The two injured players were seriously injured, but they both had healing items. After using them, half of their injuries were cured.

Among them, the healing props for the amnesiac player were found by Su Fuqing and others for him.

Fortunately, this man lost his memory but was not completely stupid and did not throw away his belongings.

After comforting these two people, Su Fuqing found a random place to sit down and rest.

"The monsters are getting bigger and bigger," she said.

Lou Shuang said: "It's the last two days after all."

The two discussed it and agreed that future monsters might have special abilities and could no longer be suppressed directly with force.

[The monsters are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. ]
[Indeed, the monsters that appear today basically have special abilities. ]
[For example, it can immobilize people, make them kill each other, or even make them commit suicide...]
[These abilities are completely hooligan. ]
[This copy is getting more and more difficult. ]
[I just went to count and there are only thirty-seven players left. ]
[Ah, so few? ]
[There is still more than one day, hold on. ]
[too difficult. ]
Su Fuqing supported her chin with her hand, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

At this time, Su An handed over the "reserve grain": "Sister Qingqing, you forgot this little thing."

Su Fuqing didn't need to pick her up, the "food reserve" jumped back onto her shoulder.

"Is it your little pet?" Su An asked again.

Su Fuqing touched the "reserved grain" and did not deny it: "That's right."

Or mascot.

"Then he's so lucky." Su An muttered quietly.

Su Fuqing didn't hear clearly and asked, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing, just call it cute." Su An smiled.

Su Fuqing followed his words and said, "It's really cute."

Su An originally wanted to say something, but Su Fuqing suddenly frowned and said, "No, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Lou Shuang asked.

Su Fuqing said: "Today is the ninth day."

"What happened on the ninth day?" Su An disagreed.

"On the ninth day..." Lou Shuang responded, "We changed the map on the third and sixth days before, but we didn't change it today."

Su Fuqing continued: "Is it possible that we guessed wrong before, or that we didn't have enough time?"

"It may be that the time has not arrived, but we were not completely sure that the map would be changed every three days." Lou Shuang said.

However, the fact that the map has not been changed is good news for the players. After all, they will definitely take time to adapt to the new map.

Better not to change.

After resting for a long time, it started to get dark.

Su Fuqing stood up and said, "Let's find another place to rest."

By the way, let’s see if today’s map will be changed.

"Let's go." Lou Shuang also stood up and stretched.

The team of eight people turned back to seven people.

The group walked a certain distance, but still did not change the map.

Seeing that it was almost completely dark, they quickly put down their quilts and got ready to sleep.

However, there was a hiccup when assigning the order of the vigil.

Su An made it clear that she wanted to be with Su Fuqing. Su Fuqing actually found Su An annoying, but wanted to keep an eye on him, so after thinking about it, he agreed.

Then Lou Shuang consciously stood up and asked to be in a group.

Su Fuqing put forward a different opinion: "No, the two of them and Pan Wei must be watched by someone. It's best for us to divide into three groups."

Lou Shuang thought about it and thought so.

"Then I'll go with them both," she said.

Therefore, the final plan was to team up with Su Fuqing and Su An, Lou Shuang would take the two injured players, and Aibte would take Pan Wei. Each team would stay for three hours.

[This distribution is quite reasonable. ]
[The other two groups are quite reasonable, but Su Fuqing and Su An together are unreasonable. ]
[How come you can’t stand Su An? He didn't do anything wrong in this team, right? ]
[I just can’t stand the young man with yellow hair and spirit. ]
[I always feel that he has evil intentions towards Su Fuqing. ]
[I also. ]
[Too attentive, this brother. ]
[When things go wrong, there must be a monster. ]
[Just a newcomer, don't worry. ]
[Instead of worrying about this person, you might as well worry about what monsters there will be tonight. ]
[Yes, according to previous speculation, it is more dangerous at night than during the day, but the monsters encountered during the day today are perverted enough. What do you think will happen tonight? ]
[Shit, I almost forgot about this. ]
[Don't be too perverted with these monsters. ]
[Don't worry, it won't be peaceful tonight. ]
[Your words make me feel uneasy. ]
Su Fuqing was also worried about whether he would encounter monsters that were more perverted tonight than during the day.

While she had to keep an eye on Su An, she also had to pay attention to monsters that might appear at any time.

But Su An still wanted to come over to bother her.

"Sister Qingqing, you..."

"Don't talk, I'll wake them up later." Su Fuqing said lightly.

Su An felt aggrieved and said: "Okay."

Sister Qingqing had never treated him like this before.

It's all because he's so ugly now, and he's still a man.

It was so impulsive at the time.

Su An regretted it.

Su Fuqing didn't know what was going on in his mind, he just felt that his ears were finally quiet.

But she always kept her heart in mind and did not dare to relax for a moment.

Time passed little by little, but nothing happened.

Su Fuqing rubbed the "reserved grain" and wondered if the monster could just have a good time.

She didn't want to be woken up again after falling asleep.

Unfortunately, the monster couldn't hear what was in her heart.

Three hours passed without incident.

Su Fuqing woke up Lou Shuang and the two players, asked them to pick them up, and went back to sleep.

Then, she slept until broad daylight.

Su Fuqing was still a little confused when she saw the sky when she was just woken up by Su Lingling.

"Didn't any monsters come last night?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

Lou Shuang came over and said, "No, last night was Christmas Eve."

Hearing this, Su Fuqing's face showed no joy.

According to the nature of escape games, the dungeon becomes more dangerous towards the end. If it suddenly calms down, it must be a big move behind.

They still don’t know what’s waiting for them ahead.

[Everything turned out to be safe last night, no one was missing. ]
[As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster. ]
[The copy must be holding back another big one. ]
[The calm before the storm. ]
[And I didn’t change the map yesterday. ]
[Maybe it will be changed today. ]
[There’s another problem. All the players haven’t gotten together yet. It’s too abnormal. ]
[No way, the map of this dungeon is too big, and there were a lot of people at the beginning, although there are fewer people now. ]
[Maybe we’ll meet you today. ]
[Prophet? ]
[The more I do this, the more worried I become. ]

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