Hearing Su Fuqing's words, the players all remembered the first time the two met in this dungeon.

Therefore, when Lance said "I miss you" at that time, he missed Su Fuqing's blood.

"How much does he covet your blood?" Xiao Jianshan asked.

"I'm not sure, but he always says that I smell very good...my physique seems to be more attractive to this kind of ghosts."

Su Fuqing made a half-truth and half-false conclusion with a bitter smile on his face.

[I also discovered that Sister Su seems to be born to attract certain ghosts. ]

[Otherwise you think? The heartthrob of the ghost world is not just for nothing. ]

[What a messy name. ]

[Just joking, but now it seems to have some credibility. ]

[Does Su Fuqing really smell good? I don't believe it unless I hear it too. ]

[The beauty must smell good on her body. ]

[She showed her cards, actually I thought so too. ]

[There is a pervert upstairs, get out. ]

[But I also...]

[Fork them all out. ]

[laughing to death. ]


It's obviously not a good thing to have your blood coveted by a vampire.

Players thought of a lot in an instant.

Xiao Jianshan still felt that Lance did not necessarily want to kill Su Fuqing, but Su Fuqing's situation was indeed special, and what Lance said to her could not be used as a reference.

Moreover, he did not feel that painting roses was the right answer in the first place.

Things that are too easy to guess may actually be traps.

Su Fuqing had similar thoughts.

She said: "Anyway, I don't recommend drawing roses. It's too simple... We can draw some things that vampires like more, such as..."

Unfortunately some people don't think so.

Someone said: "The owner of the manor is definitely not an ordinary vampire. What if she just doesn't like things that other vampires like?"

Apart from him, Su Fuqing could also see that several people were still planning on painting rose flowers.

Maybe these people felt that what she said was deliberately misleading them.

There is no use in talking, just let them be.

Guessing that everyone had almost discussed it, Su Fuqing said, "We can just draw our own."

Then, she casually walked towards a nearby easel.

The players each had their own thoughts, chose an easel one after another, and began to study how to paint.

Su Fuqing is actually not very good at painting.

Richie didn't have many colors of paint prepared, so she first tried to see if she could mix a few colors she wanted.

"What are you going to draw?" Su Linling asked.

"I have some ideas... it should work." Su Fuqing held her chin in her hand, thinking deeply.

She decisively mixed two or three colors of paint.

Then she realized, why did this color feel a little wrong?

Su Fuqing didn't expect that she would be stuck on the first step.

She couldn't get the color she wanted at all.

“There is still a threshold for painting,” she lamented.

I glanced at the other players out of the corner of my eye, and saw that several of them had already started painting directly.

The paints Richie prepared include the most basic red and green.

The fastest ones were the thin man and a foreign female player, and the rudimentary form of the rose flower could already be seen.

There were also a few people studying the pile of paintings lying around, trying to figure out the answer. As for Su Fuqing, it took almost an hour just to study and adjust the colors.

"It's almost done." She looked at the colors she had mixed with satisfaction and was officially ready to start writing.

[With these colors, I have no idea what Sister Su wants to paint. ]

[I can’t think of it either. ]

[It shouldn’t be a rose anyway. ]

[There are already five people painting roses. ]

[I'm really convinced, can these people use their brains? ]

[Actually, it might be right to draw roses,]

[I always feel like a trap. ]

[I feel so too. ]

[Everyone has their own ideas, and what Su Fuqing said may not be right. ]

[That’s true, but I still believe in Su Fuqing. ]

[Hahaha, me too. ]


At this time, the thin man and the foreign female player had almost completed the entire painting, and the red roses were particularly dazzling.

There are also people who have listened to Su Fuqing's words and are drawing things that vampires like.

Take Niman for example. The scenes she painted were too bloody, and Su Fuqing felt that most vampires would definitely like them.

Xiao Jianshan's painting skills were really outstanding. Su Fuqing didn't see what he was painting for a moment, only knowing that it must be related to blood.

It's just too ugly, I don't know if he can get away with it.

Li Hongmian is also leaning on the theme of blood.

Vampires have an innate thirst for blood, and this is indeed something the owner of the manor may like.

Fang Doukou and Xu Rong drew the castle they are currently in, and two foreign players drew a certain place in the castle.

There are scenes like these in the pile of paintings next to it, so it’s not impossible to give them a try.

After scanning around for a while, Su Fuqing began to write.

Half an hour later, she had a rough outline of what she wanted to draw.

Su Linling probably guessed: "You are going to draw..."

"I think she would like it." Su Fuqing said.

[I seem to have guessed what this is. ]

[I guessed it too. ]

[It’s not impossible. ]

[I think the manor owner will like it. ]

[Maybe? ]

[Actually, the paintings by Su Fuqing, Xiao Jianshan, and Niman are all pretty good. On the contrary, the name of Rose Manor may have led a few other people astray. ]

[Someone has drawn it. ]


When Su Fuqing was halfway through painting, the foreign female player who painted roses finished painting.

She put down her pen and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, the female player raised her head and glanced at her work, and her eyes instantly became obsessed, as if she had been taken away from her mind.

A beautiful woman appeared out of thin air among the roses she had just painted.

The foreign female player stretched out a hand and touched the woman.

Then the woman smiled at her.

The female player's eyes became even more crazy, and she even put her entire palm directly on the painting.

This is an old player, and her live broadcast room has discovered something is wrong with her.

[what happened? ]

[There's something wrong with her eyes, is she possessed? ]

[It's that strange woman, she appears. ]

[Come and help me! ]

[Ellie's face becomes paler. ]

[Wake up now. ]

[Nieman, please save her! ]


The players were all concentrating on painting and did not immediately notice the abnormality of the foreign female player named Ellie.

It wasn't until she suddenly fell to the ground that Fang Doukou and Xu Rong, who were closest, realized something was wrong.

"Ah!" Fang Doukou screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

Something happened?

Su Fuqing put down the brush and turned to look over.

But the first thing she saw was another anomaly - Slender Man.

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