[what happened? ]

[Who is this ghost? ]

[What did Su Fuqing do? ]

[I see. ]

[what do you know? ]

[What riddles are they playing? ]

[Su Fuqing exposed the matter of Hope Hospital on the Internet. ]

[Ah this? Can it still be like this? ]

[I shocked my family. ]

[No wonder she was fiddling with her phone when she went upstairs. ]

[They had discussed this approach before. ]

[I did say that, but didn’t I decide at that time? ]

[Maybe it’s because something happened to Zhao Zheng and I want to save Zhao Zheng. ]

[This can’t be saved. ]

[At least Shi Jingyan has to devote his energy to dealing with this matter, and with such big black material exposed, I hope the hospital will definitely be affected]

[Very good, reasonable use of public opinion pressure. ]

[Isn’t this really going to completely piss off Shi Jingyan? ]

[I do not know. ]


Su Fuqing had already guessed the identity of the ghost in Shi Jingyan's hand:

"This is...Song Xiaofei?"

"I was negligent... I didn't expect that he could do these things even after he died." Shi Jingyan held Song Xiaofei's ghost in his hands, and soon his soul became weaker and weaker.

Su Fuqing understood the implication of Shi Jingyan's words.

No wonder Song Xiaofei's cell phone was lying so conspicuously in the room on the fifth floor.

It turns out that Song Xiaofei's ghost has been causing trouble behind the scenes and helped them find his mobile phone.

"If this continues, he will soon be out of his mind." Su Linling said.

Su Fuqing quickly said: "I still have more exciting things in my hand. If you let them go, I will delete them all."

In fact, her original idea was to expose all the photos in one go. But Zhao Zheng was taken away, and she had to change her mind and used part of the photos to threaten Shi Jingyan and let Zhao Zheng go.

But she also knew in her heart that Shi Jingyan would not be easily threatened.

Sure enough, Shi Jingyan seemed to have heard some funny joke. He curled up his lips and said, "Did I hear that right? Are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, just a deal." Su Fuqing said.

Qiao Ningze was completely afraid to speak.

When the boss fights with the boss, a little guy like him can only tremble.

However, seeing the current situation, he couldn't help but worry.

They won't overturn this time, right?

"Don't think that you are special enough to bargain with me here." Shi Jingyan added.

[What’s special? ]

[Su Fuqing is a very special person to him (dog head)? ]

[It’s so weird, I want to cp again. ]

[Can all you CP brains stop just talking about CP all day long? ]

[What's there to kowtow at? Why don't you clap your teeth? ]

[I think it’s pretty cool. ]

[Eating anything will only make me nutritionally balanced. ]

[Can you tell me something serious? ]

[Okay, okay. ]


"I don't want to be special either." Su Fuqing only thought that Shi Jingyan was also affected by her "White Moonlight" talent.

Shi Jingyan emphasized again: "You are special."

Sooner or later, he would capture this special human being in front of him and study it.

But now, he wanted to see how many ghosts this person could influence.

A special ghost.

Su Fuqing couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Shi Jingyan ignored it.

He pulled back the force in his hand, hoping to completely drive away Song Xiaofei in his hand.

At this time, another voice came from the phone in Shi Jingyan's other hand.

After listening, Shi Jingyan's eyes were fixed on Su Fuqing and Qiao Ningze:

"Are you live streaming?"

"No, it's not you, and it's not you." He looked at an inconspicuous corner, and then flicked his finger.

The next second, Su Lingling appeared, clutching her chest as if she was injured.

In addition, she also held a very familiar mobile phone in her hand, which belonged to Song Xiaofei.

In fact, from the first moment she entered the operating room, Su Linling hid in the dark with her mobile phone and started a live broadcast on the video platform.

Shi Jingyan actually discovered Su Lingling's existence early on, but he didn't pay attention to her. As a result, he overturned the car again.

Su Fuqing hurriedly ran over, protected Su Lingling behind her, turned around and asked, "Sister Lingling, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but the live broadcast has been interrupted." Su Lingling handed the phone to Su Fuqing, which showed that the live broadcast had ended.

Su Fuqing checked carefully and soon discovered that there was no network. It is obviously Shi Jingyan's masterpiece.

"He should have used the outer barrier to block the network signal." Su Linling said.

"Then there's nothing we can do." Su Fuqing gave up struggling and put the phone into his pocket.

Qiao Ningze also came over and asked in a low voice: "Then what should we do now?"

[Why do they feel like they are getting cold? ]

[Will not. ]

[Probably not? ]

[I didn’t even expect it could be broadcast live. ]

[No wonder Su Fuqing secretly gave away the phone. ]

[Unfortunately it was discovered. ]


However, Shi Jingyan seemed not to be ready to attack Su Fuqing and the others for the time being.

He casually threw Song Xiaofei away, who looked like he was about to disappear in the next second, and then took two steps closer to the operating table.

Su Lingling caught Song Xiaofei who had lost consciousness.

"It can still be saved," she said.

"I've talked to you so much nonsense, is it enough? My operation is not finished yet." Shi Jingyan put one hand on Zhao Zheng's head and the other on Xin Ran's head.

Su Fuqing clearly saw that he sucked out an almost transparent Xin Ran from Xin Ran's head, which should be Xin Ran's soul.

She instantly realized what Shi Jingyan wanted to do.

"Do you want to exchange their souls and bodies?" Su Fuqing asked.

Shi Jingyan didn't answer, but he didn't stop moving his hands. Xin Ran and Zhao Zheng's souls had already been pulled out half by him.

It can be said to be the default.

Shi Jingyan cannot be allowed to succeed.

Without saying a word, Su Fuqing rushed forward with a pair of scissors.

She wanted to stop Shi Jingyan.

But before he could reach Shi Jingyan, Su Fuqing was knocked back by a force.

Shi Jingyan gave a slight warning: "Don't move, I don't want to kill you yet."

Seeing this, Su Lingling pushed Song Xiaofei's ghost to Qiao Ningze and came to Su Fuqing's side.

"Let's go together," she said.

The next second, the two of them rushed forward together.

Su Fuqing's target was Shi Jingyan, while Su Lingling tried to use her white silk to snatch Zhao Zheng and Xin Ran away.

This time, Su Fuqing was not hindered, and the scissors in his hand hit Shi Jingyan directly.

However, he didn't move at all, as if he didn't even notice.

It can't be beaten at all.

Su Lingling's attempt to snatch it also failed, and Bai Ling was all broken into pieces the moment she approached Zhao Zheng.

The souls of Zhao Zheng and Xin Ran were pulled out by Shi Jingyan.

Then, Shi Jingyan exchanged the souls in his two hands.

"No, we have to fight hard." Su Fuqing took a deep breath.

She couldn't just watch Zhao Zheng and Xin Ran being stuffed into each other's bodies.

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