Chapter 138 Battle Royale (9)

Wu Shang gestured to the three senior zombies. The three senior zombies actually understood and turned around and walked outside.

Not long after, the sound of uniform footsteps came from outside.

All the ordinary zombies were gathered together outside.

Three high-level zombies respectfully stood outside, as if they were listening to instructions.


So magical.

This scene made everyone forget to react and just stared blankly.

Finally, the mistress broke the silence with a "fuck you".

Murong looked at Zhang Yuan with fear.

Originally they had the upper hand, but now, as long as Wu Shang gives an order, zombies may surround them, and they have become a completely weak party.

Murong also responded quickly.

He immediately attacked Zhang Yuan and wanted to catch her to threaten her.

What she thought of, Zhang Yuan also thought of it.

Zhang Yuan was on guard against her.

Murong failed to succeed with his attack and asked Zhang Yuan to distance himself.Zhang Yuan proudly shouted to Wu Shang: "Call two people to come up and catch Wang Dahua!"

The zombies are scene monsters, not her little brothers, and they don’t feel bad if they are lost.

Murong and the others' expressions changed, and they cursed Zhang Yuan for being shameless.

The feeling formed a fan shape to protect Wang Dahua (Shi Zhen).

The atmosphere is tense.

At the touch of a hair.


Time passed by, but Wu Shang did not issue an order.

Zhang Yuan's smile froze and he shouted down the stairs in disbelief: "Wu Shang, what are you waiting for? Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey?"

Wu Shang's body shook a few times and he fell to the ground.

Outside, the zombies who had been waiting honestly became restless.

The three high-level zombies kept looking at the people upstairs, as if they wanted to pounce on them, but they were still too afraid to take any action.

Zhang Yuan felt so depressed.

Couldn't Wu Shang hold on for a while and then fall? ? ?
Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhang Yuan was also decisive.

She grabbed the bald man and jumped downstairs, picked up Wu Shang and ran outside.

She wanted to escape before Wu Shang's order on the zombies expired.Let Murong and the others serve as bait to help her hold back the zombie army.

I have to say that she made a good plan.

But Murong and the others are not fools, just waiting to be used by her.

Murong chased after him, trying to entangle Zhang Yuan so that the mistress and the others could run away with Wang Dahua.

As a result, I don’t know whether it was the sound of fighting that woke up the zombies or some other reason. They just had a fight on the first floor, and the zombies rioted!
A swarm of ordinary zombies rushed over.

There were also three high-level mutated zombies among them. Although Murong and Zhang Yuan were veterans with good strength, they also panicked.

Seeing that they were at a disadvantage.

High-level zombies are invulnerable and hard all over.

All their attacks took effect.

The young man's heart was twitching when he saw it. No one had the intention to care about Wang Dahua, so they all went to see them.If they weren't too weak, they would all want to jump down and join.

At this time, An Qin quietly moved to Shi Zhen's side: "Dahua, is there anything you can do?"

He asked this, but his eyes were looking at Shi Zhen's waist.

If death's scythe strikes...

Shi Zhen said directly: "I don't want to use it. If you want to use it, I'll give it to you."

How dare An Qin accept it.

He activated it once and lost half his life.

Although he later guessed that Wang Dahua could activate the sickle to harvest the lives of the crocodile monster corpses, it was all because he provided life force to the sickle.But there is no good in saying this. Instead, it exposes his weakness and lack of strength.

But forget it, Anqin is not willing to accept it.

Moreover, he suspected that Wang Dahua had hidden some key skills in using the sickle.

So I am deliberately testing it now.

The result was beyond An Qin's expectation. This rustic woman was not fooled.When he noticed that the mistress and the others were looking over, Anqin gritted his teeth, coughed twice and said, "If nothing happens to me, of course I will. I can't just watch something happen to Mu Rong."

Dahua, please help me.It will be difficult for you to clear the level after Murong is dead. "

Anqin begged with a humble look.

The mistress's eyes were on fire.

This Wang Dahua is so cold-blooded and selfish!
The boss rushed out now not because of her. Did she think she could survive if the boss died?

The mistress glanced at Shi Zhen's waist with unkind eyes.

He wanted to grab the sickle.

But the damn woman didn't know where she hid the sickle.

The mistress was about to wink at her companion and come up together.He didn't believe that the woman would not come out with the sickle in a life-or-death crisis.

An Qin saw the mistress's plan, but he didn't stop him, let alone remind him. He even coughed and backed away.

He also wanted to see what tricks Wang Dahua was hiding.

Anyone with eyes could tell that the atmosphere was not right. As Wang Dahua, Shi Zhen not only was not afraid, but also took a few steps forward.

She ignored the mistress and the others, walked to the railing, looked down, and saw that Mu Rong was in good condition.Zhang Yuan wanted to protect Wu Shang, but his bald head was injured and his combat effectiveness was reduced, making it difficult to deal with him.

Murong also deliberately lured ordinary zombies towards Zhang Yuan to increase pressure on Zhang Yuan.

In the short term, this is good for Murong.

But Zhang Yuan and the others died, and Murong faced the pressure alone.

She will be even worse.

Murong also knew this problem, but she had no choice.

Murong was desperate, thinking that if he didn't blow himself up, he could take away one-third of the zombies, which would create an opportunity for Xiaosanzi and the others.

At this time, she heard Wang Dahua calling her from above: "Take the jade basin and cooperate with the catching net."

Murong was very confused, what kind of catching net?With whom?
Zhang Yuan, who was struggling to hold on, suddenly felt a familiar thing fall into his arms.

She immediately became excited.

The thought that the catching net was taken away by Wang Dahua first came to mind, and then the words of cooperation came to mind.She reacted very quickly, used the catching net to catch three ordinary zombies and threw them towards Murong: "Catch!"

Murong thought she was going to attack him and cursed loudly.

But the phrase "get the jade basin" was engraved in her mind, and she immediately took out her jade basin and threw it at the zombies in the net.

As for urging, her ability is reserved for fighting and cannot be used.

Murong regretted it as soon as he smashed it out. He felt that he had lost his mind before listening to a new person's command.This prop is a good thing after all, don't break it.

She wanted to take it back, but the jade basin had already come into contact with the zombies.

A shocking scene happened:

The three zombies in the capture net were actually swallowed by a jade basin no bigger than a washbasin.

Not a single splash came out.

Murong was stunned, can my basin still be used like this?I do not know how?
Still studying, Zhang Yuan threw another bag over: "Catch it!"

Murong only saw a pile of ugly zombies in Wuyangyang. He had no time to analyze and quickly smashed the jade basin over.

As before, all the zombies were swallowed by the jade basin.

The jade basin rushed forward in a humane manner, as if it wanted to eat more.

Mu Rong had a thought and wanted to take the jade basin and collect it herself.But after collecting a few, she realized that this was not working and the efficiency was too low.

She could only collect them one by one, and let other zombies attack.

Unlike Zhang Yuan, he makes a fortune as soon as he makes a move.

That's cool!

Murong now understood a little bit what cooperation meant.

Fortunately, she has an open-minded personality and is not the kind of person who cares about things.Without thinking about who would benefit more from cooperation, he hurriedly approached Zhang Yuan and worked with her to clean up.

The power of the capture net was fully demonstrated at this time.

Not to mention ordinary zombies, even high-level zombies can only be honest against each other.

However, there is a problem -

Jade Pot doesn't eat high-level zombies.

What to do?

Murong and Zhang Yuan couldn't help but look upstairs, wondering if Wang Dahua could do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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