The three of them read the two letters in exchange, with different expressions.

The thin man looked confused, while Li Hongmian and Lu Yingjie were thoughtful.

Lu Yingjie said: "This Lance is not the owner of the manor, right?"

"I don't think so." Su Fuqing didn't say that she knew Lance.

Li Hongmian said: "So, besides the owner of this manor, will anyone else come here?"

"It's very possible." Su Fuqing shrugged.

The thin man who was listening on the side looked horrified: "Is there anyone else coming?"

I also knew that the person coming would not be a normal person.

"The tone of Lance's words is so strange..." Lu Yingjie tried to analyze Lance's psychology through these two letters.

Su Fuqing thought: Of course it is strange, because there is something wrong with his brain.

"He is definitely not human, he is probably just like Richie and Molly..." she analyzed half-truthfully.

"Richie and Molly...are they ghosts?" the thin man asked tremblingly.

"Of course." Su Fuqing said lightly, "They are not only ghosts, but also vampires."

"What do you mean? They are vampires!" The thin man's pupils trembled.

Lu Yingjie and Li Hongmian also looked surprised.

Su Fuqing reacted: "Oh, I forgot to tell you before, these two are vampires."

[Sister, every time you do this, I wonder if you did it on purpose. ]

[Probably meant to scare people (dog head). ]

[Hahahahaha. ]

[I probably just forgot about it. ]

[She probably thought everyone else knew. ]

[Xiao Jianshan must know. ]

[He must have forgotten to say it. ]

[Is this the world of the boss? ]


"How did you know they were vampires?" Li Hongmian asked.

"You can tell." Su Fuqing said matter-of-factly.

The other three: "..."

So, we can’t see that it’s our problem?

Su Fuqing then told them about the weaknesses of vampires.

Silverware, crosses...

But she had already noticed that these two things were completely invisible in the manor.

Hearing this, Li Hongmian glanced at Su Fuqing's earrings, thoughtfully.

Su Fuqing noticed this look and lowered his eyes slightly.

"This person is trying to get your earrings." Su Linling said.

Su Fuqing: "She can come."

After hearing all this, the thin man looked in a daze: "It's actually a vampire. It's so scary..."

It's a pity that no one came to comfort this newcomer's wounded heart.

After discussing the issue of vampires, Su Fuqing said: "Put the letter back to its original place and let's go next door."

Next door is the studio.

The studio is very large, and as soon as you enter, you can see all the oil paintings, which dazzles everyone who looks at it.

Su Fuqing glanced at all the paintings with great interest. The scenes in the paintings were all very familiar. Most of them were scenes from Rose Manor, and the most popular ones were naturally the red roses that could be seen everywhere in the manor.

Each painting is very realistic and gives people an immersive feeling.

Moreover, it looks like it was painted by the same person as the paintings hanging in the corridor on the second floor.

What made Su Fuqing feel strange was: "No, why didn't I see the figure painting..."

Remembering the location of the painting that Niman had said, she quickly looked for it, only to see a painting of red roses in that place.

Su Fuqing frowned. Did Niman say something wrong, or did she remember it wrong?

"Is this where Niman is talking about?"

"This is the most conspicuous position." Su Linling affirmed.

Su Fuqing reached out and took down the painting and inspected it carefully.

Looking left and right, I always feel that this painting is a bit empty——

The upper half is empty, only the lower half is painted with a few clusters of red roses.

She opened the frame again and touched the drawing paper inside. There was indeed only one layer, and there was no possibility of another painting hidden inside.

"It's not here. Let's look for it again." Su Lingling said.

Su Fuqing put down the painting, turned around again, and finally found a figure painting.

There is only one person in the painting——

She is that woman who is so beautiful that words cannot describe her.

She stood in front of a coffin with a smile that captivated all living beings.

What a nice view……

Su Fuqing only glanced at it, then quickly lowered his head, not daring to look again.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yingjie asked not far away.

Su Fuqing said: "Nothing, don't come over."

Then, she fumbled for a long time with her eyes closed, taking apart the frame.

As for the painting, she put it away.

[Can this still happen? ]

[Laughing to death, just pack it up and take it away. ]

[Is this painting useful? ]

[It might be useful. There was something obviously wrong with that woman. ]

[Wait a minute, I remember that this is not the painting Niman saw. ]

[I remember it too. ]

[It’s strange, the woman Niman saw was clearly in the rose painting before. ]

[Really or not, I’ll go next door and have a look. ]

[Really, I even took a screenshot. ]

[Why are you taking screenshots upstairs? ]

[This young lady is so pretty, I can’t help it. ]

[You are really not afraid of death. ]

[Death under the peonies, being a ghost is also romantic. ]

[When you become a ghost, you might be of the same species as her. ]

[Hell laughed at the family. ]


Su Lingling suggested: "Let me keep the painting for you first."

"Okay." Su Fuqing handed over the rolled up painting, and the painting disappeared in her hands instantly.

Li Hongmian's eyes flashed as he happened to notice this scene.

After a final circle, Su Fuqing was able to confirm that except for that painting, there were no other paintings of figures here.

The four of them met and walked out of the studio. Lu Yingjie complained: "You can't see anything from these paintings."

"There was a painting of that woman... that was taken away by me," Su Fuqing said.

When she came to the stairs, she stopped and said, "You guys go back first. I want to go up to the fourth floor and have a look."

"Didn't Richie say you can't go to the fourth and fifth floors?" Li Hongmian asked.

"Just go quietly without being discovered." Su Fuqing tilted his head and said something that no one could refute.

[That makes sense. ]

[Hahaha indeed. ]

[Sister Su is causing trouble again. ]

[Chong rush rush. ]

[But what if you are discovered? ]


Su Fuqing added: "Besides, even if you are discovered, I can run away by myself."

"Then we won't hold you back." Lu Yingjie happily asked her to go alone.

Li Hongmian also said falsely: "Then you have to be careful."

The thin man was even happier when he heard that he could go back to his room.

Su Fuqing watched the three of them go down, and then stepped onto the stairs to the fourth floor.

One step, two steps, three steps...

In the last step, Su Fuqing finally reached the fourth floor, which was forbidden to set foot on.

As soon as she came up, she felt like she was being watched by something.

"We may really be discovered." Su Linling said.

Su Fuqing said: "What I want is to be discovered."

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