Chapter 210 Chapter 210 Hope Hospital (23)

As soon as the helmet was put on her head, Su Fuqing felt as if there was an electric current passing through her body, which shocked her.

Immediately afterwards, a strange chanting sound sounded in the ears, lulling people to sleep just like yesterday.

Each patient is placed in a fixed position, separated by a considerable distance from each other.

Moreover, the front of the helmet covered his eyes. Su Fuqing couldn't see Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng on the left and right even if he wanted to turn his head.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it for you." Su Linling said.

She observed the other patients around her. Just like yesterday, some people quickly fell asleep.

Zhao Zheng was also hit quickly, but Qiao Ningze struggled twice. Although it was of no use, he just slept for a while.

Before the two of them fell asleep, Su Linling tried to wake them up, but they were indifferent as if they couldn't feel the pain from the outside world, and finally slowly closed their eyes.

Su Lingling told Su Fuqing: "Both of them have been tricked."

"Where are the others?" Su Fuqing asked.

"Almost everyone is asleep." Su Linling looked around and saw a large area of ​​people falling around, with only a few people awake.

This time, the audience who could not hear the sound were awake.

They were confused at first:

[What happened? Why did they all fall asleep again? ]

[The situation is similar to yesterday. There should be something wrong with this helmet. ]

[Who knows what they are treating. ]

[Listening to a lullaby. ]

[Qiaoqiao also fell asleep. ]

[Don't sleep, I'm so anxious. ]

[Sister Su is still awake. ]

[It's too far away to be reminded. ]

[Alas, it’s useless for us to rush. ]

[I wish I could go in and wake them all up. ]

[Sister Su is really cruel to herself. ]

[I admire it, it hurts to look at it. ]


Su Fuqing was also drowsy, pinching her thighs with difficulty to stay awake.

Gradually, Su Linling spoke to her, but she could no longer hear her. She was completely immersed in the singing that penetrated her eardrums.

It was very painful to fight against this strange force, and Su Fuqing couldn't help but frown.

However, she always maintained a trace of wakefulness deep in her heart and refused to fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, two other people, Zheng Lin and Yu Guang, were also awake.

Su Lingling noticed this

She clearly remembered that when she listened to Lao Shizi's mental health lecture yesterday, the two of them were the first to fall asleep.

Thinking of Zheng Lin's previous abnormalities, she couldn't help but connect the two things.

I just don’t know what the specific connection is.

At this time, in a small room on the sixth floor, a huge screen was showing pictures of Su Fuqing and his group of patients.

Everyone's situation is clearly visible.

The small room seemed empty, but there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at the surveillance screen, and they were whispering together.

The scene focused on Su Fuqing. She was grabbing the flesh of her thigh so hard that it hurt to look at it.

The discussion seemed to get louder and more exciting.

When the chanting finally stopped, Su Fuqing almost felt no pain in her thighs.

The pain was so painful that it was numb.

When she got up and walked around, she took a step and almost fell.

At the same time, those who wanted to support her were Yu Guang and Su Linling, who could not be seen by outsiders.

"Are you okay?" Yu Guang asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Su Fuqing ducked out of the light without leaving a trace and reached out to grab her hand, leaning on the other side of Su Lingling and Zhao Zheng, who had just woken up and still looked confused.

Yu Guang's face instantly became a little ugly.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Zheng was so frightened that he had no time to take off his helmet and stretched out his hands to help her.

Su Fuqing took off her helmet and let Zhao Zheng support her: "My legs hurt a little." Zhao Zheng took off her helmet with difficulty with one hand, feeling even more confused.

"What's wrong with your leg?" Qiao Ningze just walked over.

"I guess he's green... let's go first." Su Fuqing touched her leg and limped slowly for a few steps.

Yu Guang, unable to say anything, could only follow behind and listen silently.

Thinking that this man had been awake before and was a little abnormal, Su Lingling stared at him motionlessly.

The nurse was collecting the helmets one by one, and at the same time told the patients to have a good rest after returning, and to take medicine and IV drips on time.

Several people handed over their helmets and followed the crowd out of the room.

After walking to the second floor, Su Fuqing was going back to the bathroom in 207 to see how her legs were doing.

Yu Guang wanted to follow, but was blocked by Zheng Lin and hit him hard.

Then, Zheng Lin walked into Ward 207 with great swagger.

Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng were waiting for Su Fuqing to come out in the corridor, neither paying much attention to the patient who was originally in 207.

Only Su Lingling followed him uneasily.

[I feel that Zheng Lin and Yu Guang are a little strange. ]

[I feel so too. ]

[The two of them have been acting strangely since this morning. ]

[Especially Zheng Lin, it’s like being possessed by a ghost. ]

[Yu Guang is also a little strange. ]

[Sister Su won’t be in danger, right? ]

[What danger could she be in? The danger is that others are just about the same. ]

[Hahahahaha, laugh to death. ]


Su Fuqing walked into the bathroom, locked the door as usual, bent down and rolled up her trouser legs until her thighs were exposed.

Sure enough, it was already a big bruise and it was aching all the time.

She was indeed a bit too harsh before.

But if she hadn't been more ruthless, she would have probably fallen into the trap.

Su Fuqing took two more steps, and the pain was even worse, and her steps were still a bit limping.

Forget it, let Qiao Ningze come over and help her treat it.

Su Fuqing opened the bathroom door and faced Zheng Lin with an incomprehensible look.

It seemed that he had been guarding the door.

I haven’t taken any medicine, so what’s wrong with me?

"Do you want to use the toilet?" Su Fuqing asked tentatively.

You better be.

After waiting for a while, Zheng Lin didn't speak.

Su Fuqing's patience was limited, so she simply bypassed him and prepared to find Qiao Ningze outside.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Lin suddenly grabbed her hand and said loudly: "Can you give me your body?"

Su Fuqing's head was full of questions. At first, she even thought there was something wrong with her ears.

What the hell are you doing, crazy?

She shook off Zheng Lin's hand, glared at him hard, and walked out quickly.

If she stayed with this person again, she was afraid that she would also have problems with her brain.

After walking outside and gradually calming down, Su Fuqing thought about it carefully and finally realized something was wrong.

Combined with Zheng Lin's illegal outing last night and his unusual behavior today, she couldn't help but guess:

What Zheng Lin said: "Can you give me your body?" may have another literal meaning.

"how's it going?"

At this time, Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng, who saw her coming out, came over.

(End of this chapter)

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