With two meat dishes, Su Fuqing could already predict how trembling her aunt would be.

As a result, the next second, she saw her aunt giving Qiao Ningze two tablespoons of meat, and her hands did not shake during the whole process.


Then the aunt smiled happily and handed the plate to Qiao Ningze, and finally looked at him a few more times.

I didn’t expect that even NPCs would look at someone’s face these days.

Su Fuqing thought this, but she always felt that something was wrong.

She stared intently at Qiao Ningze walking in front, as if trying to spot a flower on him.

Qiao Ningze, who was aware of it, turned his head and looked confused: "What's wrong?"

Su Fuqing shook his head: "Nothing."

The three of them found a place to sit down.

Su Fuqing suddenly became acutely aware of a gaze full of malice.

She paused in holding the chopsticks, then raised her head and looked around, but that gaze disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

After scanning around and finding nothing, Su Fuqing simply looked away and began to concentrate on eating.

The three of them were sitting in an inconspicuous corner, but Qiao Ningze's face attracted too much attention. Su Fuqing also knew many people, and soon some players came over.

"Hello, my name is Jia Zixian."

After announcing his name, Jia Zixian sat directly next to Qiao Ningze without looking out.

Then he said to Su Fuqing: "Are any of you interested in cooperating?"

He could tell at a glance who the real boss and the person in charge of the three-man team was.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng subconsciously looked at Su Fuqing.

[Another one comes to hug my thigh. ]

[Go aside, Sister Su is my Qiaoqiao’s thigh. ]

[Sister Su doesn’t accept all teammates. This Jia Zixian is firstly not as good-looking as our Qiaoqiao, and secondly not as cute as little sister Zhao Zheng. Why should she join this team? ]

[That's enough for you, it's not a draft. ]

[The players should have cooperated more, but Su Fuqing probably would not agree to act together with Jia Zixian. They would at most exchange some information. ]


"We don't need a fourth person on our team right now."

Before Jia Zizi could show his disappointment, Su Fuqing added, "However, we can exchange information."

It's good to be able to exchange information.

To show his sincerity, Jia Zixian said first: "I saw a patient being taken away from 209 next door. He seems to be a new player."

Hope Hospital is designed so that there are odd-numbered wards on one side of the corridor and even-numbered wards on the other side.

Ward 207 where Su Fuqing is located is right next door to 209, and the other ward next door to 209 is 211.

Apparently Jia Zixian is in Ward 211.

There are a total of 12 wards on the second floor. Is there a player in each ward?

"How do you know that person is a new player?" Su Fuqing asked.

Jia Zixian explained: "I heard what he said personally. He kept yelling and wanted to run out, but he was caught by a doctor. I also heard other people calling the doctor 'Director Jiang'."

It turns out that he is still an acquaintance, no, an acquaintance.

[He yelled as soon as he entered the dungeon. He was so stupid. He must be a newbie. ]

[Suddenly I find myself in a strange place, and it is normal to act excessively. ]

[That person who made the sarcastic remarks earlier, can you guarantee that you will calm down immediately after entering the dungeon? Maybe he is timid and more scared than others. ]

[Who made them unlucky? I was lucky and didn't have to go in. ]

[Haha, maybe you will be the unlucky one next time. ]

[Don't argue with this kind of crazy person, it's a waste of time. ]

[This kind of person just cares about things that have nothing to do with him and makes sarcastic remarks. ]

[He will have his unlucky day. ]


Jia Zixian continued: "Then after a while, two other people came and took the unconscious newcomer out. You two were also there at that time." He was referring to Su Fuqing and Zhao Zheng.

Qiao Ningze frowned. Jia Zixian knew so clearly that he had obviously been paying attention to the unlucky newcomer.

And Su Fuqing and Zhao Zheng were there in the end. However, he no longer asked questions like why they didn't save people. After so many copies, he has grown a lot.

"The two of us were indeed there, and then I used some tricks to follow him. The man was carried to the sixth floor, and there was a very powerful ghost on the sixth floor." Su Fuqing said.

What surprised her was that she didn't notice Jia Zixian's existence at that time. Where was he hiding to observe them?

Su Linling also said: "I didn't notice anyone else at that time."

However, this may involve Jia Zixian's secret, just like she also concealed her "means" to follow him.

It turns out that Su Fuqing thought about saving people.

Qiao Ningze, who felt that he had misunderstood her before, was very embarrassed.

Sister Su is really a good person.

Su Fuqing noticed that the way Qiao Ningze looked at her suddenly became very strange.

What is this guy thinking about?

"I know." The sixth floor is dangerous.

Jia Zixian thought that this was the information Su Fuqing exchanged with him, but unexpectedly the other party continued:

"Also, in addition to meal time, you can also go outside with the nurse."

"That's it, thank you." Jia Zixian, who had been bored in the ward all afternoon and did not dare to go out, was overjoyed.

In exchange for two pieces of useful information, he really felt that he had made a lot of money.

That's it, by telling Jia Zixian how to go out, he can find more information to exchange with her.

Su Fuqing made a good calculation.

This exchange of information was satisfactory to both parties, and they happily agreed to continue tomorrow night.

After Jia Zixian left, Zhao Zheng couldn't wait to say: "He didn't say anything particularly useful. He always felt that we were at a loss."

"Sustainable development." Su Fuqing felt it was a good idea, "Besides, what he said is quite useful."

Zhao Zheng looked puzzled: "What?"

"First of all, we confirmed the identity of that person. He was a 'lucky spectator'. We also knew that he was only unconscious when he was taken to the sixth floor. Then...you can take a guess." Su Fuqing ate the last piece of ribs.

"You mean he said..." Qiao Ningze tried to follow Su Fuqing's thinking, "The newcomer was yelling and trying to escape, so that's why the accident happened?"

Su Fuqing said: "I think the main reason for his accident was shouting. You two also ran away, but you were caught back to the ward, but he was taken to the sixth floor, where his life or death is uncertain."

Zhao Zheng nodded as if understanding.

Qiao Ningze suddenly realized: "So, try not to yell in the hospital, right?"

Su Fuqing added: "This may be one of the hidden rules of this copy. Anyway, you just need to remember it."

Zhao Zheng immediately said: "I will never speak loudly in the future."

Qiao Ningze: "Me too."

The three of them were about to leave after eating when another player came to talk to them.

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