"No, we still want to go somewhere else."

Su Fuqing rejected Molly's offer to send them back to their room.

"Then I'll accompany the guests." Molly added.

Su Fuqing continued to refuse: "Miss Molly, we may need some private space of our own."

Hearing this, Molly didn't say anything more, but once again warned the four people not to go to the fourth and fifth floors.

After Molly left, the four of them walked through the corridor with their heads lowered, found the stairs and prepared to go up to the third floor.

There was no danger here, but the four people who went outside were frightened again and again.

The four people in Xiao Jianshan left through the long corridor they took when they came.

It's still darkness that makes you unable to see your fingers.

Moreover, in the same place, Fang Doukou was attacked by unknown creatures again.


This time, as soon as the thing touched Fang Doukou, she screamed and hugged Xu Rong tightly.

"Help, what is it?" The fat man was also frightened.

Hearing the noise, Xiao Jianshan who was walking in front immediately turned on the flashlight, turned around and caught the unknown creature with lightning speed.

"Don't be afraid, I caught him." He tried to comfort Fang Doukou and Fatty who were screaming.

Xu Rong held Fang Doukou's hand tightly and comforted her softly: "Doudou, it's okay. Don't be afraid."

"Show me what the hell you are."

Xiao Jianshan transferred the light of the flashlight to his other hand, and finally saw the true face of the unknown creature.

"No wonder it's so hard on your hands." He raised his eyebrows with interest on his face.

Others are not as calm as him.

Fang Doukou felt relieved again.

"Ah! What the hell is this..."

Xiao Jianshan was holding a human arm with only bones left in his hand.

What's even more horrifying is that the skeletal arm is still struggling, as if it is alive.

"He...why is he still moving?" The fat man trembled and hid behind Xiao Jianshan, even trying to grab the hem of his back clothes.

Among the three newcomers, only Xu Rong was calm and could even comfort Fang Doukou with a few words:

"Doudou, these are similar to those skeletons, just some bones..."

But if you listen carefully, you can see that her tone of voice is trembling slightly.

[Xu Rong will try to comfort Fang Doukou even if she is scared. They have such a good relationship. ]

[After all, they are little sisters who came in together. ]

[Both are equally unlucky. ]

[This fat man is too cowardly. ]

[This area of ​​Xiaojian Mountain is a bit difficult. ]

[He deserves it. ]

[The time has come to test his ability. ]

[Ha ha ha ha. ]

[This skeletal hand can still move, which is really scary. ]


"Don't move."

Xiao Jianshan squeezed hard, a white light emitted from his palm, and the bone-white arm finally stopped moving.

Then, he took out the black ring he had picked up here before and tried to put it on Bai Gu's finger.

Fang Doukou and Fatty were both stunned, and then their eyes showed admiration.

"No, you haven't gained any weight now, no wonder you can't wear it."

After wearing it for several fingers and still not being able to put it on, Xiao Jianshan shook his head and put the ring away.

"Let's keep walking," he said.

"Then Brother Xiao, what should I do with this thing?" The fat man pointed at the bone-white arm in Xiao Jianshan's hand.

"Take it with you first." Xiao Jianshan tucked the white-bone arm under his arm without fear at all.

Can I still take this kind of thing with me?

The fat man's expression froze. Trainee Xiao raised his flashlight and continued walking forward.

Xu Rong pulled Fang Doukou to follow. The fat man who hesitated for a few seconds fell behind a few steps. After realizing that the surroundings were getting darker, he hurriedly followed.

After walking for who knows how long, the four of them finally walked out of the castle.

There are still red roses one after another outside.

"Where should we go first?" Xu Rong asked.

Xiao Jianshan said: "Go and see where we came in."

He wanted to see if he could still get out.

If they could get out, if there was any danger in the next few days, they could take refuge outside the manor.

Although there is a high probability that the copy will not have such obvious loopholes, Xiao Jianshan still wants to take a look.

Facts have proved that Xiao Jianshan was overthinking.

When he arrived outside the gate of the manor, he threw out three more copper coins, then only glanced at the result before turning his head and walking back.

"Brother Xiao, what's wrong? Didn't you say you came to take a look?" The fat man chased after him in confusion.

"There's nothing to see, and I can't get out." Xiao Jianshan sighed, "Sure enough, there is no loophole to take advantage of. I thought it would be different if people came in from the outside this time."

[Brother, you are thinking too much. ]

[Is it possible that he thought he could escape? ]

[This copy should be limited to Rose Manor, right? ]

[I feel so too. ]

[What a pity, it was a waste of time. ]


The four of Xiao Jianshan returned to Rose Manor.

"Let's take a stroll in this garden first." Xiao Jianshan said.

Looking around, there are roses outside the castle.

"For safety reasons, don't touch these flowers casually." Xiao Jianshan reminded.

The other three nodded obediently.

Of course they didn't dare touch anything.

Xiao Jianshan led them carefully through the rose bushes.

"Wait." After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped.

There was something wrong with the soil beneath one of the rose bushes.

Xiao Jianshan squatted down, picked up a wooden stick and started digging on the ground.

"Doudou, let's go help too." Xu Rong pulled Fang Doukou forward.

Although they didn't know what Xiao Jianshan was going to do, the two of them picked up wooden sticks and helped him dig together.

After digging about ten centimeters deep, Fang Doukou made a sudden movement.

"I think... I dug something." She said with a grimace.

Xiao Jianshan's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said: "Let me do it."

Xu Rong took Fang Doukou's hand and made room for Xiao Jianshan.

Xiao Jianshan poked twice with a wooden stick and felt that he had hit something very hard.

He dug quickly and finally saw a white bone exposed at the bottom of the pit.

found it.

"This is..." Fang Doukou wanted to say, are these human bones?

At this moment, the three heard a miserable cry.

"What's wrong, Fatty never caught up, maybe something happened to him!" Xu Rong first thought of the fourth person they had forgotten.

[Finally remembered. ]

[Damn, what happened to the fat man? It's so miserable. ]

[I don’t know, he is a newcomer and has not broadcast live. ]

[He deserved it if something happened. Who told him not to follow him before? ]

[Stop talking sarcastically. ]

[I felt something was wrong with Fatty before. ]

[Isn’t it possible that you were tricked at that time? ]

[when? ]

[I still find it strange that he is so timid and didn’t follow Xiao Jianshan closely. ]

[Did he touch the painting before? ]


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