Chapter 133 Battle Royale (4)


A laser energy grab hit the ground.

The mistress's eyes were dazzled. He was just trying, but he didn't expect that there was something really good hidden inside.

He didn't do anything again. He took the gripper back and held it in his hand. He looked at the wall with a half-smile and said, "Which organization does the friend inside belong to? Don't you plan on coming out to meet me?"

It's a good thing to have a big appetite, but I'm afraid of indigestion and being overwhelmed later. "

This means that the people inside have swept away everything in the air-raid shelter.

Shi Zhen thought about it, weighing it, but she still hadn't decided how to deal with it.

Five people came outside.

There was even An Qin inside.

Shi Zhen: "???"

"Weapon?" Anqin saw the energy laser gun on the ground at first glance, and stepped forward to pick it up.

Others traveling with him did not stop him and seemed to trust him.

An Qin held it in his hand and studied it for a while, then asked the mistress very excitedly: "What's in it?"

The third son nodded.

He said to the one who seemed to be the leader among the five: "Brother, there is a mouse hiding in the wall. He has eaten everything."

Their boss looked like a man with a strong face.Unexpectedly, the voice that spoke was a soft female voice.

Shi Zhen had never seen such a contrast.


A foot was accidentally exposed.

The mistress kept paying attention out of the corner of her eye. When she saw this, she immediately threw out the gripper and hooked Shi Zhen's foot, and then pulled it out hard.

Shi Zhen felt her body follow him out uncontrollably.

"Whoa, whoa."

She fell to the ground in embarrassment, and all the things she had hidden inside fell out without being contained by the medium.

Serum, weapons, precious cultural, historical and scientific research materials, food...

The eyes of the five people who came in later were shining, while the zombie junior was dumbfounded. So many? ?

Be good!
I thought it would be good if this guy moved half of it, but I didn't expect that it was completely empty.

So cruel!

The mistress originally wanted to step forward and kick him, but this bastard was obviously the one who discovered this place first. He just didn't enter and waited for the boss and the others to come over, but he was almost tricked.

He raised his legs, saw clearly that the person lying down was a woman, and put them down again.

It’s not that he has the moral integrity not to hit women and laugh to death. He has already entered a horror game of life and death. Who cares about men and women?It’s just that his boss is an out-and-out woman.I can't bear to see them attacking women.

The third child went back and gave up the position in front to the boss.

Let the boss handle it.

No one expected that Anqin would squat over first.

He raised Shi Zhen's face and shouted exaggeratedly: "Dahua, why is it you? Oh, are you okay, Dahua?"

big flower?

This name has been imprinted on the minds of all players who enter the battle royale.

The mistress had the most intense reaction and jumped up: "Is she Wang Dahua?"

"The sickle..."

The mistress stared intently at Shi Zhen.

If it weren't for the inconvenience, he would have wanted to rush up and strip it naked to look for it.

The legendary purple-gold level prop.

The scythe of the god of death that can transcend levels and kill indiscriminately.

If only he could get...

"Mistress!" A charming female voice whispered in her ear.

When the younger brother woke up, he found that his gripper had been thrown out at some point and was being held by An Qin, who looked more like a woman than the boss.

An Qin's face was full of anger: "Boss Mu, what do you mean? Do you want to go back on what you have agreed upon, and do you want to kill people and seize the treasure?"

Murong, the boss of the small team with a manly face and a manly body but a charming voice, coughed slightly in embarrassment, first scolded the mistress to put away the weapon, and then said to Anqin: "It's a misunderstanding. Of course I will do what I promised.”

"Now that the big-flowered girl has been found and there are a lot of things here, let's pack up and set off. The highlight is still over at the Hope Base." Murong reminded.

An Qin let go of his hand and asked the mistress to take the things back.Helping Shi Zhen stand up, he explained to her in a low voice: "Boss Mu's organization is for pick-up jobs. It has a good reputation. I was afraid that I couldn't protect you on my own, so I happened to meet them when I came in and asked them to help find you. , found an escort to Hope Base.”

Shi Zhen said slowly "Oh".

I haven’t revealed it yet. Since I took a job, I must have taken some kind of mission when I entered the scene.

Thinking with the toes, it is also related to the scythe of death.

What's the difference between following them and sleeping next to Cai Lang?

There is still a difference.

They won't grab something before fighting off someone else.

Therefore, it is considered protection in disguise.

Anqin probably had this idea.

But the other party is not an idiot either.

There should be more conditions later.

It doesn't matter, just take it one step at a time.

As long as they are not evil-minded, she is willing to give them more chances.

As agreed, Murong asked her men to take half of the weapons and two-thirds of the serum and hide the rest in the air raid shelter.Meeting Shi Zhen's questioning gaze, she explained: "Leave some for others."

When you don't have that strength, going all alone will only attract all the firepower to yourself.

She has never been that greedy person.

The mistress was very reluctant to give up. He suggested to Mu Rong, but Mu Rong gave him a beating.

I had to look back three times to pick up the things I couldn't take away.

After cleaning up, they messed up the entrance of the cave to make people think it was abandoned, and then a group of people went up.

There are only a few zombies wandering around on the first floor.

However, the zombies paid no attention to them and allowed them to walk by without hesitation.

The mistress was so proud that she couldn't help but turn around and show off to Shi Zhen: "Now that you are all covered in my scent, the zombies will treat you as the same kind."

Shi Zhen looked ahead expressionlessly and ignored him at all.

This made the mistress a little uncomfortable.

Especially when Shi Zhen had to smear the sweat from his body on Shi Zhen's clothes, Shi Zhen resisted.The mistress was waiting for this moment to see her shocked and slapped in the face.result? ? ?
The mistress felt bored, snorted and ran to the front.

They planned to go to the parking lot to find a car.

If you can drive, it will definitely be easier than walking on two legs.

As a large shopping mall, Yinfeng Commercial Building was the first to be targeted.

The cars here are either abandoned or their gasoline has been taken away.

Murong and the others had already done a sweep before coming down and found nothing, so there was no need to go there now.Fortunately, Murong found a copy of the town's urban planning layout.

There is a nursing home on the edge of town.

I plan to try my luck. It would be great if there is a big truck for purchasing.

Because of the mist's aura, they were not attacked along the way, and all the zombies regarded them as nothing.

They walked for about two hours and saw the gate of the nursing home.

At this time, Xiaosanzi's superpower couldn't hold on anymore and was about to be released.

Murong saw that there was no danger, so she simply asked him to relieve himself in advance to avoid being exhausted and fainting, and requiring more time to recuperate.

The mistress didn't say anything, and immediately released the zombie simulation state and returned to his original appearance.

He is a middle school boy who looks like a high school student.

After regaining his normal appearance, he couldn't help but visit Shi Zhen again.

Are you shocked by my handsomeness?
In reality, he is a very popular idol.

As a result, Shi Zhen didn't even look at him. Instead, she frowned and looked inside the nursing home.

The mistress was very unhappy and deliberately asked: "Auntie Dahua, have you noticed anything?"

Shi Zhen nodded with a solemn expression: "There may be something big hidden inside."

"Haha, you said you were fat and you were out of breath. Don't pretend to know if you don't know? Otherwise, your teammates will be killed. I didn't sense anything. It's absolutely safe inside." After the third son finished speaking, he tilted his head towards Murong. "Boss, let's go in quickly."

Murong naturally trusts his younger brother more.

As for Wang Dahua, a newcomer entering the scene for the second time, what does she know?

Murong waved, pushed open the door of the nursing home, and was the first to walk in.

(End of this chapter)

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