"It doesn't hurt anymore." Zhao Zheng raised his head and curled his neck slightly.

Su Fuqing stretched out her hand: "Give me the stuff."

"What?" Zhao Zheng tried to play dumb.

"You made your thigh bleed." Su Fuqing flicked her forehead with her finger, "Smelly girl, I didn't let you be so cruel to me."

"I was wrong." Zhao Zheng admitted his mistake quickly and obediently handed the bloody utility knife to Su Fuqing.

"Where did you find this thing?" Su Fuqing asked again.

Zhao Zheng said honestly: "I found it under the pillow of the hospital bed I slept on yesterday when I changed the hospital bed."

Originally she planned to use it for self-defense, but she didn't dare to say it now.

"Okay, I'll confiscate it for now." Su Fuqing pulled the curtain cloth next to her and wiped the blood on the utility knife, then put the knife into her pocket.

[Sister Su seems to be the teacher who confiscates contraband from students. ]

[Hahahaha Teacher Su is online. ]

[Qiao Qiao dared not speak. ]

[I dare not speak either. ]

[laughing to death. ]

[Zhao Zheng looks nervous. ]


"let's go."

After hearing Su Fuqing's words, Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the matter was over.

The three of them followed the crowd and walked in the corridor on the fourth floor.

Just at this time, Su Linling also came back.

She said: "I sneaked in and looked at all the locked rooms on the fourth floor. There was a large operating room, but it seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. There were two rooms filled with medical equipment and I don’t know what the room is for when it’s empty.”

Su Fuqing wrote it down and repeated it in a low voice to Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng.

Su Linling added: "Anyway, I didn't see anything useful. You don't need to come to the fourth floor tonight."

They can save a lot of time by skipping the fourth floor.

Su Fuqing: "Okay, let's..."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Li Ran walking towards this side and she stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Ningze was a little confused.

The next second, he heard a surprised voice——

"Qiaoqiao, what are you talking about?"

"We're talking about what to eat for lunch today." Su Fuqing took over the conversation with a natural expression.

Zhao Zheng also said clearly: "I want to eat fish."

"The fish doesn't taste good." Qiao Ningze frowned.

He hates finding fault.

Su Fuqing said: "I like to eat braised fish."

Zhao Zheng added: "I guess there is no braised pork in the hospital cafeteria..."

Li Ran: "..."

She originally thought that these three people were deliberately trying to deal with her with other words, but seeing how they were seriously discussing whether the fish was delicious, it really didn't seem like it.

Is there any need to discuss this kind of issue?

Li Ran was speechless.

Su Fuqing still wanted to cue her: "By the way, Li Ran, are you coming to see us for anything?"

"I..." Li Ran was obviously stuck, as if he didn't know what to say.

She rolled her eyes left and right, and suddenly said: "I just want to ask, do you know that any players have left the dungeon?"

"Is there any?" Su Fuqing pretended to think seriously, but in fact he was thinking about how to deal with Li Ran.

After thinking for a while, she said: "Two male players disappeared today. I don't know if they were discharged from the hospital or had an accident."

She was referring to Jia Zixian and the other male player.

But having said that, she is actually more inclined to think that something happened to these two people.

Li Ran said: "I saw the two of them discharged from the hospital." [You saw a ghost. ]

[They both had colds and were still discharged from the hospital. ]

[Is this Li Ran trying to cause trouble? ]

[Obviously. ]

[Although, her real name is Liang Yi. ]

[What does she want to do? Please stay away from Sister Su Qiaoqiao and the others. ]

[I want to set a trap for them. ]

[Sister Su and the others probably won’t believe it, they already know her true face. ]

[Quietly watch this man perform. ]

[Hahaha. ]


Su Fuqing raised an eyebrow: "Really?"

"Really, I saw it with my own eyes, just this morning, before dawn." Li Ran looked determined.

Su Fuqing: I believe you.

However, she still cooperated with Li Ran's performance on the surface and said with surprise: "How come they were discharged from the hospital all of a sudden?"

Qiao Ningze said: "Today is only the fourth day, it's a bit too fast."

Li Ran said: "They went to the fifth floor last night. Maybe they found some key clues."

"Then how did you know?" Zhao Zheng asked.

"I accidentally heard them talking." Li Ran explained.

Su Fuqing said calmly: "Then you are quite good at listening."

She didn't think others would "accidentally" hear Jia Zixian when he spoke.

Li Ran choked and couldn't tell whether Su Fuqing was saying it unintentionally or deliberately mocking her.

She didn't show anything wrong before, right?

They probably didn't suspect her, maybe they just said it casually.

Li Ran didn't think much about Su Fuqing's "unintentional remarks".

She said: "I didn't mean to listen, and I didn't expect them to go out like that... I don't know what is on the fifth floor..."

Su Fuqing guessed that there must be some danger on the fifth floor, so Li Ran wanted to trick them into going there, so he followed her words and said, "We'll find out if we can find a way to go to the fifth floor. Thank you for the reminder."

She smiled friendly at Li Ran.

Now Li Ran felt that his disguise was perfect.

After achieving her goal, she smiled back at Su Fuqing.

The picture looks friendly, but in fact the two of them have their own plans in mind.

Qiao Ningze looked at Su Fuqing and then at Li Ran, and suddenly felt that the two of them should go to the entertainment industry.

At least it has to be at the level of a movie queen.

He really admired it.

After a "harmonious and friendly" exchange, Li Ran said goodbye with satisfaction.

Then, before she had gone far, Su Fuqing pretended to discuss with Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng when to go to the fifth floor.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it, let's do it tonight." Su Fuqing said.

Sure enough, I took the bait.

Li Ran felt even more proud after hearing this.

But in fact, Su Fuqing and the others originally planned to go at this time.

There was actually fish at noon today, but it was boiled.

While picking the fish bones, Su Fuqing suddenly thought of a question——

Isn't it possible that the only players left alive now are the three of them and Li Ran?

Or maybe there are other players that she hasn't discovered yet.

Su Fuqing looked around and didn't think any patient in the cafeteria looked like a player.

Or was it too hidden and she didn't see it?

After lunch, Su Fuqing and the other three returned to the ward, and then they had to undergo infusion.

It was still Ye Xiu who came to 207 to give them acupuncture today.

After these two days of practice, she was finally able to nail it within three times.

Then, after Ye Xiu left, the three of them took turns going to the bathroom to handle the liquid in the bottle, and poured it all into the sink in one go.

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