Chapter 131 Battle Royale (2)

Zhang Yuan's face changed drastically: "You..."

Shi Zhen covered the wound very weakly: "Blood, serum, otherwise I will become a zombie."

Zhang Yuan was very embarrassed and said: "We can't turn around and go back. We fought hard. If we go back now, we won't be able to leave!"

Zhang Yuan's eyes flashed, and he supported Shi Zhen to comfort him: "Don't worry, there is a lot of serum in the Hope Base. As long as we reach the Hope Base as soon as possible, we can treat it. Or if we meet other survivors along the way, we can exchange it with them!"

Shi Zhen looked helpless, lowered her head and said softly: "Okay."

"Continue." Zhang Yuan ordered.

The bald head received the order, and the movement he originally planned to stop became fast again.

It took them about 6 minutes to escape the zombies.

And very lucky, there was a parking lot above the air-raid shelter, and they found a rusty white car with a little gasoline left.

Wu Shang was in charge of driving, with his bald head lying on the roof of the car on guard.

Zhang Yuan asked Shi Zhen to lie down in the back seat on the pretext of letting Shi Zhen rest more comfortably.She sat in the passenger seat.

"Boom - boom -"

The car starts.

After passing through some obstacles with difficulty, we came to the road in the town.

At this moment, the secret communication between Zhang Yuan and Wu Shang was completed.

Zhang Yuan indeed deliberately caused "Xiao Zhen" to be injured.

She didn't believe in a temptation, so she tried it again.

If Shi Zhen was a player and was infected with the zombie virus, she would definitely not be able to bear it and would use props and the like to save herself.

If she is an NPC, it depends on whether she is lucky or not.

This time she entered the game, the reward was second, she came mainly for the death scythe.

There are many people who have the same purpose as her.

In fact, there was no need to go to such trouble. It was all because the Silver Moon Organization was so insidious that they gave Wang Dahua precious props to use, so that when the Silver Moon Organization appeared, her face would be blurred and unable to remember.

This resulted in people outside having no other information except that she was a woman.

This time when I entered the game, I just woke up when I saw a woman waking up first.

Zhang Yuan suspected that she was Wang Dahua.

Even if there was a "game reminder", she didn't fully trust it.

There are many weird props, some of which are similar.

I have to say that Zhang Yuan is really cautious.

Shi Zhen lay face to face on the seat and listened to the conversation between her and Wu Shang through the ray of energy placed on Zhang Yuan's hair.
Shi Zhen quickly had an idea in her mind.

"Cough...cough...I remembered that before I went to sleep, I heard that there are five hibernation points in the town. The closest one to us is at Yinfeng Mall, which is only 10 minutes away by driving west. Let's go look for it. There may be serum residue there.”

Hearing "Xiao Zhen's" weak suggestion, Zhang Yuan quickly accepted it. When he was still 50 meters away from Yinfeng, Zhang Yuan ordered Bald Tou to check first.

They hid in a milk tea shop on the side of the road, waiting for news.

Shi Zhen's face had turned blue and black now, and her nails began to grow longer, becoming somewhat zombie-like.

Zhang Yuan frowned: The zombie looked very weak, how could it be infected so quickly?

She expected that the infection would not be completely until tomorrow at the earliest.

Now it seems that he will turn into a zombie before evening.

Is it really an NPC?

The player's body is not that weak.

Zhang Yuan's doubts about Shi Zhen subsided a lot, but she still did not change her mind. She placed Shi Zhen behind the counter. She and Wu Shang stood guard in front, giving Shi Zhen time and space to act.

In 10 minutes, the bald man came back.His shoulder was injured, but he looked very excited: "We found the air-raid shelter. There are a lot of supplies inside. The zombies are all moving upstairs. There are only two below, and I took care of them all."

"Let's go get the things. It will be helpful for the next step."

The bald head used the special contact information of the three of them to send a message: There are weapons!Killing zombies restores strength.

Zhang Yuan originally thought there was no need to take risks.

A whole building full of zombies is a bit troublesome to deal with.

But after hearing the message from the bald head, she immediately decided, but on the surface, she pretended to go there only for Shi Zhen, and specifically asked the bald head: "Have you found the serum?"

The bald man was stunned, then touched the smooth top of his head and said, "I didn't have time to search carefully. I led the two zombies to the entrance to kill them for fear of attracting the attention of other zombies, so I withdrew after killing them."

Zhang Yuan looked hesitant, but finally made up his mind and said: "Whether there is or not, let's go and have a look. Xiaozhen can't wait any longer."

After that, she strode behind the counter.

His eyes scanned Shi Zhen's situation first, and then he bent down to help Shi Zhen, and said with concern: "Xiao Zhen, can you still hold on? I will take you to the air-raid shelter right now."

Shi Zhen used energy to forge the transformation of her body into a zombie.

At this moment, her condition was much worse.

His cheeks shriveled up, and some blue-black corpse spots began to appear on his arms.

She opened her eyes weakly and struggled to squeeze out two words: "Thank you... thank you..."

Seeing her half-dead look, Zhang Yuan became more and more certain that she was probably an NPC.

What a pity, it’s not Wang Dahua.

After it was confirmed, Zhang Yuan's attitude towards Shi Zhen was much more casual, and he dragged her out without caring about the pain she would get if she bumped into various things.

Baldhead and Wu Shang didn't say anything when they saw this.

Zhang Yuan is their boss.

Judgment and strength are the strongest.They are only convinced.

After walking out of the milk tea shop, still with the bald head in the lead, the four of them began to move towards Yinfeng Mall.

However, I don't know whether it was because his luck had run out, or because the bald head's appearance had already alerted the zombies in the dark. Just a few steps away, all the surrounding shop doors opened, and green-black zombies rushed out.

There are many more Wuyangyang than the ones I met before I woke up.


Zhang Yuan gritted his teeth and cursed.The bald man was reminded not to hold back and rush to the air-raid shelter of the building as soon as possible.

The air raid shelter has a certain degree of defense, and the most important thing is that there are weapons inside.

As long as you have weapons, it's easy to fight your way out.

There were so many zombies surrounding them that Zhang Yuan had to help relieve the pressure.At this time, Shi Zhen, who was being dragged, seemed to be in the way.

Zhang Yuan hesitated for a second, then let go and threw Shi Zhen in one direction, hoping to use her to attract the attention of the zombies.

In the end, unexpectedly, the zombies didn't care about Shi Zhen at all and still attacked the three of them.

Zhang Yuan was just wondering when he heard the game prompt sound: "You abandoned the aboriginal Xiaozhen and gained Xiaozhen's disgust. From now on, you will surround Xiaozhen's aura of disgust for five hours. You will give priority to becoming a zombie. target of attack."

After the prompt ended, Zhang Yuan found that all the zombies that originally attacked Bald Head and Wu Shang also came to attack her.

Zhang Yuan couldn't even scold him.

There are too many, too many.

The petite girl was overwhelmed by zombies in an instant.

When the bald man saw this, he roared and rushed to rescue him. Wu Shang held him back and said calmly: "Let's go get the weapons quickly. The boss can still hold on for a while."

The bald man also knew the importance of weapons, so he withdrew his worried eyes and ran ahead to lead Wu Shang.

They quickly approached the air-raid shelter of the building, but they didn't know that someone had arrived before them.

(End of this chapter)

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