kept paying attention to him.

Su Fuqing used abnormal means to get down. Normally, one needs to go up a flight of stairs from the basement to the first floor.

When they reached the top step, there was another door blocking them.

Su Fuqing was about to knock the door open, but the door opened automatically and light came in.

"Surprise! Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Earl of Lance jumped out first.

He and Shi Jingyan stood in front of the group, one on the left and the other on the right. There seemed to be a Milky Way between them.

"Little Pepper, why did you let out all the lambs I raised? You are so naughty." Count Lance raised his eyebrows and glanced at the girls who escaped with him.

"Take medicine if you are sick." Su Fuqing was disgusted by the greasy tone.

She followed Earl Lance's line of sight and finally saw the true faces of those girls.

The most conspicuous among them is "Sister Yue" who is protecting the other girls behind her.

Her face was dirty and it was impossible to tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, but she had a pair of very bright and clear eyes that were unforgettable at first glance.

Like the bright moon.

"Sister Yue" was also looking at Su Fuqing, especially seriously, as if she wanted to keep her face in mind.

"Benefactor, thank you for taking us out. We will walk the rest of the way on our own." She said with one last look at Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing nodded and concentrated on dealing with Earl of Lance and Shi Jingyan.

"Leave? Don't even think about leaving." Count Lance clapped his hands, and a group of ghosts swarmed up.

"Those are for you." He first pointed at a few girls, and finally at Su Fuqing, "This is mine..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Fuqing raised the scissors and launched an attack first.

But this time Count Lance was well prepared and even more perverted.

He grabbed Su Fuqing's arm, brought it to his mouth, licked it, and opened his mouth as if to bite.

Dead pervert!
  Su Fuqing quickly snatched her arm back and took a step back.

Those girls were already surrounded by ghosts. Su Lingling secretly helped them, and then while paying attention to Shi Jingyan who had not taken action, she stared at Earl Lance who was making moves.

The Earl of Reims pursued Su Fuqing relentlessly, wanting to catch her and bite her.

It wasn't until he accidentally glanced at the time displayed on the wall clock that he realized it was almost too late.

Su Fuqing couldn't defeat Count Reims, so she could only keep dealing with him, waiting for the arrival of twelve o'clock at noon.

The Earl of Reims wanted a quick victory.

Guests must be seen off at twelve o'clock in the morning. This was a rule set by his grandfather, the first owner of the castle, and even he could not change it.

He must give her his exclusive mark before twelve o'clock.

Earl of Lance suddenly exerted force and grabbed Su Fuqing's neck to bite him.


Su Lingling finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action to fight off Earl Lance.

"Who is causing trouble?" Count Lance was knocked back by an inexplicable force. He looked around for a while, and finally locked on Shi Jingyan, "Shi Jingyan, is it you?"

This quack doctor really wanted to steal people from him.     It turned out that his name was Shi Jingyan.

Su Fuqing knew this name for the first time.

Faced with the question from Count Reims, Shi Jing was noncommittal.

The next second, he teleported to Su Fuqing's side, grabbed her left wrist, quickly let go, and returned to the original place.

Things happened so fast that Su Fuqing was startled and Su Lingling didn't react in time, allowing Shi Jingyan to succeed in vain.

"This pervert is here to take advantage of you. I knew that neither of them were good people..." Su Lingling was very angry and cursed Count Lance and Shi Jingyan ten thousand times.

Su Fuqing touched her hot left wrist and bit her lower lip.

I don't know what Shi Jingyan did to him, but I always feel that it won't be a good thing.

However, it was obvious that it would be easy for him to kill her, but he never did it. Why?
  He seemed to have other plans for himself.

What is the picture?

Su Fuqing was puzzled.

"Shi Jingyan, you, you, you..." Count Lance pointed at Shi Jingyan, looking like he was about to explode.

"It's better to strike first." Shi Jingyan shrugged, with an expression of "What can you do to me?"

"No, I want to snatch her back." Count Lance narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.

Shi Jingyan replied calmly: "By the time you grab it, the person will have already run away."

Earl of Lance turned his head and realized that Su Fuqing, who was standing there, had disappeared at some point.

Where are people? What about Little Pepper who is so big?
  After Su Fuqing discovered that Earl of Lance's attention was temporarily devoted to Shi Jingyan, he made a decisive decision to run away quietly.

On the way, she also asked Su Lingling to help "Sister Yue" and two other girls who were surrounded by ghosts, and ran away with the three of them.

Su Lingling discovered that sometimes Su Fuqing was quite soft-hearted, especially towards such an innocent victimized girl.

Su Fuqing and the others' goal was the gate.

It's almost twelve o'clock and the dance is almost over.

A large group of ghosts and the Count of Lance were chasing after him, but Shi Jingyan fell far behind, like a crowd of onlookers.

Another more active onlooker was Xiang Tao, who was following Count Reims and eating melon at close range.

Su Fuqing led the girls to the door and pushed hard, but it still couldn't be pushed open.

"There are still about five or six minutes left," Su Linling said.

"We still have to hold on for five or six minutes." Su Fuqing told the girls.

"I understand, thank you benefactor." "Sister Yue" raised the wooden stick that she had come from somewhere and blocked it in front of the other two girls and Su Fuqing.

"I don't need your protection." Su Fuqing stepped forward and took the initiative to meet several ghosts that rushed towards her.

"What are you doing, you traitor!"

These ghosts were all weaker than Su Lingling. They did not see Su Fuqing's human identity for the time being, and only thought that she was a traitor among ghosts who helped humans.

What responded to them was Su Fuqing's scissors education.

She is pretty good at dealing with these little bosses.

The "Sister Yue" next to her can also fight off one or two ghosts with a stick.

However, Count Reims soon caught up with him.

"Pepper, don't even think about running away."

He could only see Su Fuqing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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