Without further ado, Su Fuqing and Xiang Tao started fighting.

Xiang Tao's attack was a killing move, and Su Fuqing didn't hold back at all and was about to knock Xiang Tao down.

Tong Kaiyun still couldn't figure out the situation and was still confused.

However, Chen Yu was eyeing him covetously and was determined to win.

"Baby, mommy must ask daddy to accompany you today."

After touching his belly gently, Chen Yu took out a machete from behind.

Tong Kaiyun recognized it. It was the knife specially used to chop bones at the bonfire party.

With such a big knife, how did Chen Yu manage to get through it all the way?
  No, the more important problem is that if this knife cuts on him, he will probably die completely.

Tong Kaiyun was a little panicked.

Lou Shuang has completed the dungeon mission and is leaving soon.

Before that, Lou Shuang glanced at Su Fuqing and nodded towards her.

Then she walked up to Chen Yu, snatched away the machete, and explained to Tong Kaiyun:
  "...So, Chen Yu can control the favorability. If you find a way to get her to give you eighty, you can complete the task."

This time Tong Kaiyun finally understood.

[It’s not easy. Tong Kaiyun finally caught up with the big army. ]
  [Our sister Shuang’s thighs are still reliable. ]
  [It’s a pity that Sister Shuang is leaving. ]
  [It depends on whether the two of them can defeat their opponent. ]
  [Actually, this copy is quite simple, as long as you can persist until the end. ]
  [The problem is that there are many dangers in the middle. The target of the strategy only wants to kill the player. If the player is unlucky, he will be in trouble. ]
  [Furthermore, if the player doesn’t discover the flaw in the favorability level, he or she will still be doomed if he persists until the end and the favorability level won’t reach [-]. ]
  [It’s not easy to force the ghosts to give [-] favorability points. Su Fuqing and Tong Kaiyun still have a hard time. ]
  [It’s really a toss-up. ]
  "I'm leaving, take care of yourselves." Lou Shuang disappeared from the spot.

Tong Kaiyun straightened his expression, picked up a broom and rushed towards Chen Yu.

Lou Shuang has already given him the formula to clear the level, and he has to rely on himself for the rest.

Fight with Chen Yu!
  Seeing the plague god Lou Shuang leave with his own eyes, Hao Dafu, who avoided her like a snake and a scorpion, breathed a sigh of relief and ran away without caring about his two companions.

The open scissors got stuck into Xiang Tao's body, but Su Fuqing was also choked by Xiang Tao.

One person and one ghost will not let anyone else.

Xiang Tao pressed hard: "Wouldn't it be better to stay here? I've already figured it out. You don't need to share my pain, just stay with me."

"Bah, who wants to stay with such an ugly guy like you! You're so ugly, but you think you're pretty!" Su Fuqing spat on Xiang Tao's face unceremoniously.

Xiang Tao sneered: "Anyway, I won't give you favor points. If you wait until ten o'clock tomorrow, you will die."

Su Fuqing's fist hardened.

"When you die, we will be the same. Fortunately, they didn't let them snatch you away last night." Xiang Tao raised his hand and touched Su Fuqing's face.


Su Fuqing raised her knees and kicked Xiang Tao hard. At the same time, she raised the scissors in her hand and hit Xiang Tao on the face.

Physical slap in the face.

Xiang Tao was knocked back two steps, but he was still looking at Su Fuqing and smiling.

"Qingqing, my hands are itchy, and I want to hit him too," Su Linling said.

Su Fuqing thought that Su Lingling had taken action at the dance last night and she had not been targeted so far, so she guessed that it was okay to ask Su Lingling to help once or twice.

And the copy is almost over, so don’t worry too much.

"Okay, let's go together." She said.

The next second, Su Lingling appeared next to Su Fuqing. "So you two are in the same group." Xiang Tao looked at Su Fuqing and then at Su Lingling, suddenly realizing.

"I told you to stay away from Qingqing."

Su Lingling wrapped Xiang Tao with Bai Ling and played a mixed doubles match with Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing stepped on Xiang Tao's face and crushed it hard: "Are you convinced?"

"If you don't accept it, what can you do to me?" Xiang Tao made it clear that he wanted to fight them.

"Continue." Su Fuqing raised her fist.

On the other side, although Tong Kaiyun was injured, he still used his skills to trap Chen Yu.

He tried to reason with Chen Yu: "I don't like women, and I don't like children. I'm really not suitable to be a father to your children. You sir, please let me go."

"No, the baby and I like you very much." Chen Yu was very stubborn.

Taking a look at the battle next to Su Fuqing beating Xiang Tao, Tong Kaiyun also wanted to fight a ghost.

But Chen Yu was a female ghost after all, so he was a little embarrassed to strike hard.

Tong Kaiyun pressed the broom stick against Chen Yu and wanted to say to her again: "I'm so... stupid, what the hell?"

Chen Yu's huge belly was suddenly ripped open by something from the inside. A baby covered in blood crawled out, and quickly crawled along the broom to Tong Kaiyun and hugged him.

Feeling the baby's cold body, Tong Kaiyun was startled and startled.

He thought that Chen Yu had always said that she had conceived the baby before her death, but he didn't expect that there was actually a ghost child.

Then, Tong Kaiyun heard the baby calling him in a childish voice: "Daddy!"

"I'm not your father!" Tong Kaiyun picked up the baby and tried to throw him out like a hot potato.

As a result, it cannot be thrown out.

The little baby didn't know where it came from. It was like a piece of candy that couldn't be shaken off. It clung to Tong Kaiyun and wouldn't let go.

Tong Kaiyun struggled for a long time and found that he had no way to deal with him.

This devil is harder to deal with than his mother.

"Daddy, daddy..." the baby cried.

Falling to the ground, a slightly weak Chen Yu said: "This is our child."

The demonic sound penetrated his ears, and Tong Kaiyun's brain almost exploded.

He doesn’t want to be a father painlessly!
  [Tong Kaiyun is so miserable. ]
  [Isn’t this nice? Once you enter a copy, you will be happy to marry your wife and children, and your life will be fulfilled immediately. ]
  [Ghost wife, ghost child, give it to you, do you want it? ]
  [Also, people like men. ]
  [I am not blessed to enjoy it. ]
  [This unlucky kid can really howl, my ears are about to explode. ]
  [It’s so noisy, wear headphones. ]
  [It’s not easy for Tong Kaiyun to fight two against one. ]
  [Wish him success. ]
  The baby kept pestering Tong Kaiyun to call him daddy. Tong Kaiyun really couldn't do anything to him at first.

Seeing this scene of "father and son living in harmony", Chen Yu showed a happy smile.

Suddenly, Tong Kaiyun had a flash of inspiration and had a not so good idea.

Tong Kaiyun threw away the broom, picked up the baby with both hands, and whispered to him. "sorry."

Then, he suddenly took several steps back and put a hand on the baby's neck, threatening Chen Yu: "If you don't want anything to happen to your son, give me some favorability points."

Both the audience and Chen Yu were stunned by this sudden reversal.

[Can it still be like this? ]
  [ox! ]
  [It all depends on whether Chen Yu will be fooled or not. ]
  [This is her precious son. ]

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