Chapter 202 Hope Hospital (15)

"Su Fuqing."

Jiang Bo held a thick book in his hand, turned to a certain page, and called out Su Fuqing's name.

Su Fuqing could vaguely see the big words "Medical Record" on the cover of the booklet, but couldn't make out more of the content clearly.

It just so happens that she is doubting the authenticity of the players' "illnesses". If she can get this medical record, she should be able to figure it out.

"Doctor, how is my illness?" Su Fuqing still pretended to be very concerned about her "condition".

"You have this disease..." Jiang Bo rambled a lot without getting to the point. In the end, he only emphasized:

"These days from 10 to 11:30 in the morning, our hospital has a specially customized treatment plan for the patients on the second floor. It may have an effect on your recovery."

Su Fuqing guessed that players must be forced to participate in this so-called treatment plan, so she agreed with a face of surprise.

Afterwards, Jiang Bo patiently and responsibly "consoled" Zheng Lin and He Qiuhua, who were in the next bed with frightened faces, and reminded them not to forget to participate in the treatment plan.

After struggling like this for about ten minutes, Jiang Bo led a group of people and left in a grand manner, heading to the next ward.

When it was almost ten o'clock, the ward rounds ended, and all the patients on the second floor were called out by several nurses and brought to a small conference hall on the fourth floor.

According to nurse Ye Xiu, the treatment plan arranged this morning is a mental health lecture, and the lecturer is the most famous psychiatrist in Hope Hospital.

Su Fuqing: "..."

It felt like going back to college and being forced to attend lectures for credit.

After meeting with Zhao Zheng and Qiao Ningze and finding a seat to sit down, Su Fuqing looked around.

She deliberately counted and found that there were a total of thirty-four patients present. The two people who did not come should be the newcomer in 209 and the seriously ill patient in 201.

At this time, a man in a white coat walked up from the front and came to the podium.

After introducing himself, he exported ppt on multimedia, and the lecture officially began.

The famous psychiatrist didn't say a few words before Su Fuqing's expression became confused.

Why can't she understand what this man is saying?

Turning around, he saw that Zhao Zheng and Qiao Ningze had similar expressions next to them.

Qiao Ningze couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Do you understand what he is saying?"

Su Fuqing and Zhao Zheng both shook their heads.

do not understand at all.

[I don’t understand either. ]

[I feel like I'm listening to a book from heaven. ]

[Is this some encrypted language? ]

[Wait, there’s something wrong with hearing too much. ]

[My eyelids are twitching, I feel so sleepy. ]

[Me too, so sleepy. ]

[lullaby. ]

[I can't hold it anymore, I'll go to sleep first. ]


The audience began to feel sleepy, and the patients who had been listening to the scriptures at the scene became even more drowsy.

Several patients had already fallen asleep, and the one sitting behind Su Fuqing was snoring.

Su Fuqing couldn't help but look back and saw that he was still an acquaintance.

It was the newcomer they had seen in the cafeteria this morning, who had been devouring food.

This person's heart is really big enough, and he dares to fall asleep so casually in the dungeon.

In fact, Su Fuqing was also sleepy, but she was worried that there would be something wrong with this lecture, so she tried hard to stay awake and not let herself fall asleep.

Not only that, she also found the energy to watch Zhao Zheng and Qiao Ningze and prevent them from sleeping together.

About half an hour later, more than half of the thirty-four patients had passed away.

A small number of them seemed to be dreaming.

Some people had smiles on their lips; some frowned, showing pain; and some were shouting, as if they had encountered something particularly scary...

In the end, Zhao Zheng couldn't hold on anymore. Even though Su Fuqing kept shouting in her ears to push her harder, she couldn't help but close her eyes.

"Zheng Zheng! Zheng Zheng!" Su Fuqing leaned into Zhao Zheng's ear and called several times, but Zhao Zheng remained unmoved as if he had died in sleep.

Su Lingling took a look at it and said helplessly: "I can't tell what's wrong with her."

Then, she also tried to wake up Zhao Zheng, but to no avail.

Su Fuqing even pinched Zhao Zheng hard, but it still didn't work.

Can't wake up, can't wake up at all.

"Xiao Qiao is about to fall asleep too." Su Lingling reminded.

The "Xiao Qiao" she refers to is naturally Qiao Ningze.

Su Fuqing turned her head and looked to the right. Qiao Ningze's head was drooping little by little, and he was obviously not very awake.

"Wake up, don't sleep!" Su Fuqing slapped Qiao Ningze on the face.

Qiao Ningze suddenly woke up.

He covered his face and said in a very aggrieved tone: "Sister, I rely on my face to make a living. What if you ruin my appearance?"

Su Fuqing studied it for a long time, and under Qiao Ningze's increasingly uneasy gaze, he said unhurriedly: "It's just a little red, not disfigured."

"That's good, that's good." Qiao Ningze breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his face carefully.

After all this tossing, he was finally not sleepy anymore.

Su Fuqing suddenly thought of a question: "Wait a minute, won't I be scolded by your fans?"

Qiao Ningze waved his hands after hearing this: "No, no, my fans are very well-behaved and won't scold you."

[Yes, sister is doing this for Qiaoqiao’s own good, how could we scold you. ]

[Whoever dares to scold Sister Su will be scolded by our Qiao Jiajun first. ]

[Qiao Qiao’s blushing face is so cute. ]

[Hey hey hey. ]

[There are so few barrages. Is everyone asleep? ]

[I can’t hold it anymore. I can’t hold it anymore. ]

[I have never been so sleepy in my life. ]

[The patient is almost dead. ]


"Yeah." Su Fuqing nodded randomly, thinking that she couldn't hear him scolding her anyway, so it didn't matter.

However, she was really sleepy.

Su Fuqing raised her hand and yawned,

"If I really can't hold on anymore and want to fall asleep, just hit me." She said this to both Qiao Ningze and Su Linling.

"Yes." Qiao Ningze and Su Linling both agreed.

Su Fuqing took another look and saw that apart from her and Qiao Ningze, the only patients who were still awake in the room were Jia Zixian.

At this time, the psychiatrist on the stage also looked over, and happened to meet Su Fuqing's eyes.

Su Fuqing couldn't describe what she saw in this man's eyes. She just felt that the earth was shattering in an instant, the world fell into boundless darkness, and she was swallowed up by it, sinking forever...

"Qingqing! Wake up!"

Su Lingling was the first to notice something was wrong with Su Fuqing and hurriedly woke her up through the contract.

Su Fuqing's dull eyes became clear again, and he regained consciousness.

But the next second, she closed her eyes, pulled Qiao Ningze, and whispered: "Quick, pretend to sleep."

"Oh, okay." Qiao Ningze quickly understood what Su Fuqing meant and closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

The psychiatrist's eyes swept over the two of them, eliciting a sneer.

Then, he looked at Jia Zixian, the only one in the audience who still had his eyes open.

(End of this chapter)

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