[In this copy, the player successfully attracted several non-human beings, and the "White Moonlight" talent is improving. ]

Moreover, the "White Moonlight" talent has not been upgraded. It is still at level four. It just says "upgrading."

It seems that the further you go, the slower this talent improves.

The mechanical voice finally said: [The next copy will be opened in ten days. ]

Then Su Fuqing returned to the real world.

She immediately took out the "Research Notes of Shi Jingyan" she had drawn and looked at it.

This notebook records many research ideas and directions that are incredible to normal people.

In addition to trying to fuse mismatched human souls and bodies, he also wanted to try to get animal souls into human bodies, or human souls into animal bodies.

In addition to the study of the body and soul, there are also studies of different species, such as the union of humans and vampires, the union of humans and ghosts, the union of ghosts and demons...

It can be seen from the notes that Shi Jingyan was very curious about all kinds of chaos between humans and ghosts.

And there are some research materials recorded later, proving that he has really done research.

Perhaps there are places like Hope Hospital in other copy worlds that support his research.

In the end, Su Fuqing even saw the unbelievable and crazy research direction of "can people who eat the same kind of meat grow up normally?"

Now she felt more and more that Shi Jingyan was sick or seriously ill.

Su Linling, who came over to watch for a while, couldn't help but say: "He must be sick."

"Still very ill." Su Fuqing threw the research notes aside casually to avoid dirtying his eyes.

Then, she found her phone and started replying to messages from her relatives and friends as usual.

First, there was the news bombardment from Zhao Jing:

"are you back?"

"Thank you for taking care of Zhengzheng."

"Thank you very much. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow."

"You will be my biological sister from now on."

"Whoever bullies you is going to have trouble with me, Zhao Jing."


"Sister Lingling, let's go have dinner tomorrow." Su Fuqing agreed to Zhao Jing's invitation to have dinner tomorrow.

Then, she chatted with her three roommates for a while and made a phone call to Teacher Tao.

When everything was over, Su Fuqing and Su Lingling were lying on the bed, discussing what to eat for lunch.

"I just came out of the dungeon and I'm too lazy to make it myself. Let's go out to eat." Su Fuqing said.

Su Lingling: "What are we going to eat?"

After thinking for a while, Su Fuqing said, "Let's go eat Malatang."

The food at Hope Hospital has been a bit light these days and I want to eat something spicy.

Su Fuqing and Su Linling dressed up and ran out to have a delicious meal of spicy hotpot.

At this time, various news about each copy of this round is still being discussed on the Internet.

Because a group of unprepared newcomers, the so-called "temporary players", were selected this time, the death rate in the dungeon has been increasing.

After eating Mala Tang, Su Fuqing played with her phone for a while, only to realize that Lou Shuang and Ai Xiaonian were still in the copy.

She had nothing to worry about with Lou Shuang, but something seemed wrong with Ai Xiaonian.

When chatting before, Su Fuqing noticed that Ai Xiaomi was obviously in a very low mood.

She thought that they had a dinner date before entering the dungeon, and Ai Xiaonian was in a very wrong state at that time.

Did something happen to him?

Su Fuqing found Ai Xiaonian's copy in the live broadcast room and started watching it.

Ai Xiaonian's current situation is indeed not good.

Su Fuqing learned from the barrage that the player who teamed up with Ai Xiaonian was actually a ghost from beginning to end, but the other player pretended to be so similar that he didn't notice it at all.

However, the number of players is wrong. Moreover, Ai Xiaonian has the skill to see the survival status of players in the same dungeon. How could he not find that there is one more person?

Su Fuqing went to the forum again to learn about the situation.

Then I realized that this ghost could even confuse the number of players, and the original ten players turned into eleven.

It is estimated that Ai Xiaonian's skills were also confused.

This copy is called "Who is the Insider", and the task is to find out the "Inside Ghost" hidden among the eleven players and kill him.

The "player" who formed an alliance with Ai Xiaonian was the mole, but the ten players who didn't know it were looking in the wrong direction from the beginning and began to suspect other players.

Coupled with the mole's efforts to fish in troubled waters and sow discord, players even started killing each other.

There are five unlucky newcomers among the ten players. Before they could figure out the situation, they were quickly tricked to death by the old players.

After the newcomer dies, there will be a fight between the old players.

As of now, there are only two players left in the same dungeon except Ai Xiaonian.

And because of the dungeon mission, there is a lack of trust between the three remaining players, and messages are not exchanged at all.

After Su Fuqing learned about the general situation of this dungeon on the forum, he looked up again and saw that another player had died.

The death was extremely tragic.

The ghost hidden around Ai Xiaonian became more and more unbearable, and he also killed this player.

It's just that Ai Xiaonian has already used his skills once, so he can't know the truth.

Now there are actually only two players and one mole left on the field, but both players feel that the other is the mole, and are wary of each other, and even want to kill each other.

Ai Xiaonian actually couldn't bear to take action at first.

But another player tried to kill him again and again, and the mole kept stirring up trouble, so he couldn't help but fight back.

In the end, Ai Xiaonian was slightly better because of the help of his inner ghost.

He killed another player with his own hands.

However, after the penultimate player was killed, the copy was still not over.

Ai Xiaonian finally realized something was wrong.

He turned his head mechanically and looked at the "person" beside him.

The "man" grinned widely, finally revealing his ferocious true face.

Ai Xiaonian's vision went dark. He couldn't believe that the inner ghost had been hiding beside him, while the players were killing each other.

Even his hands are still stained with the blood of his compatriots.

The mole turns out to be a "ghost" in every sense of the word.

Unfortunately, Ai Xiaonian understood it too late.

The mole jumped at him. He struggled for a while, but was finally defeated.

In the end, Ai Xiaonian was bitten to death by the real mole.

"Who is the mole?" 》Copy, the whole army was wiped out.

Seeing a familiar person die in front of his own eyes, and the death was extremely tragic, Su Fuqing's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

Moreover, she didn't dare think about how Ai Xiaomi would collapse after losing her loved ones.

Thinking of this, Su Fuqing quickly took a taxi and decided to go to the school to have a look.

School dormitory.

After seeing Ai Xiaonian's death, Ai Xiaohua was stunned for several minutes without moving.

After receiving the news, Tang Wei and Lin Yan looked at her very worriedly, but did not dare to speak.

A few minutes later, Ai Xiaomi let out a painful scream and burst into tears. (End of chapter)

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