Faced with He Qiuhua's questions and doubts, Su Fuqing's answer was:

"Oh, I'm sick. I have frequent and urgent urination. Do you have any opinion?"

Be confident.

[Hahaha, frequent urination and urgent urination are okay. ]

["I have a public face", "I'm sick, I have frequent and urgent urination", Sister Su opened her mouth. ]

[He Qiuhua is speechless. ]

[He Qiuhua: It’s hard for me to answer what you said. ]

[laughing to death. ]


Indeed, He Qiuhua was obviously choked by Su Fuqing's words.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "...No objection."

You say you are sick, what can I say?

"That's good."

Su Fuqing smiled at He Qiuhua and said while walking towards his hospital bed: "Actually, I don't want to, but I can't help it. I'm sick."

Next, in order to implement his "sick, frequent and urgent urination" persona, Su Fuqing had to go to the bathroom from time to time.

From time to time, the voice of a doctor or nurse came from the bug, but Jiang Bo seemed to have never come back.

Until it was almost dinner time, Su Fuqing came to the corridor and waited.

After waiting for two people wearing hospital gowns to walk out of Ward 209, she quickly slipped into Ward 209.

The newcomer inside has actually woken up.

Qiao Ningze had obviously treated him before he woke up, and his condition was much better.

But looking at his current condition, it has actually worsened.

Su Fuqing took a few steps forward and said cautiously: "Hello, I am..."

"I know you."

After seeing Su Fuqing clearly, a force suddenly burst out from the newcomer. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her tightly, "Help me, I'm going to die..."

"Sister Lingling, can you tell what's wrong with him?" Su Fuqing asked.

"He's right, he is indeed going to die." Su Lingling saw the aura of death in this man.

It's strange, it's not there yet in the morning.

Su Fuqing frowned and looked at the newcomer carefully.

He was lying on the bed, breathing very rapidly, his face was unhealthy red, and his eyes were empty.

After thinking for a while, Su Fuqing was about to make a move, but the newcomer still held her hand firmly.

"I won't leave." Su Fuqing said helplessly.

The newcomer hesitantly released his hold on her hand.

After these two days of severe beatings from the dungeon, he was much calmer than at the beginning.

Then, he turned his head and coughed up a large mouthful of bright red blood, which spread on the white sheets, which was particularly eye-catching.

Su Fuqing walked to the bedside in a few steps and rang the call bell.

A few minutes later, a doctor came.

It was an acquaintance who came.

"Doctor Tan, he vomited blood." Su Fuqing pointed at the newcomer, looking particularly panicked.

Dr. Tan Yu was always very friendly and considerate to his patients, but this time he just glanced calmly at the half-dead newcomer on the bed.

Then, she asked Su Fuqing to go out first.

Su Fuqing tried to stay: "Dr. Tan, he is my friend, I am very worried about him..."

Judging from her expression and words, she seemed to be a really good friend of the newlyweds.

[Is it okay to make friends out of nothing? ]

[Yes, the two of them are good friends (dog head). ]

[Calling the doctor may not be helpful, right? ]

[Perhaps this doctor named Tan Yu is not so bad. ]


After hearing Su Fuqing's "sincere words", Tan Yu asked her to stay and then began to check on the new couple's condition.

The newcomer covered his mouth with his hands and spit out another mouthful of blood.

His health seemed to be deteriorating.

Su Fuqing actually wanted to give it a try and wanted to know if the doctors at Hope Hospital would save people whose organs had been removed and whose organs seemed to have no use value.    The answer is, no.

Tan Yu gave the newcomer a few simple physical examinations in a perfunctory manner, then said, "I'll prepare the medicine," and left directly.

Su Fuqing guessed that she would probably not come back.

Moreover, it is possible that this newcomer's current abnormality is related to the hospital.

The newcomer looked desperate, clutching his chest and coughing uncontrollably, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs.

Then he coughed up another mouthful of blood.

Coughing, vomiting blood...

Su Fuqing suddenly thought that his situation seemed a bit similar to the seriously ill patient No. 201 who died today as described by Li Ran.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

In desperation, Su Fuqing asked Su Lingling to help find Qiao Ningze.

During the short wait, she heard an intermittent voice coming from the bug:

"209...just the past two days...I have no intention of taking care of it."

Su Fuqing could tell that it was Tan Yu's voice, but it was extremely cold and completely different from her yesterday.

Perhaps, this is her hidden true face?

Before Su Fuqing could think about it for long, Qiao Ningze came over.

Su Lingling probably told him something on the way here. Without too much nonsense, he started treating the newcomer.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Zheng also came over, and the newcomer's condition improved slightly.

At least he doesn't cough so much and his face is calmer.

"I tried my best, but he can only rely on himself next." Qiao Ningze withdrew the white light and touched the sweat on his forehead.

Su Fuqing briefly told the newcomer a few words and asked him to take care of himself.

The newcomer was still very weak and agreed with a bleak expression.

Then, Su Fuqing went to the cafeteria to eat with Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng.

The time has come to 6:40 pm, which is not too early.

When they came to the cafeteria, Qiao Ningze still took on the task of buying meals for the three of them, and at the same time, he also didn't forget to pack another meal for 209's newcomers.

While eating, Su Fuqing asked Qiao Ningze if he could tell why the newcomer's condition suddenly worsened.

"I can't see it. It was obviously fine before..."

As he spoke, Qiao Ningze's expression became a little sad: "But, he may not live long."

He may never get used to the loss of life.

[Can’t Qiao Qiao save him? ]

[So shouting is still the rule of death. ]

[It's a pity that the new guy got into trouble the first time he came in. ]


At this time, Li Ran came over with a dinner plate, first greeted Qiao Ningze warmly, and then she said, "The person I told you yesterday is dead."

What she didn't know was that Su Fuqing and the others had already known about the incident at noon today, and even saw the dead man being taken away with their own eyes.

Su Fuqing did not clarify this point, and turned to another matter: "There is a newcomer in 209 who is also very ill."

It is still not completely certain whether Li Ran is an enemy or a friend, so Su Fuqing is going to make Li Ran mistakenly think that they completely trust her, and then wait and see what happens.

Sooner or later she will find out whether she is holding it back or not.

At this moment, Su Fuqing suddenly noticed a detail——

Li Ran frowned and picked out a peanut from the Kung Pao Chicken.

In an instant, she suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the case.

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