Chapter 117 Judgment of the Bus (3)

"I'm so kind to her. When I wake up in the morning to cook, she doesn't like to eat, so I go out and buy ready-made food, all of which are expensive. A breakfast is no less than 50 yuan.

She was never allowed to do anything at home. She was swept and mopped, and I even washed her underwear.

I also helped take care of the child, just letting her play without worrying at all.

I must have done a good enough job, but she was supercilious and completely ungrateful. When my son came back during the Chinese New Year, he cried and said that I had treated her badly. My son had a fight with me and took her and her granddaughter away.

After that, my son rarely contacted me.I wanted to see my granddaughter during the Chinese New Year, but she didn’t even send me a photo.

What a sin.If I had known she was this kind of person, I would never have let my son marry her..."

The old man sighed, said a few words and patted his thigh.

Gritting his teeth in hatred.

Zhao Yang listened absentmindedly, no matter how innocent the old man acted, he had just done something inhuman when he got on this train.

What could happen that would force his own son to turn against him?
Zhao Yang didn't want to think about it, it was too dirty.

He kept staring at the window beside the old man, wondering when he would open it and what shape of monster would come in this time.

Unexpectedly, after the old man finished speaking, the bus "clanged, clattered", shook a few times and stopped.

The door is open.

Someone comes up.

Zhao Yang turned his head in surprise and saw a pale but beautiful woman standing in the carriage trembling.

The bus started to move and she swayed and almost fell.Zhao Yang subconsciously stretched out his hand to help him.

The woman opened her mouth and mouthed two words "thank you" to Zhao Yang.Zhao Yang was about to let go of his hand and go back when the old man who was chattering and complaining suddenly walked over angrily, raised his hand and slapped the woman on the face twice, cursing: "You bastard! You are hooking up in front of me, and you are talking about you." Not lewd!"

"Can't you live without a man? A dirty thing like you has simply polluted the door of our house! I shouldn't have pitied you in the first place and allowed you to marry in!"

The old man became more and more angry as he spoke. He grabbed the woman's long hair and continued to slap her.

His palms fell on her shoulders, back, butt...

Wait, butt?
Zhao Yang opened his eyes wide and found that there was happiness hidden under the angry look on the old man's face.

He got pleasure from the beating.

The woman endured it silently, as if she didn't know how to resist, and she seemed to be used to it.

Zhao Yang's fists clenched unconsciously.

The justice in his heart urged him to rescue the poor woman quickly, but the inexplicable sense of crisis reminded him not to act rashly.

This is a dangerous game scenario, not reality.

Stay calm, observe, and don’t be impulsive until you are unsure.

Zhao Yang told himself this repeatedly, but the old man's actions became more and more excessive, and he even tore the woman's clothes apart.The woman kept looking at him with tears in her eyes asking for help.

The woman's mouth kept opening and closing, but she couldn't say a word.Zhao Yang later realized that the woman might be mute.

Bullying a mute is such a scumbag! ! !
Zhao Yang couldn't bear it anymore. He strode over and grabbed the old man. He just wanted to pull the old man away, but for some reason, the old man was thrown out by him and hit the windshield in front of the bus. The glass was smashed. The old man Turned into a hedgehog by broken glass.

The old man looked at Zhao Yang with wide eyes, wanting to say something, but before he could, his breath disappeared and died.

Zhao Yang felt a little weird, but he didn't think much about it. After confirming that the old man was not a threat, he turned around and stretched out his hand to the woman, wanting to comfort her and tell her that it was okay, but there was nothing behind him.

There was nothing where the woman had been lying on her stomach.

No, there is a huge shadow.

Zhao Yang thought a monster had appeared, so he backed away and raised his head, only to see his own shadow on the bus window: half of his body was covered in super-long hair, and the hair was still growing.His eyes bulged, his head doubled in size, two fangs protruded from his lips, his nose was flat, and his skin had an abnormal white color after swelling.

Somewhat like... specimens soaked in formalin liquid.

The hands have also changed. They are no longer human hands. They are very slender and the fingers are connected by duck-like webs.

He had somewhat forgotten his original appearance. The name Zhao Yang was disappearing, replaced by the judgment monster - the demon of desire.

Zhao Yang shook his head and saw the car window open. He put his hands on the edge of the car window and prepared to get out.

Suddenly, his body was grabbed by something and he was lifted out of the bus.

Zhao Yang struggled wildly.

He can't leave, his destination is darkness.

But the force was too strong, and he couldn't break free. He was pulled out of the thick darkness, and white light surrounded him, piercing Zhao Yang so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

He cowered in fear.feels awful.

Above the head, a childish voice screamed: "It's so ugly. I don't want this ugly thing in my room, throw it back!"

Zhao Yang was also shouting in his heart: Let me go back, let me go back.

He felt like he was dying and melting.

Surrounded by white light, he could hardly breathe.


His majestic monster was actually controlled like this.

Does he have no face?

He decided to fight back. It just so happened that he made a living by devouring people who had committed sins of lust. He could mobilize evil thoughts to pollute others.

Zhao Yang gathered up his strength and prepared for a sneak attack.

Just then a cold palm touched his body.

It's now!

Zhao Yang threw all the evil thoughts in his body towards that palm.

Evil thoughts are invisible and can worm their way into anything.

Zhao Yang felt that the evil thoughts had indeed been absorbed.He was about to be happy when suddenly his mind buzzed and something heavy was pulled out of his body.

Zhao Yang's original appearance gradually recovered, and his human memory and cognition also returned.

He was no longer afraid of light, and even actively stretched out his arms to embrace the warm sunlight.

Hey, why is this light so cold?

Zhao Yang opened his eyes in confusion, and saw a slender young woman wearing simple sportswear standing in front of him.

There was also a smelly black ball in his hand.

Zhao Yang was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened his arms and rushed over: "Sister Zhen!!!"

Good guy, it penetrated directly and came into close contact with the ground.

Zhao Yang's teeth were still touching his lips, and blood was flowing.

"You're so ugly, you're so ugly, and you've soiled my home. I'm going to kill you." The little boy shouted in an angry and frantic voice.

Zhao Yang felt like his limbs were being restrained. Something was unfolding in front of him, and he was about to be thrown in again.

At the critical moment, Shi Zhen poked his finger, and the passage that was about to be opened but had not yet been opened disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Zhen coldly ordered the little boy: "Just clean it up. Go get some tissues."

The little boy opened his eyes in disbelief: "Tigress, you ordered me to sweep by myself?"

"No, you supervise him." Shi Zhen said.

The little boy felt a little more comfortable and walked away with a reluctant hum: "I'm not afraid of you, I'm just giving you face."

A handkerchief was thrown in front of Zhao Yang. The little boy crossed his arms and looked mature: "Hurry up and wipe it! If you can't wipe it clean, you can use it as food for me!"

Zhao Yang started fucking, not because he was afraid of the little boy.

He just wanted to finish reminiscing with Sister Zhen quickly.

The little boy looked disappointed when he saw Zhao Yang being so cooperative and honest.I thought I could eat it.

Before Zhao Yang could finish wiping, the little boy turned around and walked towards Shi Zhen, his chin slightly raised and full of arrogance: "Tigress, have you figured it out and decided to stay with me from now on?"


The two words of indifference made the little boy's face fall and the corners of Zhao Yang's mouth turned up.

"I'm going to take someone out, and by the way - I'll give you a fun way to do it."

"Impossible! Those who have not passed the customs can't leave." The little boy insisted on the principle.He could ask Tigress's friend not to die so quickly for the sake of her good looks, but he absolutely couldn't let him go directly.

"I didn't say I wanted you to cheat." Shi Zhen said, glancing at the little boy who suddenly had a bitter expression on his face.

"Then you..." The little boy didn't understand.But he soon became happy because Shi Zhen quietly told him something.

(End of this chapter)

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