There was gradually no movement behind him.

Su Fuqing took one last look back and found that Xu Rong was nowhere to be found.

She didn't stay too long and quickly returned to the castle.

In the lobby on the first floor, Su Fuqing met Lance.

Seeing her coming back alone, Lance raised his eyebrows and said, "Xiao Qingqing, I knew you could do it."

Su Fuqing was too lazy to pay attention to him.

[Why is Lance bothering Su Fuqing again? ]

[I have to be mean every day. ]

[He really looks like a primary school student. ]

[Su Fuqing doesn’t want to talk to him at all. ]

[Sister Su: Don’t touch me. ]

[Su Fuqing left directly. ]

[Well done. ]

[laughing to death. ]


Su Fuqing avoided Lance and returned to the second floor to wait for other players to come over.

When the time came to 12 noon, she only waited for Xiao Jianshan and Li Hongmian, as well as Niman and another foreign player Daniel.

In addition to Xu Rong, there is also a group of foreign players who did not appear.

"Let's go have lunch first," Niman said.

Su Fuqing nodded.

They all knew in their hearts that the remaining group was probably in danger.

At noon today, Duke Rose did not show up. Only Richie stood up and said: "Thank you for helping the master to share his worries..."

Su Fuqing's left ear went in and the right ear went out, focusing on eating.

And until they all finished lunch, the two people didn't come back.

The remaining five players gathered together, and Niman said:

"One of them is a newcomer, and the other is an old player. I don't know the skills of that old player very well..."

Su Fuqing asked: "What is the mission of the two of them?"

Xiao Jianshan thought for a while and said, "It seems like I'm going to help in the kitchen."

"The kitchen... why don't we go over and have a look." Su Fuqing suggested.

No one else had any objections.

Su Fuqing and Xiao Jianshan took the lead. They walked around the first floor and didn't encounter any vampires.

They shouldn't be here.

"Let's go." Su Fuqing turned around and waved, and the other three people immediately slipped down.

The kitchen door was open, and no skeletons were seen inside, so the players walked right in.

Everything in the kitchen was as usual, and there was nothing suspicious at a glance.

Five people rushed in and searched around in the kitchen, which was not too big.

There were fresh vegetables on the sink. Su Fuqing checked them and found nothing wrong.

And the should be in the refrigerator.

Su Fuqing turned around and opened the refrigerator door, and a strong smell of blood hit her face.

"Come and see," she shouted.

Everyone else came closer, then looked up and saw a large bucket of blood sitting on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

[Let me go, whose blood is this? ]

[have no idea. ]

[So many, this person is definitely dead. ]

[Sure. ]

[But so many players have died, and now I can’t figure out who it is. ]

[So after they kill people and drink enough blood, they still have to save the excess blood? Those players who died were too miserable. ]

[So that’s it. ]

[No wonder their blood was drained. ]


Niman asked: "Can you tell...whose blood this is?"

"Let me do the math." Xiao Jianshan took out several copper coins.

Su Fuqing opened the refrigerator door below again, which was filled with meat.

She looked through it carefully and was sure that there was no strange meat mixed in.

Xiao Jianshan fiddled with it for a long time and didn't know how to calculate it. He named the two foreign players: "This is the blood of... and..."

These are the names of the group of players who came to the kitchen to do tasks this morning and never came back. "Sure enough, something happened to the two of them." Niman sighed.

Although this had already been confirmed for a long time, when it was confirmed, she still couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Su Fuqing said: "Look for any clues elsewhere."

How did the two of them die?

Players continue to search for clues in the kitchen.

[What are you doing? ]

[Looking for clues? ]

[How did those two people die? ]

[Unfortunately, they got the formula right, but looked in the wrong place. ]

[What's the meaning? ]

[Those two people did not die in the kitchen at all. ]

[Where is that? ]

[In...the basement. ]

[They were deceived. ]


Xiao Jianshan casually touched the cabinet and said, "This place is very clean. There should be no clues."

"It's indeed quite clean." Su Fuqing suddenly thought of a possibility, "Maybe something happened to them in the kitchen, but they didn't die in the kitchen."

She accidentally guessed the truth.

"What do you mean?" Li Hongmian asked puzzledly.

"I'll go out and take a look." Su Fuqing quickly turned around and ran out.

Others quickly followed.

Su Fuqing found the secret door next to the kitchen again, picked up the lock and looked at it carefully for a while, and came to a conclusion: "This lock has been opened recently."

"You mean, the two of them might have been killed here?" Xiao Jianshan asked.

"It's possible." Su Fuqing nodded.

Daniel picked up the lock on the door and looked at it for a while, then said, "Should we pry it open and sneak in to take a look?"

"It's best not to." Su Fuqing lowered her eyes, "Lance once tried to trick me into going in. I think it should be more dangerous inside."

Xiao Jianshan crossed his arms and said, "Obviously, we just don't have to go down if we have nothing to do."

"I'm afraid I have to go in sometimes." Su Fuqing shrugged.

She suspected that the two foreign players were coaxed into the game by the so-called mission.

"Then let's leave quickly." Li Hongmian said.

The players quickly left here.

On the way, the five people discussed their respective tasks and combined with the dangers they encountered, they came to the conclusion that——

This mission is to kill them.

Three people were admitted in one morning. There was still a day and a half left, and they didn't know what they would come up with next to deal with the remaining few of them.

Niman suggested: "How about we stay together and not separate?"

"It's not impossible." Su Fuqing directly found a seat in the lobby on the first floor and sat down, not planning to move.

They have explored all the safer areas in Rose Manor, and as for the remaining areas that are expressly prohibited and may be dangerous...

It’s better not to commit suicide like this.

Mainly because he couldn't defeat the Duke of Rose.

"It just so happens that I'm too lazy to move." Xiao Jianshan also found a place to sit down.

Su Fuqing raised his head and scanned the people present one by one.

Of the sixteen players, there are now only five left. Among them is Li Hongmian, who has always wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, and Daniel, who doesn't seem to be quite right either.

Su Fuqing silently paid attention to these two key observation objects. (End of chapter)

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