Su Fuqing and Xiang Tao took to the stage again.

A ten-meter-high platform was erected in the center of the stage to serve as a tall building.

On the top of the stage, the male duo Xiang Tao once again confessed his love to the heroine Su Fuqing, but was rejected again.

Xiang Tao clasped Su Fuqing's shoulders and asked her: "Why don't you like me? Is the person named Ye so good that you will never forget him even after he dies?"

"Yes, I just like him..." Su Fuqing expressed her affection to the dead male protagonist.

Xiang Tao went completely crazy and pushed Su Fuqing hard.

Su Fuqing had long known that this was an unavoidable plot, so after finding that his actions were controlled by a force, he did not panic and allowed Xiang Tao to push him down.

"one two Three……"

It was already more than ten meters away, but Su Fuqing never landed.

You can't kill anyone if you fall ten meters.

But she felt that power disappear.

"Qingqing, reach out." Su Lingling said.

Su Fuqing obediently stretched out her right hand, and a piece of white silk wrapped around her wrist, and then the other end was wrapped around somewhere. She was hung in mid-air and stopped falling.

Looking around, there is no audience, not even in the Ghost Theater, only high-rise buildings that look like pasted and copied buildings.

Su Fuqing was hanging under the air conditioner in a building.

She glanced down and roughly estimated that this height should knock her into a puddle.

That is to say, shattered into pieces.

"Sister Lingling, am I hallucinating again now?" Su Fuqing asked.

The more she looked at this tall building, the more familiar it became. It seemed to be the building where Xiang Tao jumped when he died.

"It's a bit similar but a bit different." Su Lingling was not very sure, "I tried it just now and couldn't get it out. At most, Bai Ling can help you. The main thing is that you have to rely on yourself."

"Let me think about it..."

Su Fuqing's right hand was already a little weak.

She grabbed Bai Ling with her left hand and changed her support point.

But this is not a long-term solution. She cannot stay here forever.

"Sister Lingling, let's continue like this, all the way to the ground."

Su Fuqing suddenly remembered that she was still acting in a drama.

The ending of the story is that she fell from a tall building and fell to her death. She didn't necessarily have to die, but she had to fall and couldn't stop halfway down.

Maybe after falling to the ground and completing this plot, she can return to the theater.

After listening to Su Fuqing's explanation, Su Lingling also understood.

"Okay, that's it."

Su Lingling took back the white silk and let Su Fuqing fall a certain distance. Then she wrapped the white silk around her for a while, then took it back and let her continue to fall.

Drop, stop, drop, stop...

This cycle went on for who knows how long, and Su Fuqing finally landed firmly on the ground, unscathed.

The next second, she returned to the center of the stage.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Su Fuqing at the same time, as if wondering why she was not dead.

She's not dead, but she can act.

Su Fuqing fell to the ground and became silent for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Tao's expression on the high platform was very distorted.

He actually let her escape again, damn it!
  The plot must continue.

Xiang Tao rushed down and picked up Su Fuqing, acting like a fake smile. The drama "The Death of Tianhua" finally ended "successfully".

It's perfect for players, but obviously not for a few ghosts.

But the players also face a bigger problem. Before the copy ends at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, they must get [-] favorability points.

However, the target of their attack only wants them dead.

The ghost audience in the audience clapped expressionlessly. Su Fuqing stood up, patted the place where Xiang Tao had touched, and smiled provocatively at him.

Xiang Tao couldn't help but say harsh words: "Do you think this is the end? Without an [-]-point favorability score, there is no way you can get out alive."

"Are you threatening me?" Su Fuqing changed the subject, "My favorability hasn't been rising today. You did it on purpose."

"Dang..." Xiang Tao suddenly realized that Su Fuqing seemed to be trying to trick him, so he stopped talking and walked away with an ugly expression.

Su Fuqing didn't care either.

She is now basically certain that the degree of favorability is entirely controlled by the target, which is why Xiang Tao is so confident.

"Sister Lingling, do you think I could tie up Xiang Tao and force him to increase my favorability?"

Su Linling said: "You can try, but Xiang Tao may not be so easy to deal with."

On the other hand, Lou Shuang's target is easier to deal with, and will become intimidated after a beating.

It's a pity that Su Fuqing was unlucky and was selected by Xiang Tao.

Su Lingling remembered that she had seen something selling transport beads and transport charms on her mobile phone before, and she had to buy some for Qingqing when she went out tomorrow.

On the way back to the filming base by bus, Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang sat together by chance.

The two of them seemed to have exchanged something, and everything was silent.

Tong Kaiyun: It’s another day where I can’t get into the topic.

Audience: Another day when I can’t understand what they are doing.

[They seem to have reached some consensus. ]
  [I do not understand. ]
  [We are discussing how to increase the favorability level. ]
  [The copy is about to end, and they are still a dozen points short of favorability. ]
  [Today, the favorability of Su Fuqing and Tong Kaiyun has not increased at all, while Lou Shuang has increased by two points. ]
  [There is something wrong with it. ]
  [There must be something wrong. ]
  [It’s okay, Lou Shuang and Su Fuqing should have discovered it. ]
  [I don’t know how they are going to solve it. ]
  [Looking forward to Sister Shuang punching the program crew and kicking the target. ]
  Back at the filming base, the Decapitated Ghost announced good news and bad news.

The good news is: I finally don’t have to play mini games tonight.

The bad news: Instead, there’s a bonfire party.

Moreover, the guests have to prepare everything they want to eat and use at the party themselves, which is known as cultivating relationships.

Su Fuqing: "..."

She almost forgot that this was a romance drama.

Do you want to cultivate a crazy relationship and want to kill the other person's relationship?
  The so-called favorability is nothing more than a scam.

The ingredients were prepared by the program team, and to Su Fuqing's surprise, there were vegetables, beef and pork that people could eat.

Did the show crew change their gender?

Or is this a meal prepared for them?
  The last night of the copy will definitely not be peaceful.

No matter what happens next, let’s finish eating first.

Tong Kaiyun was stabbed twice in succession. He hadn't eaten much in the past few days, and his iron-clad body couldn't bear it. He gritted his teeth and used a healing tool, but he was still very weak.

Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang didn't ask him to help. It was enough for them to do it.

Lou Shuang lights the fire, and Su Fuqing puts on the skewers. But they only prepared portions for three people, and the ghosts had their own food.

Su Fuqing has become immune to that weird fragrance.

She gave the first skewer to Lou Shuang, the second skewer to herself, and then gave the third skewer with less oil and salt to the patient Tong Kaiyun.

Tong Kaiyun, who had not eaten for a long time, was still very moved and even shed two lasagna tears.

"Thank you, I'm almost starving to death, it's so delicious..."

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