"Do you have more detailed information? About her living habits and so on." Su Fuqing asked.

Even though your appearance can change at will, some habits are hard to break.

Zhao Jing said: "Yes, I will send it to you too."

Su Fuqing opened the second file he sent.

"I don't like coriander...I'm allergic to peanuts..."

These two points are enough, especially if you are allergic to peanuts.

"You have to bring some peanuts with you if you want to enter the dungeon later, if you can bring it in."

Su Fuqing finally discovered that the probability of meeting an acquaintance in the dungeon was quite high, whether they were good friends or enemies.

"Be careful of strangers when you go out." Zhao Jing warned.

"I know."

When Su Fuqing hung up the phone, Su Linling, who had not interrupted, said: "If I meet that Liang Yi again, I will remember her breath."

Last time, she didn't expect that the person caught in the police station could escape, so she didn't pay attention.

Su Fuqing took a bite of the meat bun and said vaguely: "Sister Lingling, can you still do this?"

"It's a joke." Su Linling poured a glass of soy milk for Su Fuqing, "Eat more, I will cook a big meal for you at noon today. You haven't eaten well in the past few days."

Su Fuqing nodded, his eyes bright.

In the next few days, Su Fuqing began to live a step-by-step life again. He goes to the police station every day to study and improve, and occasionally hangs out with friends, but he is recognized by passers-by from time to time.

On the third day after she left the dungeon, all dungeons in the fourth round of the game ended.

Then almost at the same moment, everyone who watched this round of game live broadcasts received two questions on their mobile phones.

Who is your favorite player?

Who is the player you hate the most?

Please choose from the following players: XX, XXX...

Those who were careful noticed that the names listed were all players who survived the live broadcast they had watched.

Some people quickly chose the answer, but more people hesitated.

Some are afraid to choose because they can’t figure out what’s going on, and some are simply because they don’t particularly dislike or like players...

But they all found that they could not exit without making a choice, even if they restarted or even changed their mobile phones.

In the end, everyone had to choose a player they liked and disliked based on their impressions.

Su Fuqing got the news from Tang Wei and others.

The three of them also said that when asked about their favorite player, they all chose Su Fuqing.

"Maybe there will be some rewards for the most popular players." Tang Wei said.

Su Fuqing didn't believe that escape games would be so kind as to set up special questions to reward players.

She just felt that this game was trying to cause trouble again.

After coming to the office and asking Zhao Jing, Zhao Jing agreed with her.

"I have a very bad feeling," he said.

Su Fuqing said: "The game must have bad intentions. I just don't know why he did this."

Zhao Jing added: "I did some statistics and found that everyone's options are different, but they have one thing in common. They are all players who survived the live broadcast they have watched."

Su Fuqing wrote down this information, and then discussed it with Zhao Jing for a long time, but they couldn't come up with a reason.

"I have a meeting in ten minutes. You can find a place to play by yourself." Zhao Jing glanced at the time and left in a hurry.

Su Fuqing was sitting in Zhao Jing's office playing with her mobile phone, quite idle.

If you don't understand something, just don't think about it.

When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover it up with the earth. “Zhao Jing, why did you stop my card?”

A girl wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket, with dyed red hair and heavy makeup, but who looked to be no more than seventeen or eighteen years old rushed into Zhao Jing's office in a hurry.

Hearing the voice, Su Fuqing raised his head: "Hello... Well, Zhao Jing is not here, he has gone to a meeting."

"It's you." The girl looked at Su Fuqing from beginning to end, her tone unclear, "You have a pretty good relationship with him."

Su Linling, who was hiding, said, "This little girl is dressed quite fashionably."

"This is Zhao Jing's sister."

Seeing the girl's appearance, Su Fuqing had already guessed her identity.

Zhao Zheng is the rebellious sister that Zhao Jing often talks about.

"It's not as good as your relationship." Su Fuqing smiled at Zhao Zheng.

"Hmph, who has a good relationship with him!" Zhao Zheng turned his head aside with disdain.

Su Fuqing sent a message to Zhao Jing: Your sister is here to see you.

After a while, Zhao Jing replied: Tell her, if she doesn't go back to class obediently, she won't get a penny from me.

She is still a little sister who skips classes and is indeed rebellious.

Su Fuqing truthfully conveyed Zhao Jing's words to Zhao Zheng.

"I don't want to go to any class. When I graduate next year, my dad will just send me to study abroad to get my diploma."

Zhao Zheng put her hands on her hips, walked around the desk a few times, and stamped her feet angrily: "If he doesn't give me money to spend, I will starve to death."

Su Fuqing poured a glass of water for Zhao Zheng. She didn't ask her why she didn't want to go to class. She just said, "You won't graduate until next year. Are you an adult?"

"There are still three months to go." Zhao Zheng took the water, but didn't drink it, so he just held it in his hand.

"If you don't go to class, what do you usually do?" Su Fuqing asked.

Zhao Zheng was vague: "Just... go out and play."

Su Fuqing took advantage of the situation and started chatting with her.

"You are quite interesting..." Zhao Zheng was about to say something else, but the sudden ringing of her cell phone interrupted her.

She took out her phone and glanced at the name on it, then answered the phone: "What to do?"

Su Fuqing was free and saw another message from Zhao Jing: I still have a lot of things to do here. Please help me keep an eye on her and don't let her go out and hang out with those unscrupulous people.

Zhao Zheng next to him rolled his eyes: "If you don't come, you have no money."

Then the other person said something unknown, and she smiled again: "Okay, I'll be here right away, sister."

"Where are you going?" Su Fuqing, who had just received the mission, asked tentatively.

Zhao Zheng replied subconsciously: "Going out to drink with friends——"

"Underage people are not allowed to drink." Su Fuqing stepped forward and blocked the door, "Besides, your brother asked me to watch you."

Zhao Zheng snorted: "He doesn't even give me any money, so why should he care about me? Just get out of my way."

"That won't work." Su Fuqing didn't move.

"I take back what I just said, you have no meaning at all." Zhao Zheng was so angry that he stretched out his hand to push Su Fuqing, but did not push.

Su Fuqing pushed her in with her backhand: "Be good, otherwise I won't be able to explain to your brother."

She had a "don't embarrass me" look on her face.

Who is embarrassing whom?

"I don't want it." Zhao Zheng puffed up his face in anger and suddenly had an idea, "Zhao Jing asked you to look at me, so why don't you just go with me?"

When Zhao Jing returned to the office after finishing his work, he found that Su Fuqing and Zhao Zheng were missing.

(End of this chapter)

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