Chapter 114 The Second Possibility

Out of confidentiality, the state did not reveal the role of the horror game to the superpowers.Not to mention that there would be an invasion by foreign enemies.

Although some leaders of top power organizations will know it, for ordinary players, horror games are an existence that allows them to change their opportunities.

If they had known early on that they were working so hard to ascend only to be on the front lines and protect the world, then many people would probably run away.

Even entering the scene stuck in time.

They will not let their strength improve too much, they will only maintain a level above ordinary people and can live comfortably.

Even the crime rate will soar.

Since superpowers are the main force against foreign enemies, some small crimes can be tolerated.

After all, you can't afford to lose.

But if this happens, society will be in turmoil.

Due to various considerations, the country decided to keep game-related information secret until a certain number of superpowers were cultivated.

This is true.

However, Shi Zhen was also right.

When she said in Jian Zhiheng's office that Ma Meier would never make progress by simulating game scenarios, she was only telling half of the story.The other half is that Ma Meier's data flow architecture style is similar to the style of the game's chief designer.

Shi Zhen never believed in coincidences.

So she went to find Ma Meier.

Enter her body directly, read all the memories in her mind and body.When she discovered that everything Ma Meier knew was taught to her by someone, Shi Zhen felt a sense of familiarity.

That knowledge... was clearly thought up by the chief designer of the game on the spaceship.

It is absolutely impossible for the exact same theory to appear in this world.

Shi Zhen was not dazzled by the information that there might be a companion living outside, and she immediately thought of another possibility.

When she was chased by foreign enemies in space, she split into two and escaped.

It's actually a little strange later, those ugly things gave up after chasing them.

She thought it was because she was about to enter the black hole of time and space. Now that she thought about it, it was very unreasonable. Those alien visitors would not stop fighting if they encountered them.Never give up halfway.

It's a pity that she was in a bad state at the time and didn't think much about it.

Looking back now, maybe there were foreign enemies on the spaceship transporting the core of the game.

It's just that the other party didn't expect that they were going to jump back to the past, and they couldn't do anything, so they could only lie dormant and make trouble.

That guy was very good at hiding things. If Shi Zhen hadn't met Ma Meier by chance and noticed something was wrong, he might have succeeded.

He has figured out how to structure the game scene. If given a little more time, he can blend into the game. The next step is to destroy the core of the game.

Shi Zhen was not sure how many people were influenced and controlled by him. In order to disrupt the foreign enemy's plans as much as possible, Shi Zhen decided to announce the news.

She had no voice, so she went to the story meeting scene to meet the player Lan Lan.

Lan Lan is very loyal. When she heard that Shi Zhen was in need, she directly took her to the public channel for people with superpowers to broadcast live without asking why.

But Lanlan's eldest brother is not as silly and sweet as she is.

He stood at the door, waiting for Shi Zhen to finish announcing, and after turning off the live broadcast platform, he walked in and protected Lan Lan behind him. Then he looked at Shi Zhen warily: "Leave now. Don't contact Lan Lan again."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Lanlan didn't expect that her eldest brother would say such rude words to her benefactor, and she was extremely anxious.

But her eldest brother is stronger than her, and if he doesn't want her to pass, she won't be able to break through.

Lan Lan was afraid that Shi Zhen would be angry and punched her elder brother on the shoulder: "I'm here with Sister Zhen. If you drive Sister Zhen away, I will go with her!"

A trick only used by children.But it is very effective against the elder brother.Lan Long frowned, but did not continue to speak to catch up with Shi Zhen. Instead, he turned around and educated his sister helplessly: "I have no objection to you teaching your friends, but you must also keep your eyes open. Others are taking advantage of you, and you are so stupid that you are sent to be punished. use."

"Sister Zhen is very good." Lanlan saw that her elder brother's attitude was loose, so she used a feint to escape from his grasp and ran to Shi Zhen's side.

Lanlan held Shi Zhen's arm tightly and asked dissatisfiedly: "Brother, the news that Sister Zhen just said is so shocking and useful. Why are you targeting her if you are not grateful? Aren't you angry at being used as cannon fodder?"

Lan Long had nothing to do with this escaped sister.

He signaled Shi Zhen with his eyes to tell her sister clearly that the previous deception would be forgotten.

Shi Zhen looked over with the same innocent eyes as Lan Lan.

Blue Dragon: "???" No, no, am I the only one who thinks too much?

Lan Long suspected that Shi Zhen was playing dumb, but he had no evidence.My sister is still stupidly protecting others.He had no choice but to speak out and make the truth clear: "There will be alien visitors who will fully invade the earth in the future. This is just her statement. There is no evidence. It cannot be verified. But her words push the horror game to a level of protection. . What if horror games are actually the means of alien invasion? If you listen to her, wouldn't you open the door for the enemy and subvert the earth? The country will not let this kind of news spread, let alone let her wander outside. "

When the blue dragon said this, he paused and reminded: "You should leave quickly. It is best to hide in the game. Hide as long as you can. I dare not keep you here."

Another possibility Lan Long mentioned was something Shi Zhen had never thought of.

She imagined that she would give everyone a heads up, so the hidden enemy would panic and reveal himself.

Unexpectedly, she might be labeled as an alien visitor.

Shi Zhen is not a verbose person, and she also heard that Lan Long said it so clearly because of Lan Lan's face.But this news was very useful to her. She nodded to Lan Long: "Thank you. I'll remember you as a favor. I can take action if necessary."

The blue dragon didn't take it seriously.

He is already a powerful level 12 psychic.

The most powerful group of players.

If a problem arises that he can't solve, then neither can Shi Zhen.

Lan Long watched Shi Zhen leave.

He wasn't surprised at all when he saw Shi Zhen disappear. After all, she had already appeared like this before.

Lanlan, on the other hand, was very angry when she saw her eldest brother really forcing Shi Zhen away: "You are so cruel and ruthless! Sister Zhen is in a difficult time now, and we need to help her even more."

Lan Long decided to let his sister see what it means to be truly ruthless.

He set up ten cooling props and started to play through the scenes with his sister.

As long as he is not around, no one can find trouble if they want to.


"Hey, Tigress, you have nowhere to go? Do you want to come to my place?"

Shi Zhen was walking aimlessly in the wilderness when a childish voice sounded in her mind.

Shi Zhen thought of Zhao Yang who was still in the scene and asked with concern: "Is he okay?"

"Don't worry. I promised you to take care of me, and I will definitely take good care of you."

Shi Zhen was silent for a few seconds and said, "You don't have to be too nice, lest you arouse that person's suspicion."

The childish voice was a little impatient: "Are you coming? I'm so bored by myself. If there's nothing fun to do, I'm going to kill someone."

The cute childish voice said something horrifying.

Shi Zhen was a little confused at the moment. He couldn't go to Han Mingli, Zhou Yaoming and the others. If it turned out to be what Lan Long said, it would bring disaster to them.

But how to avoid the second situation from happening?

Shi Zhen is not good at scheming, she can only fight head-on, so she is very distressed.

Shi Zhen thought of the little boy's ghost spirit and decided to ask him.

(End of this chapter)

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