"Is the dean here?" the person outside the door asked.

Qiao Ningze looked at Su Fuqing and the others for help.

Su Fuqing shook her head at him.

Qiao Ningze ignored it.

The people outside waited for a while, but there was no response, so they asked again: "Is the dean here?"

Still silence.

At this time, Su Lingling finally stuffed the souls of Xin Ran and Zhao Zheng back into their bodies.

"Okay." She breathed a long sigh of relief.

Zhao Zheng looked at her familiar hands and was very happy.

Xin Ran was also very happy, even though she couldn't walk again.

"Where is your wheelchair?" Su Fuqing asked.

"Probably in the ward." Xin Ran replied.

Su Fuqing then decided: "Let's send Ran Ran back to the ward first."

Qiao Ningze interrupted: "But the people outside don't know whether they have left or not."

Murong Qingzhu said nonchalantly: "Whatever, there are so many of us here, even if there are people outside, we can just kill them."

[makes sense. ]

[At this time, I’m quite curious about who’s out there. ]

[I'm curious too. ]

[After so long, everyone outside may have left. ]

[possible. ]

[So as long as they can run out, it will be fine. ]

[I hope I won’t meet Shi Jingyan again. ]

[Stop being so cunning. ]

[Bah, bah, bah, they will definitely not encounter that ghost. ]

[Hope everything goes well. ]

[Qiaoqiao, come out quickly. ]


Su Fuqing walked in front and opened the office door.

However, there was no one outside.

Maybe that person left without hearing the noise.

Arriving at the VIP ward area on the sixth floor, Su Fuqing turned around and asked, "Ran Ran, which ward are you in?"

Su Lingling walked in the middle with Xin Ran.

"We have to move forward," Xin Ran said.

After walking some distance, Xin Ran stopped at the door of a ward and said, "This is it."

Su Lingling opened the ward door, and everyone saw Xin Ran's mother, who was anxiously pacing back and forth inside.

Seeing such a large group of people, Xin Ran's mother was confused for a while.

Then, she tentatively shouted to Zhao Zheng: "Ran Ran?"

Su Fuqing was not surprised by Xin Ran's mother's reaction.

However, Xin Ran's face was complicated when he heard this. He paused and said, "Mom, I'm here."

"What's going on? Didn't the dean tell me..." Xin Ran's mother's expression instantly became very ugly, even vicious.

Xin Ran took a deep breath and said, "Mom, why are you doing this? I told you last time that I don't want to hurt others because of myself. Even if I have to be unable to stand up for the rest of my life, I am willing."

"What do you know? Mom is doing this for your own good... Mom is doing it because she loves you..." Xin Ran's mother looked at Xin Ran with a very heartbroken look.

Xin Ran was overwhelmed by this suffocating love.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Su Fuqing didn't want to hear the mother and daughter arguing, so she interrupted them directly.

Then, she said to Xin Ran's mother: "I hope the shady story of the hospital has been exposed. You'd better take Xin Ran and run away."

"What do you mean, what does exposure mean?" Xin Ran's mother asked in a sharp voice.

Murong Qingzhu impatiently raised his chin toward the window: "You can see for yourself."

Xin Ran's mother quickly ran to the window and looked outside. Su Fuqing helped Xin Ran sit back in the wheelchair, and then said: "Ran Ran, we are leaving, goodbye."

"Where are you going?" Xin Ran couldn't help but hold Su Fuqing's hand and asked reluctantly.

She vaguely realized that after this separation, they might never see each other again.

Su Fuqing stretched out her other hand and patted Xin Ran's hand, comforting him: "We are going home. See you again when we are destined."

"Goodbye when we are destined." Xin Ran burst into tears.

[Seeing them separated, I was still a little reluctant to part with them. ]

[She is the best NPC I have ever seen. ]

[Xin Ran is a very cute little girl, but it’s a pity that her life is not good. ]

[And it’s so suffocating to see a mother like this. ]

[I hope Su Fuqing and the others can meet Xin Ran again in the future. ]

[The probability is relatively low, but you can look forward to it. ]

[Don't expect this, expect them to escape quickly. ]

[Liang Yi’s situation is not good. ]

[Just in time for her to hold Shi Jingyan back, Su Fuqing and the others took the opportunity to run away. ]


Xin Ran was sent out of the door reluctantly, and the next step was Su Fuqing's journey to escape from Hope Hospital.

"Anyway, there's no one around now, so just take the elevator down." Su Fuqing said.

Most of the doctors and nurses on the sixth floor were unconscious. The people on the second floor should have been doing "treatment" at this time. Now there's something going on outside. I don't know what they are doing, but no one should have time to take the elevator.

Qiao Ningze echoed: "I think it's okay, we have to hurry up."

The group of people walked to the elevator, and Murong Qingzhu pressed the elevator switch.

Then the elevator door slowly opened, and a figure attacked them.

Su Lingling flicked Bai Ling and sent the man flying away.

Su Fuqing took a closer look and found that he was still an acquaintance: "Xiao He, it's you."

The nurse who was knocked to the ground was Xiao He, whom Su Fuqing had met on the first day.

She slowly got up and looked at Murong Qingzhu in disbelief: "Ye Xiu, you are actually a traitor to the hospital!"

"You were the one knocking on the door in the office just now, right?" Su Fuqing asked again.

Xiao He did not answer, but still stared at Murong Qingzhu, or rather at Ye Xiu, the vest she was wearing.

"Yes, I am a traitor." Murong Qingzhu not only admitted it directly, but also walked into the elevator and threw Xiao He out.

Then, she turned around and called to the others: "Come in quickly."

Su Fuqing calmly pulled Zhao Zheng in.

Is it so simple and crude?

Qiao Ningze was a little confused, but he subconsciously took two steps forward and walked into the elevator.

Su Fuqing clicked the button to close the elevator door.

Xiao He, who was thrown outside, put his hands on the door and tried to climb in, but was kicked out by Murong Qingzhu again.

He was really merciless, and they worked together for a few days anyway.

The group of people took the elevator and quickly went down to the first floor, but were stopped at the gate.

It's not meal time yet, and the patient's ID card cannot go out.

However, nurse "Ye Xiu"'s ID card can definitely be taken out.

"Is your identity stuck?" Su Fuqing asked Murong Qingzhu.

"Yes, I'll look for it." Murong Qingzhu took out his ID card from his pants pocket and opened the door.

Then, she walked ahead and said, "Follow me, I know there's a back door to get out of."

Under the guidance of Murong Qingzhu, the group soon saw a rusty iron door.

They met almost no one along the way. They thought they would be able to go out smoothly soon, but they were blocked by a person.

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