Su Fuqing asked again: "Except for getting permission from the master of the formation, is there no way out?"

Su Lingling said: "You can destroy it violently."

Hearing this, Su Fuqing's eyes lit up.

Before she could be happy for a long time, Su Lingling told a cruel truth: "But with just the three of us, we probably won't be able to break through the formation here even if it takes seven days and seven nights."

Su Fuqing: "..."

Okay, she's still too good.

Violent destruction is not advisable.

Su Fuqing was originally thinking about whether he could be discharged from the hospital in other ways. Now it seems that he can only recover and be discharged honestly according to the process, and it can't be forced. He must get the permission of the master of the formation.

She said: "I don't know who set up this formation?"

Su Lingling spread her hands helplessly: "It must be a very powerful ghost, at least I can't defeat it."

Su Fuqing guessed: "It's probably the boss of this copy, the hospital director or something like that..."

Su Lingling couldn't beat her, so she couldn't beat him even more.

"Should we go back?" Zhao Zheng asked.

She seemed to hear someone calling them.

Su Fuqing also heard it.

It should be Xiao He.

"Go back first," she said.

Su Linling disappeared again.

Seeing Su Lingling disappear out of thin air, Zhao Zheng couldn't help but ask: "Where did she go?"

"She hasn't left, she's right next to us, but you can't see her for the time being." Su Fuqing explained.

"Can it still be like this?" Zhao Zheng nodded as if he understood.

I went out for a lot of shopping today, and I can really go back.

But before that, Su Fuqing told Zhao Zheng a few things:

"Try not to take the initiative to talk to doctors, nurses and other patients, especially that Jiang Bo... Even if the other person is a player, you can't trust it easily... There should be a card in the bedside cabinet... If there is danger, you can I shouted for help, but I don’t know if the soundproofing of the ward is good..."

Zhao Zheng listened carefully without blinking.

"When we're not together, just keep your own life...that's pretty much it."

Not long after Su Fuqing finished speaking, Xiao He came over, looking a little angry.

Su Fuqing took the initiative and said, "Sister He, where did you go just now? Suddenly we found that we couldn't find you. We were all so anxious that we have been looking for you."

Xiao He was obviously stunned for a moment.

[This is a skill to beat and rake backwards. ]

[Xiao He: Who is running around? ]

[Suddenly a black pot comes down. ]

[Su Fuqing: As long as I accuse others first, others can’t accuse me. ]

[Killing me. ]

[This nurse doesn’t even know what to say. ]

[Speechless. ]


Xiao He was really confused by Su Fuqing's actions and didn't know how to answer. In the end, he could only squeeze out one sentence: "...Go back, you should take medicine."

Su Fuqing and Zhao Zheng followed Xiao He back obediently without saying a word.

Xiao He calmed down a little.

When they were about to reach the inpatient building, Su Fuqing thought of a question: "Sister Xiao He, where will you stay at night?"

She wanted to know if doctors and nurses could come and go as they pleased.

The answer is no.

Xiao He pointed to a slightly smaller building on the right side of the inpatient building: "That's the staff dormitory."

Su Fuqing took a look and accidentally discovered that there was a canteen next to the staff dormitory building.

I found a place to eat, I just hope the food in this instance is normal.

Looking away, Su Fuqing asked without giving up: " you usually go out to play?"

"I'm so busy with work, I don't have time to go out." Xiao He was even more expressionless, with a little resentment when he spoke.

Su Fuqing: "..."

We all go to jail together, right?

Moreover, doctors and nurses are even worse and have to work as social animals. No wonder Xiao He is resentful. Su Fuqing softened her tone and said, "Thank you, Sister He."

"No need." Xiao He opened the door and led them inside.

The lobby on the first floor was still empty.

They should separate when they return to the second floor. Zhao Zheng clenched her fists, unable to help but feel a little nervous and... scared.

Su Fuqing grabbed her wrist and comforted her: "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Zhao Zheng remained stubborn.

"Okay, you're not afraid. Do you remember everything I told you?" Su Fuqing said in a low voice.

Zhao Zheng nodded: "Remember."

She remembered everything Su Fuqing told her.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zheng suddenly felt less nervous and scared.

She can.

Xiao He didn't bother to pay attention to the two people behind him who started whispering again after a short while.

There was silence in the long corridor on the second floor, and the ward doors on both sides were closed.

After not walking far, Xiao He stopped and turned around and said, "You two go back to the ward by yourself."

Su Fuqing looked up and saw two people carrying a stretcher coming out of the door of Ward 209 not far ahead.

After saying that, Xiao He hurriedly ran up to help.

"What's going on? Do we need to go back to the ward?" Zhao Zheng asked.

Her ward 210 is just in front, just a few steps away.

Su Fuqing shook his head: "I won't go back yet."

Seeing the three people carrying the stretcher walking towards this side, she took a step towards the middle, intentionally or unintentionally blocking their path.

What is this for?

Zhao Zheng wanted to follow, but was held down by Su Fuqing.

"Don't move."

The stretcher was getting closer, and Xiao He, who was walking at the front, pushed Su Fuqing out of the way.

"Step aside!"

Su Fuqing was pushed back a few steps and hit the wall.

Zhao Zheng quickly supported her: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Su Fuqing turned around and watched the three people carrying the stretcher quickly walking away, frowning in confusion.

She just took a look and saw that the person lying on the stretcher had his eyes closed and his face was pale, but it didn't look like there was any big problem.

Why are they so anxious?

Su Lingling said: "That person is not sick, he just fainted."

He's not sick, why are they taking him away?

[Wait a minute, I think I know the person on the stretcher just now. ]

[Is he a player? ]

[It wasn’t before... I should have been selected this time because of my unlucky luck. ]

[Then he is probably in danger. ]

[What bad luck. ]


Su Fuqing also belatedly realized that the person on the stretcher just now might be the player.

And it is very likely that he is the same "lucky audience" as Zhao Zheng.

Su Linling said again: "Do you want me to follow you and take a look?"

Su Fuqing thought for a while before agreeing: "Follow me and try. If it doesn't work, come back."

If she guessed correctly, something might happen to the person who was taken away.

Let Su Lingling follow her. If you can help her, help her. If you can't help her, then it's the end of your kindness.

Su Lingling naturally understood what Su Fuqing meant.

She had already left a mark on Xiao He, so it was easy to find him.

"Let's go back to the ward."

Su Fuqing watched Zhao Zheng walk into 210 before preparing to return to her ward.

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