After Su Fuqing took the first bite of food, Xiao Jianshan also drank a sip of coffee without any scruples, but then he frowned.

"It's a bit bitter, can you add some sugar for me?" He turned to the skeleton behind him and said.

For Xiao Jianshan, the skeletons were obviously not as enthusiastic as before.

After dilly-dallying for a long time, a skeleton went to bring him a few cubes of sugar.

Xiao Jianshan put in several cubes of sugar in one breath, stirred it with a spoon for a while, and then took another sip.

"Finally it tastes right." He sighed, and then ate another piece of baked potato.

Watching Su Fuqing and Xiao Jianshan eat the food, Niman also moved her chopsticks, and then players started eating after them.

Finally, until the end of lunch, there were still five players who had not eaten anything from beginning to end.

Among them are Fatty, Li Hongmian and three foreign players.

They are all newcomers.

They were always suspicious and afraid of the food served by a group of skeletons, and wanted to observe it again.

What if there is some kind of curse or chronic poison in the food?

Richie put down his knife and fork, took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth carefully, and then suddenly asked, "Are these guests dissatisfied with the food prepared for lunch today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the skeletons "looked" at these five people with empty eye sockets.

"They'll be disappointed," Rich added.

Under the gaze of the skeletons, the five people couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

[They won’t violate the rules of death, right? ]

[So fast? ]

[So it is right that you must eat. ]

[Everyone has eaten, and I don’t know what they are worried about. ]

[Maybe it’s the fear of being poisonous. ]

[Some copies of the food do have problems. ]

[Mainly because those skeletons look too intrusive. ]

[A bit indeed. ]

[It’s okay, just get used to it. ]

[I dare say these skeletons were quite beautiful in life, especially the one behind Su Fuqing. ]

[You can all see this, the person upstairs is so awesome. ]

[And they should all be quite young. ]


"I...I'm losing weight..." Li Hongmian tried to explain.

The skeletons still stared at her, unmoved.

"The food we prepared is still not delicious enough." Richie sighed pretendingly.

Xiao Jianshan couldn't help coughing, as if to remind him of something.

Niman lowered her head and said something to her companion.

After listening to her words, one of the foreign male players quickly picked up a fork, forked the already cold steak, brought it to his mouth and took a bite.

Su Fuqing heard him say in a foreign language: "It's delicious. I like eating it cold."

Then the skeletons finally stopped looking at the man.

Seeing this, the other four people followed suit and quickly stuffed something into their mouths.

Richie was finally satisfied and smiled again: "As long as the guests like it, dinner will be even more delicious."

Then, he said to the skeletons: "You go down first."

Su Fuqing watched the skeletons walk away and suddenly thought of a question.

She asked Su Lingling: "Sister Lingling, these skeletons must have been people before, right?"

"Yes, but now there is only a little residual soul left." Su Fuqing replied.

Who were they before they were alive? Who killed them?

In fact, it is easy to guess that these skeletons are most likely to be the previous guests of Rose Manor.

You still have to make the best use of everything after you die, which is really in line with the style of escape games.

Su Fuqing observed carefully for a while and found that these skeletons may not even have themselves. Their movements when walking were surprisingly consistent, and even the swings of their hands were exactly the same, as if they had been programmed in advance.

"Moreover, these skeletons no longer have much consciousness of their own, so they are driven as slaves by others." Su Linling added.

The ones who drove the slaves were naturally Rich and the owner of Rose Manor.

The skeletons disappeared around the corner one after another.

Richie stood up: "Guests, I am going out to pick up the young master in the afternoon. You can do it yourself. If you have any questions, you can go to Molly or the servants in the manor."

Hearing this, the players had different expressions.

Richie is going out, and this is a good opportunity.

"Also, you must remember one thing, don't go to the fourth and fifth floors casually. That is the territory of the master and the young master." Richie warned slightly.

There are also restricted areas that you cannot go to.

The more places that were forbidden to go, the more Su Fuqing wanted to go.

[Go quickly, no one will stop you. ]

[It feels like there are very important things in places where you are not allowed to go. ]

[Although, it is best not to violate taboos in survival books. ]

[Almost forgot. ]

[Hahahaha, I am also used to using it as a decryption book. ]


Richie changed his clothes and went out, but Molly, who was left behind, disappeared at some point.

"It's finally our free time." Xiao Jianshan stretched his body and looked relaxed.

The fat man following him closely asked: "Brother Xiao, what are we going to do next?"

Xiao Jianshan said casually: "Let's go shopping around."

Fang Doukou asked: "What are you shopping for?"

The eight who came first stood together.

The two groups of people who came to the manor from different countries and at different times were naturally divided into two distinct teams.

While Su Fuqing and the others were discussing what to do next, Niman came over with another team.

"Do you want to cooperate?" She asked Su Fuqing.

"Answer me a question first." Su Fuqing looked straight at Niman, "What is your dungeon mission?"

Niman replied without thinking: "Survive as a human in Rose Manor."

Her expression was very natural, and there was no trace of lying from beginning to end.

Su Fuqing raised her eyelids, not sure whether she believed it or not.

The tasks of all players in the same instance may not be exactly the same.

There is a type of confrontation dungeon in which players will be divided into two or more hostile teams to compete and even kill each other.

There are also cases where a player is undercover in some dungeons and is tasked with killing other players.

Most importantly, she was a little strange as to why the dungeon set up two groups of people to come to Rose Manor separately.

Just because they are not from the same country?

This seems to make sense, but something feels wrong.

In short, Su Fuqing is still suspicious of these foreign players so far.

[Damn it, why didn’t Sister Su agree? ]

[I thought the two beauties were going to collaborate. ]

[Su Fuqing doesn’t seem to trust the second team very much. ]

[She suspects that the tasks of the two groups of people are different. ]

[The dungeon divides players into two groups, which is indeed suspicious. ]

[All I can say is that it is right not to believe it. ]

[Is it possible that their tasks are really different? ]

[It can be said to be the same, or it can be said to be different. ]

[They may not take action either. ]


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