On the way home, Su Fuqing said casually: "After all, this is the second time we have met in reality, right? The first time was the class you taught us."

That was indeed the first time Su Fuqing met Lou Shuang, but it was not the first time Lou Shuang met Su Fuqing.

The first time Lou Shuang met Su Fuqing was in a shopping mall. She rescued her friend from a player named Yu Zhen.

Su Fuqing was obviously unaware of this, and Lou Shuang did not correct this.

It felt weird to let her talk about it herself.

Back home, Su Fuqing and Su Lingling cooked together and cooked a table of specialty dishes for Lou Shuang.

In the next few days, Lou Shuang stayed in City X and took some time every day to guide Su Fuqing.

The rest of the time, she was working on a secret mission about the two spies from country A, and Su Fuqing also participated in it.

Zhao Jing was excluded because he was busy repairing the relationship with Zhao Zheng.

With Su Fuqing as an off-field aid, the effect was quite good.

The fifteen-day rest period was long or short, but when I realized it, it was already the day to enter a new copy.

Before officially entering, Su Fuqing, Tang Wei and Ai Xiaonian had a gathering.

Ai Xiaonian's last dungeon was very scary and tested human nature. After so many days, he still hasn't recovered from it. He was always absent-minded when chatting with everyone.

"Brother, don't be in a daze." Ai Xiaohua said helplessly.

"Oh." Ai Xiaonian came back to his senses and looked at the others apologetically, "Sorry, my condition is not very good."

Su Lingling quietly said to Su Fuqing: "He may not survive the next dungeon like this."

Su Fuqing can completely understand Ai Xiaonian's fatigue.

Players are all flesh-and-blood people, not iron-clad machines, and there will always be times when they can't hold on.

Even Su Fuqing couldn't guarantee that he could persist in the escape game forever.

However, her desire to live a good life never changed.

After all, they had gone through a dungeon together and were the brothers of good friends. Su Fuqing kindly advised Ai Xiaonian: "We are about to enter a new dungeon. You have to adjust your condition quickly."

"I know." Ai Xiaonian forced a smile.

Ai Xiaomi on the side looked worried.

The time to enter the dungeon this time is 12 noon.

As time and space changed, Su Fuqing immediately smelled a pungent but familiar smell, like...disinfectant.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and saw a large expanse of cold white. The surroundings were unusually quiet, except for the ticking of the bottle above her head.

And she was lying on the hospital bed, wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, with four small words embroidered crookedly on the upper left corner of her chest - Hope Hospital.

Obviously, the background of this copy is in a hospital, and her identity is a patient.

Su Fuqing checked his whole body and found nothing uncomfortable.

Although she is a patient, it seems that she is still in good health at present.

With a needle stuck in his left hand and infusion being given, Su Fuqing raised his head and took a closer look. There is nothing written on the bottle. I don’t know what kind of liquid is inside. It looks transparent.

Just in case, she adjusted the infusion speed to the slowest and then continued to look around to observe the situation. Wait, something seems wrong?

At this moment, the mechanical voice began to announce the basic information and tasks of this copy:

[Welcome to the fourth level copy: Hope Hospital. ]

[Dungeon task: Recover and be discharged before the end of the instance. ]

[Task time: seven days]

[Number of players: twelve]

[Warm reminder: The copy has been fully upgraded, and there are many surprises waiting for you to discover. ]

upgrade? The difficulty level is about the same.

surprise? One hundred percent scared again.

Su Fuqing has almost understood the virtues of escape games.

At this time, she also wanted to understand the reason for the sense of disobedience just now.

In addition to the bed she was in, there were two hospital beds next to it. The patients lying on them had their eyes closed tightly. It was unclear whether they were unconscious or sleeping. They didn't look like players.

Moreover, there are a total of twelve players this time, and even adding the two of them is not enough.

The other players are not here.

This is the first time since Su Fuqing entered the escape game that she has been separated from other players at the beginning of the dungeon.

But it didn't have much impact on her.

Other players should be in other wards.

Su Fuqing did not act rashly for the first time.

The most important question now is why she came to the hospital and how she can recover and be discharged.

Shouldn't she be given an incurable terminal disease?

"Sister Lingling, do you think I have any illness?" Su Fuqing asked.

Su Lingling hid like last time, and neither ordinary people nor ghosts could find her.

Even Su Fuqing could only vaguely feel her presence and could communicate with her through a contract.

"You are very healthy." Su Linling said.

"I also feel that I am very healthy." Su Fuqing sat up and rummaged through the cabinet next to the hospital bed to see if he could find medical records or examination reports.

Su Fuqing accepted the situation calmly and quickly started taking action. Other players and viewers were not as calm as she was, especially the audience.

Players haven't found the so-called "surprise" yet, but they have found a surprise.

Originally, each copy only had one live broadcast perspective, and it was not very smart. Many viewers complained about the inconvenience and often missed the players and some exciting content they wanted to watch.

This time, as soon as they opened the live broadcast room and selected the dungeon, they discovered that one dungeon had several perspectives, and different scenes were being played out simultaneously.

A line of words was displayed at the top of the live broadcast room:

[The live broadcast room has officially opened a single player perspective. Please choose the player perspective you are interested in to watch. ]

If you look closely, you will see a player's name written in the lower right corner of each live broadcast perspective.

Viewers can even follow a certain player and will be notified when the next instance is opened, and can choose to watch his/her live broadcast directly.

I don’t know how much more convenient than before.

Everyone was overjoyed and started selecting interested players.

Among them, some viewers of the copy of "Hope Hospital" were surprised to find that Su Fuqing and an acquaintance were together again.

Qiao Ningze’s live broadcast room:

[Coming from next door, Qiao Qiao is in the same dungeon as Su Fuqing. ]

[Such a coincidence? ]

[it's fate. ]

[Qiaoqiao can hold her thigh again (dog head). ]

[It's a pity that they were not together in the beginning. ]

[It seems that all players have been separated. ]

[Jojo runs out. ]

[He is a little impulsive. He doesn't know what's going on now. There may be danger outside. ]

[There is someone over there. ]

[Who is this? Why do you feel like Qiaoqiao knows her? ]


Qiao Ningze ran out of the ward and met an unexpected person at the corner of the corridor - Zhao Zheng.

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