Chapter 212 Hope Hospital (25)

Zheng Lin and He Qiuhua originally wanted to report Su Fuqing for secretly pouring medicine in the bathroom, but instead they tricked He Qiuhua.

As a result, He Qiuhua was forcibly taken away by the nurse. Zheng Lin tried his best to catch her, but it was useless.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Fuqing went to the bathroom again and poured out the liquid in the bottle.

This time, no one will come to catch her.

Su Lingling was surprised: "But how did the two of them find out?"

Those two people obviously colluded in advance and wanted to trick Su Fuqing, but they only brought the blame on themselves.

Su Fuqing thought for a while and said, "Maybe I go to the bathroom too often. He Qiuhua has doubted me before."

She really didn't pay much attention to these two people at first, so they discovered something was wrong.

[Remember, Sister Su said that she had frequent and urgent urination. ]

[Those two people obviously didn't believe it and were still making secret plans to harm others. ]

[Let them struggle, and they will suffer the consequences anyway. ]

[Why does Zheng Lin still want to harm Su Fuqing? Isn't he possessed by a ghost? ]

[have no idea. ]

[The ghost seems to have taken a liking to Sister Su's body again. ]

[? What did I miss. ]

[Want to take her away? ]

[That’s pretty much what it means. ]

[Is this ghost sick? It's quite a beautiful thought. ]


After a detailed physical examination showed that He Qiuhua had indeed taken her medicine on time, she was released.

Su Fuqing was already lying on the bed at this time, having "completed the infusion" beautifully. When he saw He Qiuhua coming back, he even smiled at her.

The main theme is to make people angry to death without paying for their lives.

He Qiuhua stared at Su Fuqing, as if she wanted to pop her eyes out.

Su Fuqing looked away, pretending that Quan didn't see it.

Zheng Lin walked behind, still holding the infusion bottle that had not yet finished infusion.

Su Fuqing looked up at him.

After Zheng Lin sat back on the bed, she quietly observed him for a while.

She didn't pay much attention to Zheng Lin before, but the current "person" certainly didn't look like a man in his forties or fifties in his movement habits.

Su Fuqing became more and more certain of his previous guesses.

This "Zheng Lin" probably took over Zheng Lin's body in the middle of last night, and it seems that he wants to take over her body now.

Hearing that the bug was getting lively again, Su Fuqing secretly became vigilant in advance.

She heard the voices of Ye Xiu and Xiao He, but she couldn't hear clearly what they said specifically, and there was also a sentence from Jiang Bo:

"I've made all the arrangements, hurry up and bring them over."

What to arrange? Who to take with you? What did you do in the past?

Su Fuqing's head was full of questions.

Not long after, Ye Xiu came over.

This time, she was here to supervise their taking medicine.

The time to take medicine is obviously earlier today.

Su Fuqing took the two yellow capsules, poured herself a glass of water, drank the water slowly, and then pretended to swallow the capsules.

However, maybe because of what Zheng Lin said to Ye Xiu before, she kept staring at Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing's expression remained as usual.

After all three of them had finished taking the medicine, Ye Xiu said again, "Let's go, I'll take you to gather outside."

What do you mean, she's not leaving?

Su Fuqing was stunned for a moment.

Now this situation was a little outside of her plans.

Su Fuqing suddenly remembered the damn activity that Ye Xiu mentioned before.

Su Fuqing: "..."

Almost forgot.

No wonder I have to take medicine in advance today.

[It’s over, Sister Su must take medicine today. ]

[Looking at her expression just now, she seemed stunned for a moment. ]

[I saw it too. ]

[Kind of cute haha. ]

[This medicine seems to be harmless so far. ]

[It’s best not to eat. ]

[It’s hard to escape today. ]


When she walked out of the ward, Su Fuqing could still feel the two capsules stuck in her throat, which was a bit uncomfortable.

She originally wanted to find an opportunity to sneak away to the bathroom, but unfortunately Zheng Lin and He Qiuhua were watching without blinking, seemingly ready to complain to Ye Xiu at any time.

She hesitated again and again, but still did not act rashly. Ye Xiu took the three of them, and the patients in other wards were also taken by nurses, not knowing where they were going.

In the end, Su Fuqing had to swallow the two capsules stuck in her throat.

The moment she swallowed it, she felt a little nauseous, covering her mouth and almost spitting it out.

This medicine is indeed not a good thing.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Zheng, who came over to see Su Fuqing's expression, asked quickly.

Su Fuqing frowned slightly: "I feel like vomiting."

"Shall I treat you?" Qiao Ningze raised a hand, eager to give it a try.

Come to life again?

"No need." Su Fuqing pushed his hand away and quickened her pace.

Coming to a large open space outside, the nurse allowed the patients to move around freely.

that's it?

What is this whole episode about?

Su Fuqing stood in the crowd, feeling something was wrong.

Someone was watching them, more than one person.

"Be careful," she warned.

"I'll go take a look around." Su Linling said.

The patients gradually scattered away, and Su Fuqing, Qiao Ningze, and Zhao Zheng stayed in an inconspicuous corner.

But she could feel that there was an uncomfortable gaze that never moved away from her.

However, the sun is pretty good today, so I can soak up the sun and replenish my vitamin D.

Su Fuqing found a clean area and sat down.

Almost a few minutes after sitting down, Li Ran, also known as Liang Yi, came over.

"Do we still want to exchange information?" she asked.

"Okay." Su Fuqing smiled.

She wanted to see what this person wanted.

Li Ran always sticks to her fan character and never forgets to say a few words to her "idol" Qiao Ningze.

Qiao Ningze, on the other hand, felt a little uncomfortable after knowing her true identity.

Don't show your secrets.

Su Fuqing quietly hit him from behind where Li Ran couldn't see.

Li Ran's expression changed and he sat upright instantly.

[Qiaoqiao was pinched to death. ]

[laughing to death. ]

[Sister Su means to tell Qiao Qiao not to expose her secrets. ]

[His expression was indeed a bit unnatural at first. ]

[Qiao Qiao is probably thinking: This is a fake fan, and I can’t pretend anymore. ]

[Hahahahaha. ]


Li Ran didn't know that he had been exposed.

The news she brought this time was: "I saw Director Jiang Bo coming down from the sixth floor at noon today. He even told a nurse, 'The operation failed. Let the two of them go over and have a look in the afternoon...'"

What surgery?

Su Fuqing thought of Xin Ran who left in a hurry yesterday afternoon.

What were they going to see this afternoon, that is, now?

Su Fuqing couldn't help but look around.

At this time, Zhao Zheng was looking somewhere in a daze. Su Fuqing yelled several times before she came back to her senses.

"Zhengzheng, what are you looking at?"

Zhao Zheng murmured: "I always feel like someone is looking at me."

"What a coincidence, I think so too." Su Fuqing shrugged.

(End of this chapter)

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