Chapter 124 The Embryo Goddess (5)

No information was read.

How can this be?

This gold-level item of his can read the story as long as it is a gold-level item or below.

He couldn't see this skeleton... Could it be more than gold?Half purple gold or complete purple gold level props?
Professor Han's breathing suddenly became heavy.

The eyes looking at the skeleton were extremely hot.

It's just that he was cautious and didn't reach out to grab it rashly.

His strange behavior was noticed by Huang Guang. Huang Guang carefully wrapped the assembled skeleton in red cloth and turned around with a wary look on his face and asked Professor Han: "What do you want to do?"

Professor Han licked his lips, stared at the obviously human baby skeleton, and asked excitedly: "What kind of prop is this? Is it related to the mission we are waiting for?"

Huang Guang said nothing. He looked at the bones and shed tears uncontrollably.

An Qin couldn't bear it and clicked his tongue: "Why are you crying like a dead child!"

Isn’t it just a dead child!

Huang Guang's entire mind was occupied by sadness.

He could occasionally struggle to stay awake for a few seconds, but soon the overwhelming sadness overwhelmed him.

At this moment, Anqin's ridicule made him suddenly realize what was wrong.

He tried his best to move his eyes upward, not to look at the skeleton, and spoke faster to tell the information he got from the skeleton: "These are baby girls from Huangtu Village. They were buried alive when they were born. I don't know where the village chief of Huangtu Village came from. According to the sorcery I heard, as long as 99 baby girls are buried alive and a temple is built on top of the temple to the Embryo Goddess, one can make a wish to the Embryo Goddess and only have sons in the future."


The elegant Professor Han cursed.

Was stunned.

He knew that the people in Huangtu Village were inhumane, but he didn't expect them to be so inhumane.

As for the witchcraft that the village chief heard about, he happened to see it when he was sorting out some folklore books. Some people who were crazy about asking for a son invented such a cruel custom, sealing a newly born baby girl into a long stone , and then stacked long strips of stone as a foundation on which to build a temple.

Then the relatives of the baby girls will kneel in front of the temple and cry day and night, and the resentful spirits of these baby girls will turn into the fetus goddess to deliver babies to the newlyweds, ensuring that the next generation born in the village will be boys.

It's just that scientists have long discovered that having a boy or a girl is a matter of chromosome probability.

Even with the birth goddess, the wishes of those villages were not fulfilled.

According to folklore, in the end those villages destroyed their temples.

Therefore, even though Professor Han saw the Temple of the Embryo Goddess and the skeletons in Huangtu Village, he did not make the connection.

The main thing is that, to the extent recorded in folklore, those people can no longer be called human beings.

Looking at Huang Guang, I started to cry again, crying until I was out of breath.

Professor Han lamented and called to Anqin: "Let's collect all the bones and put them together."

"What's the use?" Anqin didn't want to be in the White House.

Professor Han changed his talkative temper and said coldly: "It's so miserable that it doesn't deserve your kindness? Your blood is cold, right?"

Anqin is not angry, so what if he is called cold-blooded?
In the game, only people with colder hearts can live longer.

He was afraid that Professor Han would trick him again, having tricked him into committing suicide before.

He didn't do anything, and watched coldly as Professor Han bent down, picked up each piece one by one, and brought them all to Huang Guang.

A magical thing happened. As the bones were returned, Huang Guang was still sad, but his mood was slowly calming down.

The bones in his arms seemed to have changed, but he couldn't tell because the yellow light was blocked by one side.

Anqin frowned and thought for a while, then walked to the other side with his long legs, preparing to collect the bones as well.

The Temple of the Embryo Goddess has collapsed, but the long stone in the second half is still intact.

Anqin raised his palm, preparing to smash the stone directly. Although the superpower he obtained was not related to the body, he had practiced it in real life and could easily break a brick.

He brewed and hit it hard.


Anqin felt as if his palm hit a spiked steel plate.

Hard and prickly.

The tendons in his fingers were almost gone.

"What's going on?" An Qin was about to go see Professor Han, but he suspected that he had been tricked again.

As a result, as soon as he walked over, he saw half of Professor Han's body being eroded by black. He was struggling to resist, but it was obvious that the black shadow had the upper hand, and he would soon be swallowed up and assimilated.

Anqin hesitated for two seconds. When Professor Han had already been swallowed up by most of his body, a white energy bullet was shot out and hit the black shadow.The black shadow screamed and rippled like water waves.

The skeleton at Professor Han's feet suddenly jumped up, swallowing the black shadow into its body like sucking jelly.

Anqin looked at it with wide eyes, but the bones did not change in any way.

He picked up the bones first and said forcefully: "I'll send them over."

An Qin placed this special skeleton in front of Huang Guang. Behind him, the skeletons that had not been excavated suddenly broke free from their shackles, and all flew up, gathering towards this side.

After all the skeletons were gathered, they disappeared into red light spots and fell onto the skeleton held by Huang Guang.

The skeleton began to grow flesh and blood, and soon turned into an extremely cute baby.

The baby's eyes were dark and there was no blood on his face.

She raised her chubby fingers and pointed in a certain direction. Before the others understood what she meant, Professor Han shouted excitedly: "She wants to guide us to find the Embryo Goddess."

The Fetus Goddess is transformed from the resentment and obsession of these baby girls.

There is connection and induction between them.

Professor Han's explanation was reasonable. After a short discussion, it was decided that Huang Guang would hold the baby girl, while Professor Han and An Qin supported the unconscious Xiaotian and followed the guidance.


Loess Village, mud road.

As soon as you walk into the village, you can feel the depression and desolation.

This is a hopeless village.

Numb and hopeless.

Professor Han and the others resisted the invasion of these negative emotions while following the baby girl's instructions.

There are still many "people" in the village.

They were inside the house, watching through the windows.

But I don’t know what they were afraid of or what rules affected them, so they didn’t come out.

Professor Han and the others couldn't help but speed up their pace, wanting to get things done quickly.

There is something weird and weird about this story from beginning to end.

The longer you stay, the more panicked you become.

Fortunately, Huangtu Village is not big. They walked for about 5 minutes and arrived at a dilapidated yellow mud house at the end of the village, with only half of the roof remaining, no door, and the walls were piled halfway up.

Standing at the door, you can see clearly inside.

There is no Embryo Goddess inside, but the baby girl is pointing in anxiously, and this should be her destination.

It was still Huang Guang who led the way, and Professor Han and the others followed behind, keeping alert as they walked in.

Nothing abnormal happened.

They made it to the house without any problems.

A shabby bamboo cradle was placed on the ground.There was a piece of white cloth spread inside, but it had turned yellow due to time.

The baby girl pointed anxiously at the cradle to get in.

Huang Guang subconsciously wanted to do it, but suddenly, Professor Han stopped him.

Professor Han read the cradle with a magnifying glass and said solemnly: "This is the cradle of the Embryo Goddess."

"Isn't that right? They are one." An Qin said.

Professor Han shook his head: "It's not that simple. If it really succeeds like this, don't you think this story is too easy to pass?"

An Qin didn't take it seriously: "What kind of scary stories can a village girl tell?"

In fact, the development of this story now is enough to shock him.

He wasn't sure his story could keep the player inside for so long.

"Stop the ink stain and release it quickly." An Qin urged Huang Guang.

Huang Guang was affected by the baby girl's emotions and really wanted to let go, but Professor Han stopped him.

At this moment, the comatose Xiaotian suddenly woke up.

He waved his hand in a daze, knocking the baby girl out of Huang Guang's hands, and the baby girl fell into the cradle.

(End of this chapter)

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