At six o'clock in the evening, all the players were called to the lobby on the first floor by Molly.

"Guests, the young master will be here at dinner tonight." Molly emphasized again, looking at Su Fuqing.

I know, I know, isn't Lance coming?

Su Fuqing looked confident, as if he was not afraid of being exposed by Lance later.

Now she was even more curious about whether Xiao Jianshan had discovered anything when he went out alone.

After they separated in the corridor on the second floor, they didn't have time to exchange information.

The two looked at each other and quickly looked away.

The fat man had woken up, but he had lost one of his hands. He was mentally depressed and seemed to have completely lost his fighting spirit.

Among the foreign players, there was also a female player who was injured and was leaning against Niman with a pale face.

"The ghoul was glaring at the female player next to Niman. He was so possessive." Su Linling reported in real time, "Niman noticed him and turned around to warn her."

Su Fuqing couldn't help but said: "Sister Lingling, I suddenly discovered that you are also quite gossipy."

[No one said anything, it was so embarrassing. ]

[There is nothing to say. In front of Molly, they cannot discuss the dungeon mission openly. ]

[The dungeon mission is nothing to discuss. ]

[It’s a survival plan anyway, just survive. ]

[Laughing, do you think an escape game can be so easy for you to pass? ]

[People who think this way usually die without knowing how they died. ]

[This copy still relies on Su Fuqing, Xiao Jianshan and Niman. ]

[Nieman, forget it. If you don’t have any skills, you’ll just rely on that ghoul. ]

[The haters upstairs get out of here. ]

[Don't make any noise, don't make any noise. ]

[Our sister Su still has a hurdle to overcome. ]

[Is the young master coming? ]

[The exciting moment is coming. ]


Under Molly's constant gaze, the players really had little communication.

In addition to being afraid of being heard by her, most players are more worried about the so-called "young master" who will come later.

The only ones who are not worried may be Su Fuqing and Xiao Jianshan.

Not long after, Richie came back.

But there was no one behind him, and there was no sign of the "young master".

"Good evening, Mr. Butler." Su Fuqing took the initiative to say hello.

Richie looked quite tired, but still had a decent smile on his face: "Good evening, Miss Su, and all guests."

The other players replied one after another:

"good evening."

"Good evening Mr. Rich."


No matter what, it never hurts to have a good relationship with the NPC.

What's more, this is not an NPC, but a vampire.

Even scarier.

——The players who learned from Su Fuqing that Richie and Molly were vampires thought to themselves.

"I'll clean it up, you can do it yourself." Richie added.

Watching him leave, most people breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, they raised their concerns again.

Another "person" has arrived.

"Are we late?"

As soon as this voice came out, Su Fuqing knew who was coming.

Sure enough, when she looked up, she saw a head of dazzling blond hair.

Lance also saw Su Fuqing, and the smile on his face instantly became brighter.

"Little Pepper, it's you... finally we meet again." He said.

"It's me." Su Fuqing shrugged and admitted generously.

Lance walked up in a few steps and approached Su Fuqing: "One day without seeing you is like three autumns. How many autumns have we not seen? I miss you so much."

Su Fuqing suddenly wanted to have a battle between Lance and Xiao Jianshan to see who was the real oil king.

She said: "...I don't miss you at all." The players who heard the conversation between the two were confused.

Why does Su Fuqing know this NPC? The two of them looked very familiar.

More importantly, why does this man speak so graciously?

The players, especially Xiao Jianshan, looked disgusted.

Molly was disappointed to find that Su Fuqing and Lance really knew each other and seemed to be very familiar with each other.

She hesitated to speak: "Young Master, this person..."

Lance glanced over, and Molly suddenly fell silent.

The audience’s reaction was:

[Xiao Jianshan’s destined opponent is here. ]

[This conversation between the two of them is really interesting. ]

[It seems to be quite familiar indeed. ]

[There is something fishy. ]

[I couldn’t tell whether it was surprise or shock. ]

[Laughing to death, I feel quite shocked, this man is too oily. ]

[Earl of Lance did not have this character before. ]

[He seems to be mentally ill. ]

[Just give him a beating, that’s what Sister Shuang did. ]

[Don’t look at it, he’s easy to talk to now, but he can be ruthless when he uses his hands. ]

[After all, it is the final boss of the second level copy. ]

[So what does he do here now, part-time? ]

[Let’s work part-time as a mini-boss. The big boss didn’t appear so soon. ]


"Pepper, it makes me sad when you say that." Lance came up to Su Fuqing and smelled it.

Still a familiar scent.

Another pervert.

"Stay away from me." Su Fuqing took a few steps back, rolled his eyes, and was ready to take action at any time.

Xiao Jianshan came over and wanted to block Su Fuqing, but she pushed him away.

"No, this is a grudge between the two of us." Su Fuqing said.

"Okay, I wish you good luck." Xiao Jianshan shrugged and stepped aside calmly.

Lance wanted to say something else, but he heard someone behind him ask:

"Lance, when did you meet such a human being?"

Only then did the players realize that there was a man standing behind Lance.

Aware of everyone's attention, the man licked his lower lips, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

These humans all taste pretty good.

"We met at a dance some time ago, but you weren't here." Lance said without looking back.

The man behind him said: "Won't you introduce it to me?"

"Pepper, this is my friend William. William, this is..." Langston paused.

Only then did he realize that he still didn't know what "Little Pepper" was called.

Miscalculation, he must know the name of such a precious human being.

This time, he must catch her and raise her.

Just keep it at Rose Manor.

There is a room on the fifth floor that should be suitable. He will decorate it tonight.

In this case, even Shi Jingyan would not dare to rob someone casually.

Lance made up his mind and looked at Su Fuqing with increasingly hot eyes.

"Pepper, what's your name?" he asked seriously.

Su Fuqing raised her eyelids and formally introduced herself: "My name is... Su Fuqing, the one who rises high, the one who rises high, the one who rises high."

"Oh, Xiao Qingqing..." Lance quickly changed his name.

William suddenly took a deep breath: "This human smells so good."

"Don't mess with her, she's mine." Lance turned around and warned William.

Hearing this, William had to restrain his eyes unwillingly.

Su Fuqing: "..."

The person involved was very speechless.

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