Fatty lives with Xiao Jianshan.

Xiao Jianshan was not in the room in the morning, so he was naturally alone.

Su Fuqing asked again. Another foreign female player who didn't come was also alone.

The two lonely people haven't come yet, so something might have happened.

"Has anyone seen the two of them again after they separated in the morning?" Xiao Jianshan asked.

Several people said no.

Fang Doukou and Xu Rong looked at each other, both of them looking unhappy.

Finally, Xu Rong stood up and said: "Doudou and I went to his room and knocked on the door, but no one responded after waiting for a long time... We thought he came here first."

There was no response when I knocked on the door, so something was more likely to happen.

Many people here thought of this.

No one spoke for a while.

[These two people are probably gone. ]

[Unfortunately, they are all newcomers and cannot see what is going on. ]

[I knew they were seeking death. ]

[This copy is dangerous enough. ]

[Is it possible that something will happen if you are alone? ]

[How can it be? Su Fuqing is also alone. Isn't she still fine? ]

[She acted alone yesterday. ]


Everyone wanted to go back to the second floor to see if anything happened, but Richie arrived immediately and told them that it was time to have lunch.

Someone said carelessly: "Mr. Rich, I don't have much appetite. Can you go back to the room and rest first?"

Richie stopped him with one sentence: "Are the guests dissatisfied with the lunch prepared by the servants of the manor?"

Hearing this, the skeleton servants all looked over with empty eyes.

The man suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "No, no, I'm very satisfied."

Richie didn't react, and the skeletons didn't move.

At this time, Su Fuqing interjected: "Mr. Rich, I'm a little hungry. Can I have dinner?"

"Of course, let's have dinner," Richie said.

Only then did the skeletons look back.

The man felt like he was being pardoned. He understood that it was Su Fuqing who saved him with just one word, and he quickly cast a grateful look.

Su Fuqing didn't pay too much attention.

What she is most concerned about now is the situation of Fatty and the foreign player.

With this matter in mind, most players, including Su Fuqing, didn't take lunch seriously.

But because of Richie's power, they didn't dare to eat too little.

But Su Fuqing noticed that neither Lance nor William moved their chopsticks much.

Lance only ate half a medium-rare steak.

She tilted her head and asked proactively: "Earl of Lance, is today's lunch not to your liking?"

Lance used his knife to slowly cut the remaining half of the steak on the dinner plate, and said casually: "It's okay. But, there is something more to my liking."

Is there anything more palatable to a vampire?

The ominous premonition in Su Fuqing's heart became stronger and stronger.

"I've cut it, do you want to eat it?" Lance pushed Su Fuqing towards her.

The remaining half of the steak was cut into dozens of square pieces with seemingly no difference in size.

The blood hidden in the medium-rare beef came out, and it looked red.

Su Fuqing shook his head: "I prefer to eat well-cooked food."

Her own piece of steak was barely touched.

[This damn vampire is courting Su Fuqing again. ]

[Unfortunately, it was presented to the wrong place. ]

[Taste varies. ]

[I also like my steak cooked. ]

[The steak is not the point. The point is what Lance and William ate before coming here. ]

[What do vampires like to eat? ]

[Suck human blood. ]

[Wait a minute, the only humans in this manor are players, right? ]

[Thinking about it makes my family members extremely scared. ]

[Then the two of them will just...]

After lunch, the players divided into two groups and rushed to the rooms of the fat man and the foreign player respectively. Su Fuqing and the others naturally went to Fatty's room.

Fang Doukou and Xu Rong hesitated all the way, but finally couldn't help but follow them.

"Let me do it."

Xiao Jianshan walked in front and opened the door.

The faint smell of blood in the air made everyone present feel anxious.

Su Fuqing and Xiao Jianshan saw Fatty first.

He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and his hands folded on his chest. The expression on his face was very peaceful, as if he was asleep.

Su Fuqing stretched out her hand to feel the fat man's breath, then shook her head.

Already out of breath.

She touched the fat man's neck again.

The body has even begun to stiffen.

Wait, something seems wrong.

Su Fuqing opened the fat man's collar and found a clearly visible tooth mark near the collarbone.

As she moved, others also saw it.

Xiao Jianshan touched it with his hand, his expression a little serious: "It looks like the teeth marks of a vampire."

Then, he untied the fat man's clothes and observed it for a while, then touched it carefully with his hands, and finally came to another, more horrifying conclusion:

"The blood was almost drained from him."

The thin man was so frightened that he trembled: "Are vampires so scary?"

The biggest reaction was from Fang Doukou and Xu Rong who also stayed in the room in the morning.

"Rong Rong, is there no point in hiding?" Fang Doukou cried.

Xu Rong was a little confused: "I don't know either."

She didn't know what to do.

How can I survive in this hellish place?

Will she and Doudou one day die quietly in their room like Fatty?

Xiao Jianshan added: "As for Lance and William, they usually don't suck so much blood."

"The two of them can't drink it." Su Fuqing reminded, "There is another person over there."

Li Hongmian: "You mean, the other one is also dead?"

"Nine times out of ten." Su Fuqing added, "Besides, don't forget there is Richie and Molly."

[These vampires are so scary. ]

[Can you actually suck a person's blood dry? ]

[Theoretically, it is not impossible. ]

[Fang Doukou and Xu Rong were frightened. ]

[Now I know it's too late to be afraid. ]

[More than scared, trembling, okay? ]

[That’s not the point, right? ]

[The key point is how and why did they die? ]

[really. ]


Putting other questions aside for now, what players should be more concerned about now is: What death rules did Fatty violate?

Su Fuqing said: "Don't crowd together, look around to see if there is anything suspicious."

The players immediately dispersed and started searching in the rather small room.

As a result, this room is no different from any other.

Xiao Jianshan also said that when he left in the morning, this place was as it is now, and it has basically not changed.

Su Fuqing: "That's strange. It's impossible for a vampire to attack a fat man for no reason."

If they really had no scruples, all the players would have been wiped out long ago.

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