With previous experience in the love strategy copy, Su Fuqing got started quickly this time.

However, she should never be able to get used to that unique and disgusting smell.

[Sister Su’s pain mask. ]

[Thinking about this kind of thing has a psychological shadow,]

[This is not her first time,]

[It’s so tragic, sister. ]

[Su Fuqing still has a calm expression on her face, and her mentality is really strong. ]

[really. ]


Su Fuqing casually handled the "ingredients" and was about to put them into the pot when a skeleton came over and poked her.

"What's wrong?" She stopped what she was doing and asked.

The skeleton raised his hand again and pointed outside the door.

"What do you mean?" Su Fuqing still didn't understand.

The skeleton walked over directly.

Su Fuqing could only follow him, and then he saw the skeleton walking out the door.

Can she not go?

Su Fuqing stayed there for a while, and then saw the skeleton walking back, staring straight at her with its empty eyes.

"Do I have to go?" Su Fuqing asked.

The skeleton nodded.

Okay, okay, she has to go, right?

Su Fuqing followed again.

The skeleton came to the secret door next to the kitchen, pushed it gently, and the door was opened. Behind the door was darkness that could not be seen.

Su Fuqing's eyes moved downward, and then she realized that the lock originally hung on the door had been opened at some point.

The skeleton walked in half-body, then turned back to look at Su Fuqing, meaning to tell her to come quickly.

"Sorry, I suddenly don't want to go." Su Fuqing smiled, turned around and walked back.

There was definitely not a nice place behind that door, and she wouldn't be stupid enough to walk in on her own initiative.

Walking in will probably trigger the death condition, and the fate will probably be the same as that of the two players yesterday.

Su Fuqing quickly returned to the kitchen and planned to continue cooking.

The moment she stepped into the kitchen door, something unexpected happened and the surrounding environment changed instantly.

Su Fuqing's eyes were in a trance, and she found that she was actually in a dark space.

what happened?

"It's an illusion again. What you just walked into was not the kitchen door. I was careless and didn't notice it right away." Su Linling appeared.

Su Fuqing sighed and said, "I didn't find anything wrong. This hallucination is worse than before."

It’s simply hard to guard against.

She fell into it without realizing it.

[Holy shit, what’s going on? ]

[Why did Su Fuqing suddenly walk into the secret door? ]

[This is obviously a trap. ]

[This is how the two players died yesterday. ]

[It seems like an illusion. ]

[The hallucination this time was so powerful that even Su Fuqing didn’t notice it. ]

[No wonder those two people fell into the trap yesterday. ]

[Those two were caught too quickly. ]

[It’s over, will Su Fuqing be okay? ]

[It's hard to say. ]


Su Fuqing quickly understood that he had fallen into a trap.

Perhaps the moment she stepped into this space, she had already triggered the death condition.

At this moment, footsteps were heard not far away, approaching Su Fuqing and Su Lingling.

"Sister Lingling, you hide first." Su Fuqing said.

"Okay." Su Lingling quickly hid her figure.

Su Fuqing asked aloud: "Who is it?"

No one answered, but the footsteps were obviously moving faster.

Who is doing this?

"Lance?" Su Fuqing guessed.

The next second, a familiar voice came: "Xiao Qingqing, congratulations on your guess, but there is no reward."

"Sure enough, it's you." Su Fuqing sneered. Lance snapped his fingers, and there was light all around him.

Su Fuqing and Lance looked at each other, one expressionless, the other smiling.

"Are you surprised or surprised?" Lance continued to approach Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing stood still, observing the wooden stairs going up behind Lance from the corner of his eye.

It seems possible to go up there.

She must have been put into a basement or something.

The problem is that Lance is stuck there, and you have to deal with him first before you can get out.

"What do you want to do?" Su Fuqing asked directly.

"I want you to stay with me." Lance leaned forward and took a deep breath.

It seems that I can't be kind today.

Su Fuqing had a giant pair of scissors in his hand and attacked Lance decisively.

"Xiao Qingqing, why are you so fierce today?" Lance dodged back and avoided Su Fuqing's attack.

Su Fuqing swiped the scissors over again: "I've been displeased with you for a long time."

Lance reached out and grabbed the big scissors, pulled them out, and quickly got closer to Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing kicked him over.

[Okay, okay, this is indeed a psychopath. ]

[Damn Lance, I knew it was him. ]

[Sister Su, hurry up and teach him a lesson. ]

[Hit hard! ]

[Damn it, I was avoided again. ]

[Keep going. ]


Su Fuqing made several consecutive attacks, but Lance dodged them.

Moreover, Lance could only dodge but not fight back, as if he was deliberately teasing her.

"What do you want to do?" Su Fuqing was a little impatient.

Just as she was about to ask Su Linling to come out for help, countless lights suddenly lit up on the ground.

Su Fuqing was stunned and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, a complex magic circle appeared on the ground, surrounding her and Lance.

Su Linling's tone was anxious: "No, run quickly!"

A piece of white silk wrapped around Su Fuqing's waist and pulled her out.

Just when Su Fuqing was about to be pulled out of the magic circle, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared and blocked her back.

Lance walked over step by step: "Xiao Qingqing, stop struggling, you can't escape."

Su Fuqing stood up straight and knocked the big scissors on the barrier, but the barrier didn't move at all.

Su Linling appeared outside the barrier with a look of helplessness on her face: "I can't get in."

The current situation is that Su Fuqing and Lance are trapped in the magic circle, but Su Lingling is blocked from the outside.

[What is this for? ]

[No, he killed the two players yesterday directly. ]

[Maybe it’s because of reluctance. ]

[It’s just that I can’t beat him. ]

[Sister Su beat him until his teeth were all over the floor. ]

[Can anyone understand what’s on the ground? ]

[That must be because you don’t understand. ]

[It feels like Lance is holding something back. ]

[What do you want to do with this pervert? ]


Su Fuqing had already noticed something was wrong.

She also wanted to know what Lance was going to do.

Su Lingling was still outside, trying to break through the transparent barrier and come in.

"Xiao Qingqing, you still smell so good." Lance stretched out a hand to clasp Su Fuqing's shoulder, and opened his mouth to bite her neck.

Of course Su Fuqing would not let him succeed.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a loss of strength, and something was being lost from her body.

"Don't move. This is a magic circle that has been passed down by our clan for many years. I specially prepared it for you."

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