Chapter 223 Hope Hospital (36)

As soon as the door opened, Su Fuqing, who was walking at the front, was almost blinded by the bright lights.

With such a bright light, will the hospital’s electricity bill be free?

Half-covering his eyes, Su Fuqing lowered his head and entered, then vaguely saw a row of familiar helmets through his fingers.

After waiting for a while and finally adapting to the light, Su Fuqing took his hand away and raised his head to look.

This is a very technological room. At the bottom is a pile of helmets that they use for "treatment" during the day, and above them are some strange-looking things with no apparent purpose.

"What are you writing about?" Qiao Ningze was shocked.

"I don't know whose masterpiece it is." Su Fuqing picked up a square "brick" and waved it, feeling that it was quite easy to use and could be used as a weapon.

But that’s just what I think about it.

Who knows what these things are for, but she doesn't dare to take them casually.

After walking around, I didn't gain anything else, but I saw a lot of strange things.

Su Fuqing finally picked up a helmet and tried to take it apart.

She had never had a chance to study it before, and she wanted to see what was inside.

"Can this thing be taken apart?" Zhao Zheng asked.

"I'll give it a try, it should work." Su Fuqing took out the long-lost haircut.

I haven't used it for fighting in a long time, but this time I took it out not for fighting.

Su Fuqing raised the scissors and hit the helmet hard.

The helmet split in half instantly.

[Helmet: I'm cracked. ]

[It’s really cracked haha. ]

[Sure enough, great efforts work wonders. ]

[This scissor is very powerful. ]

[But it was so flashy that it blinded me. ]

[Bling. ]

[I remember it didn’t flash like this before. Has it been upgraded? ]

[seems like it. ]

[I just want to know, is it pure gold? ]

[I do not know. ]

[Probably not? ]

[have no idea. ]

[Look what's in here. ]


Su Fuqing split the two halves of the helmet, found a coin-sized chip in the middle, and looked at it carefully.

She seriously suspected that the chanting sound after putting on the helmet came from this little thing.

"That's it?" Qiao Ningze looked incredulous.

"That's probably it." Su Fuqing casually broke off the chip, "I don't know what nonsense it was singing."

Then, she picked up another helmet, touched it inside, and vaguely felt a small bump.

Don't know if this is it.

Su Fuqing pressed hard and felt something was broken.

Let her try it.

Su Fuqing put on the helmet, then asked Zhao Zheng to help her activate the switch, and at the same time warned: "If I act like I'm going to sleep, please help me take off the helmet quickly."

Qiao Ningze: "Okay, okay."

After turning on the switch, there was no sound for one second, two seconds, and three seconds.

She was indeed right.

Su Fuqing took off his helmet and said, "Break the chip inside and there will be no more hypnotic sounds. Try it."

Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng both tried it and successfully touched the bump.

"So that's it, then we don't have to be afraid of this helmet next time." Zhao Zheng said.

"Anyway, you can't stab yourself with a knife next time." Su Fuqing was caught off guard and turned over an old score.

"I don't dare anymore." Zhao Zheng smiled awkwardly.

[Let’s settle old scores and settle old scores. ]

[laughing to death. ]

[Look how embarrassed our little sister Zhao Zheng is. ]

[It turns out that helmet can be destroyed. ]

[Yes. ]

[No longer afraid after being discovered. ]

[So there is still something to gain on the fifth floor, but it’s a pity that Jia Zixian only came in and took a look. ]

[It was the other man who kept urging him to leave quickly, otherwise he wanted to come in and take a closer look. ]

[Pity. ]

[Li Ran didn’t find anything either. ]

[She purely deserves it. ]

[that's right. ]


Su Fuqing threw the helmet back casually: "Let's go, let's go to the next place."

"It's probably too late, you go back first." Su Linling said. Su Fuqing glanced out the window: "Okay, it's a bit late. Let's go back first."

Before leaving, Su Fuqing casually glanced at the next room, feeling that something was hidden somewhere.

She couldn't help but stop and take a second look.

"Sister Su Su, let's leave quickly." Zhao Zheng reminded.

"Oh, okay." Su Fuqing came to her senses and quickly followed Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng.

The three of them rushed back to the ward to deal with the evening rounds.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Xiulai walked around Ward 207 and saw Qiao Ningze hurriedly getting into bed. He raised his eyebrows and pretended not to see him.

After calling the names of the three people, she said meaningfully: "I'll remind you one more time -"

"First, you can't make any noise in the hospital."

"Second, you are not allowed to leave the ward after nine o'clock in the evening."

"Third, patients in the general ward are not allowed to go to the VIP ward without permission."

"It will be very tragic if you are discovered."

Su Fuqing raised her head and looked directly into Ye Xiu's eyes.

I always feel like she knows something.

Su Fuqing narrowed her eyes and looked away first.

Ye Xiu didn't say anything else and left quickly.

Su Fuqing got out of bed again: "Let's continue."

It's best to explore the fifth floor in one go today.

Su Fuqing opened the door first and stuck her head out to take a look. She happened to see Ye Xiu walking into the next ward. The corridor was empty.

"Come on." She stretched out her hand and waved behind her.

After hearing this, Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng quickly followed, and the three of them quickly slipped up to the fifth floor.

Continue to the third room.

"Let me take the lead this time." Qiao Ningze volunteered.

I always feel a little embarrassed to be protected by a girl all the time.

Fans know him very well:

[Jojo must feel embarrassed. ]

[It’s not once or twice, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. ]

[Hahahahaha. ]

[Laughing, we Qiao Jiajun are used to it. ]

[To be honest, I am used to Sister Su standing in the front. ]

[Qiaoqiao is the nanny, so she should hide behind. ]

[Let Qiao Qiao be brave for once. ]

[Brave Qiaoqiao, not afraid of difficulties, rush to the duck! ]

[Go, go, go! ]


"Okay, then you go up." Su Fuqing gave up her position obediently.

Qiao Ningze pushed forward, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open.

In an instant, a dazzling white light occupied the sight of the three people.

Then, they lost consciousness almost simultaneously.

Su Fuqing subconsciously knew that he had fallen into a hallucination again.

She is in the original world view of the sadistic novel, and is struggling to keep the male protagonist who wants to break up with her.

"Please don't leave me?" "Su Fuqing", who looked the same as her but was extraordinarily in love, held the male protagonist's hand and begged.

Thinking of Su Lingling's remarks, Su Fuqing only thought that this was herself in the parallel world.

(End of this chapter)

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