[It feels like Jiang Fang knows a lot. ]

[Is he using the owner of this phone to do things for him? ]

[Maybe. But the owner of the mobile phone also wanted to become famous, and he did not resist the temptation. ]

[But if they could really expose the matter, they would have done a great thing. ]

[should not. Otherwise, players will not enter this instance. ]

[makes sense. ]

[The biggest role of these two people is probably to provide clues to the players. ]

[Equivalent to a brief introduction. ]

[The owner of the mobile phone is probably cold for a long time. Where is Jiang Fang? ]

[I feel that he is probably cold too. ]


Qiao Ningze said: "Will Jiang Fang expose the Hope Hospital on his own?"

"Probably not." Su Fuqing searched Hope Hospital on Qiandu and found no negative news at all.

"Something might have happened to him," she added.

After all, the phone was found on the fifth floor. After something happened to the owner of the phone, the phone probably fell to someone at Hope Hospital.

Su Fuqing tried to send two messages to Jiang Fang:

are you still there? Something happened a few days ago, and I just got my phone back today.

I found some more news here.

No one responded.

"Jiang Fang was silenced by the hospital staff?" Zhao Zheng guessed.

Su Fuqing said: "I think it's very possible. Let's wait and see if Jiang Fang will reply."

She checked her phone again, but couldn't find anything useful for the time being.

Now I can only wait and see if Jiang Fang will reply.

Afterwards, the three of them prepared to move to a new ward.

Su Fuqing exchanged for 210, Qiao Ningze exchanged for 211, and Zhao Zheng exchanged for 212.

Very close.

"If something happens, just shout for help. I should be able to hear you at 210," Su Fuqing said.

But what would these two people do if they "sleepwalk" at night?

Especially Zhao Zheng, who has a criminal record.

Su Fuqing frowned and tried to find a solution.

"How about you tie yourselves up at night?" she suggested.

"It's not impossible." Qiao Ningze said.

"That's all we can do for the time being." Su Fuqing added.

Then, Su Fuqing and the others changed to the ward, found Ye Xiu and went out for some fresh air.

"Go get some fresh air again. Even the TV with Internet access is not good to watch?" Ye Xiu couldn't help but ask.

Su Fuqing replied confidently: "It doesn't look good."

[Hahahaha, Sister Su is confident. ]

[Fortunately, Ye Xiu is one of our own, otherwise she would be speechless. ]

[However, she is indeed quite speechless now. ]

[laughing to death. ]

[Ye Xiu had to cooperate with their performance. ]

[I hope they can see Xin Ran when they go out this time. They haven’t seen each other for several days. ]

[Xin Ran probably also has a plot line there. ]


"Okay, I'll take you there." Ye Xiu felt helpless and led the three of them outside.

Su Fuqing and the others naturally wanted to go out to see if they could run into Xin Ran again.

Hard work paid off, and they really found Xin Ran sitting in a wheelchair in a daze in the garden.

However, Xin Ran's condition didn't look good, he was listless and pale.

And Xin Ran’s mother is not here.

"Ran Ran, are you okay?" Su Fuqing walked around Xin Ran and tried to make a sound.

Looking up and seeing everyone, Xin Ran forced a smile: "Qingqing, I met you again."

"You look very unhappy. What happened?" Su Fuqing asked.

"It's nothing." Xin Ran shook his head, but it was obvious that he was worried.

Nothing strange. But Su Fuqing did not pursue the question. Instead, he turned around and asked about other things: "Why isn't your mother here?"

Xin Ran hesitated, "She...she has something to do..."

Seeing Xin Ran's uncharacteristic behavior, Su Fuqing couldn't help but guess that something wrong with her had something to do with her mother.

Did something happen between them?

Su Fuqing lowered his head and noticed that Xin Ran was covered with a blanket from the waist down.

What happened to her legs?

After thinking about it, Su Fuqing did not ask this question directly.

She first changed the subject and asked Xin Ran what he had been doing in the past two days and why he didn't see anyone.

Xin Ran hesitated for a while and said: "...My mother took me for treatment, but the effect was not very good..."


Su Fuqing's heart skipped a beat. Did Xin Ran go for surgery?

But what “the effect is not very good” means is that the surgery was not successful?

Su Fuqing couldn't help but look at Xin Ran's covered legs.

Next, she quietly brought the topic to Xin Ran's mother and Xin Ran's "treatment" several times.

Xin Ran looked like he didn't want to say anything, but he was still tricked out of part of the information by Su Fuqing without knowing it.

For example, Xin Ran seems to know that her mother has done some bad things for her, so she now has very complicated feelings for her mother.

Xin Ran wanted to stop her mother, but her mother didn't seem to want to give up.

Su Fuqing suddenly thought of the inexplicable attention Xin Ran's mother had paid to Zhao Zheng a few days ago, and couldn't help but worry that Xin Ran's mother would do something to Zhao Zheng.

After comforting Xin Ran, Xin Ran accidentally revealed that her mother had gone to see the dean in the afternoon.

[This is the time to cause trouble. ]

[Is the dean the ghost they said? ]

[seems like it. ]

[Xin Ran’s mother just wants to save Xin Ran. ]

[But you can’t harm others. ]

[Xin Ran is innocent, aren’t others innocent? ]

[In this case, Xin Ran must be under a lot of pressure. ]

[I think Xin Ran’s mother wants to attack Zhao Zheng. ]

[What does she want to do? Holy shit! ]


Su Fuqing asked again: "Your mother went to see the dean, why did you come here alone?"

Xin Ran said embarrassedly: "I wanted to go out and relax, so I sneaked out alone."

At this time, Ye Xiu came up and said to Xin Ran: "Miss Xin, the head nurse on the sixth floor is looking for you."

Therefore, she had to send Xin Ran back.

Xin Ran was a little reluctant to go back, but she couldn't move freely in a wheelchair and couldn't run away.

"It's okay, go back and try to communicate with your mother..." Su Fuqing touched Xin Ran's head and comforted her.

"I know." Xin Ran finally cheered up a little.

Ye Xiu pushed Xin Ran's wheelchair and prepared to take her back to the sixth floor. Su Fuqing and the others followed them until they saw the two of them enter the elevator.

Then, Su Fuqing said to Zhao Zheng: "Xin Ran's mother may want to attack you."

"How to attack me?" Zhao Zheng looked puzzled, "Transplant my leg to Xin Ran?"

"Has medicine evolved to this point now?" Qiao Ningze was also surprised.

"It's just a guess. But anything is possible in the copy." Su Fuqing said.

And they all know that the mastermind behind Hope Hospital is not a human being, but a powerful ghost.

No one knew what he could come up with.

Hearing this, Zhao Zheng also became a little nervous.

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