Qiao Ningze shouted tentatively: "...Qingqing."

"Yes." Su Fuqing responded, "Let's leave quickly."

The three of them followed the large army to the canteen.

It's almost lunch time.

This time, Qiao Ningze consciously took on the task of making three meals.

It's still in the hands of that aunt.

Then he brought back three full meals.

Auntie's double standards are solid.

Su Fuqing picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, thoughtfully.

When I went to the third floor before, there seemed to be a nurse who treated Qiao Ningze very differently.

After not seeing him for a while, she herself felt that Qiao Ningze was getting more and more beautiful.

His fans are getting more and more...

Su Fuqing suddenly remembered that healing was Qiao Ningze's talent, so he had another skill.

Certain players' skills are related to certain abilities they have in reality, and Qiao Ningze was quite popular before entering the escape game.

The case is basically solved.

A skill like "heartthrob"?

It seems that it can also gain the favor of some NPCs.

NPCs are much friendlier than most non-humans.

Su Fuqing was envious again.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Qiao Ningze, who had been stared at for a while, touched his face and felt a little confused.

"No." Su Fuqing shook her head, "Let's move quickly, we still have things to do later."

As for what it was, she didn't say yet.

Both Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng obeyed and sped up their meals.

Within a few minutes, the three of them put down their chopsticks almost at the same time, and were the first to leave the canteen.

"What are we going to do?" Zhao Zheng couldn't help but ask.

Su Fuqing subconsciously lowered her voice and whispered a few words.

Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng nodded repeatedly.

Su Fuqing took them back to the ward on the second floor and walked straight to the other end of the corridor.

When passing 201, they happened to see two nurses coming out carrying a stretcher.

The person lying on the stretcher was covered from head to toe with a white cloth.

Is someone dead?

Su Fuqing immediately remembered what Li Ran had said, that there was a very sick patient in 201.

Could it be that he is dead?

[The first victim of this copy appears. ]

[It should be an NPC, right? ]

[It seems to be the person Li Ran was talking about. ]

[I was still seriously ill yesterday, and I died of it today. It’s strange that there are no ghosts inside. ]

[They were lucky enough to bump into each other. ]


"Two nurses, what happened to this person?" Su Fuqing asked curiously,

"You didn't listen to the doctor's orders, you didn't take the medicine, and you didn't get through the illness." A nurse explained, and then asked them, "Aren't you three patients in 201? You didn't go back to your ward after dinner, and you came here to the runway. what?"

Su Fuqing opened her mouth and said, "Let's find a friend. Her name is Li Ran. She will leave soon."

The nurse didn't know whether to believe it or not. After being reminded by another nurse, she hurriedly carried the stretcher away.

Su Fuqing watched them disappear at the end of the corridor, then turned around and knocked on the office door.

"You just knock on the door like that?" Qiao Ningze was a little surprised.

Aren't they here to do bad things secretly? Is it really okay to knock on the door so openly?

Before he finished speaking, the door was opened, and Su Fuqing walked in directly, leaving behind a sentence: "You guys stay guard outside. If a doctor or nurse comes, speak loudly to remind me."

Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng looked at each other and stood guard on both sides as if facing a formidable enemy.

The door was closed, and Su Fuqing was the only one in the huge office. Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought they had seen a ghost, Su Linling appeared.

Well, it was indeed a ghost.

Su Lingling did not follow him to the cafeteria at first, but sneaked into the office first, waiting to meet Su Fuqing inside and outside.

"Don't worry, they are not here." Su Lingling explained.

Doctors and nurses also need to eat. Jiang Bo, who is not a human being, also left after answering a phone call.

The right time, place and people make it convenient for them to move.

"That's good." Su Fuqing took out a white round sticker from his pants pocket, "Let's start taking action."

Su Linling walked to the largest desk in the middle and said, "This is Jiang Bo's desk."

Su Fuqing walked over, pulled out the chair, got under the table, and stuck the white sticker in his hand to the inside.

The sticker instantly turned into the exact same black as the entire table, making it look like it completely blended in.

However, if you touch it with your hands, you can still feel a small protrusion.

This is the bug sticker that Su Fuqing drew after completing the Quanlong Village copy. There are five stickers in total, and each one can be used for three days.

The receiver is similar to a Bluetooth headset and can be worn at any time without causing suspicion.

It is now worn on Su Fuqing's left ear.

"All right."

Su Fuqing got out from under the table, restored the chair, and after confirming that there was no place where the secret could be exposed, Su Fuqing slipped out.

Su Linling disappeared again and followed her quietly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng both looked over.

"It's done, you can go back." Su Fuqing stepped out and closed the door gently.

Zhao Zheng asked: "Are we still going out in the afternoon?"

"Go, I have something to ask Xin Ran." Su Fuqing said.

The three of them agreed to sneak out around three o'clock in the afternoon and prepare to return to the ward.

But before going back, Su Fuqing "passed by" 209 and opened the door to take a look.

The new guy was still in a coma.

"who are you?"

A slightly angry voice came from behind.

"Sorry, I'm from the next ward. I went to the wrong place." Su Fuqing closed the door as if nothing had happened, turned around and went back to 207.

The man then whispered: "You really don't have eyes."

Su Fuqing heard it.

She stopped pushing the door open and turned her head to look over.

Opposite is a pregnant woman with a big belly, wearing a hospital gown. She should be patient 209.

However, she was not polite to anyone, and immediately replied rudely: "You are really unqualified."

After saying that, without waiting for a reply, Su Fuqing opened the door and walked in.

[laughing to death. ]

[This NPC is indeed quite lacking in quality. ]

[Sister Su is still so strong. ]

[Good fight. ]

[A bit curious, what does the patient do after lunch? ]

[Go to sleep, I'm tired. ]

[They just slept in the morning. ]

[makes sense. ]

[Aren’t you still going to need an infusion? ]

[Yes, I almost forgot. ]


Su Fuqing didn't forget to give her an infusion, which is why she, Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng agreed to go out at three o'clock.

Of course, she didn't forget to tell them how to avoid the infusion.

After a while, Zheng Lin and He Qiuhua came back one after another.

At 12:30, a nurse came to give them injections and infusions.

At the same time, a familiar voice came from the receiver Su Fuqing wore in his left ear:

"Are you all ready?"

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