Chapter 127 Decision
"What's that?" Shi Zhen asked, pointing forward.

The woman thought she was going to change the subject, and her eyes showed displeasure.She took a deep breath from the cigarette and was about to say something else when she suddenly heard other people shouting "Fuck", "This is fucking true", "No wonder..."

She hurriedly looked in the direction where the sounds were gathering.

The cigarette butt that I didn't have time to put out burned on my fingers and I didn't care.

She was in shock.

A huge white curtain appeared in the sky above the storytelling scene.

A video was playing on the curtain. A man who had not yet become the God of Terror brutally murdered a girl and took away the control of the game from her.

But he is not a person recognized by the game and can only mobilize a small part of his rights.

So he transformed himself very ruthlessly and integrated his normal body into the game.Finally, he became the god that everyone looks up to in horror games.

But in fact - he was originally just a human being.

Almost none of the players knew about this, and when they saw this past event, they suddenly became agitated.

Since humans can become gods, and the God of Terror can, so can they!
In an instant, two-thirds of the people in the scene were missing.

The middle-aged woman who had been talking to Shi Zhen flattened her cigarette butt and cursed.But she didn't move.She can't get involved in things on this level.

She looked at Shi Zhen again: "Newcomer?"

Her eyes seemed to have some kind of insight and could see through.

After she judged the newcomer, she thought of something, her expression changed, and she stood up to cover Shi Zhen's figure.She lowered her voice: "You are scared when you first enter the game, right? It's normal. Newcomers without an organization usually don't live long. You are very popular with me, and you are lucky. I will be the introducer and bring you into my game. How is the organization?"

"However, you have to give the truth first. Our organization does not accept everyone."

Shi Zhen's dull face finally had an expression. She seemed to be moved, but she was afraid of being rejected, so she opened and closed her mouth several times without saying anything.

The middle-aged woman became impatient and asked directly: "What story did you just enter?"

Shi Zhen's eyes dodge, as if she doesn't want to tell him.

The middle-aged woman was overjoyed. Could it be that she had bumped into the person she was looking for throughout the game?

She continued to look impatient on her face: "Just say what you want! It's a waste of time. Tell you, if you miss me, it will be difficult for you to find an organization to take over!"

Shi Zhen looked frightened and was about to say it when a loud voice sounded from behind the two of them: "Wang Dahua?"

Shi Zhenteng stood up.

Lanlan, who had very cool short hair, saw her and strode over.

Players who were still in the scene heard the name Wang Dahua and found it familiar.Someone quickly reacted, pointed at Shi Zhen and shouted shiveringly: "The God of Death...the Scythe of the God of Death..."

Purple-gold level props!

Was it obtained by such an inconspicuous village girl?
Are the players who tell stories with her trash?

Even newcomers with no experience can’t play it!
The players cursed in their hearts.

Anqin and the four of them, who were taking stock of their harvest in real life, suddenly felt their ears burning.

After Lan Lan locked Shi Zhen's position, she moved faster.

However, there was someone even closer to Shi Zhen. She must be the one with the scythe of death. Her eyes turned green and she immediately rushed towards Shi Zhen.

As long as you exit quickly enough, the props you grab are yours.

That man was not weak in strength, and he had even received alienation such as assassination.He once successfully assassinated someone whose power level was 3 levels higher than his own.

At this moment, he was determined to win, and he had even thought about how to stop others.

As a result, a violent force rushed over and knocked him over before he could get close to Shi Zhen.

I saw Lanlan facing an unreasonable bull, her arms sank, and she even tore off a piece of the ground and used it as a weapon.

The player was hit so hard that he vomited blood and suffered severe injuries to his lungs.Lan Lan saw that he was not a threat, so she threw away the piece of land with a cold snort and continued to run towards Shi Zhen quickly.

"Wang Dahua, I am the Silver Moon Organization that has contacted you before." Lanlan threatened others while revealing her identity.

The middle-aged woman who still wanted to make some small moves suddenly gave up and moved as far away from Shi Zhen as possible.

Lanlan arrived in front of Shi Zhen smoothly. She looked at Shi Zhen worriedly and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "As expected of Sister Zhen, the pseudonyms she chose are so domineering and loud!"

Shi Zhen: "..."

Lanlan suppressed the excitement in her voice and said, "My brother is ready. Let's go there quickly."

Shi Zhen nodded.

Lan Lan took out an oval-shaped jade stone. The jade stone lit up with a bright light, and soon the light enveloped the two of them.

They were teleported directly to the Silver Moon Organization's headquarters.

Lanlan's eldest brother is already waiting in Lanlan's room.

After seeing Shi Zhen, her eyes were hot and her expression was urgent.

But thinking of his previous expulsion, he was speechless and wanted to see the props.

Not so shameless.

Fortunately, Shi Zhen had a generous and carefree temperament. She stood firmly on the ground, and after confirming that the place was safe, she directly displayed the death scythe.

From the outside, Death's scythe is very small, only as big as Shi Zhen's palm.The whole body is purple.It’s just that the purple on the handle is darker and the purple on the scimitar is lighter.

It looks like a small and beautiful toy.

It is difficult to connect it with purple-gold level props.

Lanlan felt a little disappointed, that's it?
She carelessly stretched out her hand, wanting to pick it up and take a closer look, but she didn't know what happened. Her neck was almost cut off by the sickle.

Fortunately, Shi Zhen blocked it with energy.

Lanlan was still in shock and did not dare to touch the sickle again.She stood far away.

Brother Lanlan was very apologetic for his sister's reckless behavior, and took the initiative to say: "I can release the news in the name of Yinyue, and you don't have to pay anything."

"Do not."

"Please be sure to accept Yin Yue's apology."

"Okay. The cooperation ends here."

Shi Zhen simply turned around and left.

Lanlan's eldest brother was dumbfounded. Why would he fall out after being given a favor?
Lanlan stamped her feet anxiously, worried about her eldest brother's IQ.Regardless of her fear of the sickle, she rushed over to save Shi Zhen: "Sister Zhen, everything is negotiable. We are your most reliable partner. You can think about it again."

Shi Zhen finally stopped, turned around, and looked at Brother Lanlan coldly: "I'm used to dealing with one code at a time. If you don't understand clearly, if you show up again, there's no need to talk about cooperation in the future."

Brother Lanlan didn't expect to anger the other party like this.

He was very embarrassed, but he still nodded seriously: "Okay."

Brother Lanlan opened the Silver Moon Warehouse to Shi Zhen, and Shi Zhen bound the death scythe to it.

After it was completed, all members of the Silver Moon Organization received the message: the prop library has received new props.

Everyone didn't take it seriously and casually went into the prop library to check.

A lavender scythe lay in the most conspicuous position, with the usage permissions set to the highest.

The members of the organization were stunned, holding on to the impossible idea, and went to check the scythe information: the scythe of the god of death, a purple-gold level item.Use it and you become the god of death, harvesting all life.

It doesn't even say the level of monsters that can be dealt with. In other words, it may be that there is no upper limit!
(End of this chapter)

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